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This method will allow to accept passengers over a list of possible flights to dispatch
Request message for passenger's acceptance in one or more flights
Example for KIU_AirCheckinRQ
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_AirCheckinRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-20T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR"/> </POS> <CheckInFlightsInformation> <FlightInfo FlightRPH="1"> <CarrierInfo> <OperatingAirline> <CarrierCodeID>XX</CarrierCodeID> <CarrierShortName>LINEAS AEREAS XX</CarrierShortName> <FlightNumber>0966</FlightNumber> </OperatingAirline> </CarrierInfo> <DepartureInformation> <BoardingPoint>AEP</BoardingPoint> <DepartureDate>2016-11-21</DepartureDate> <DepartureTime>08:00</DepartureTime> </DepartureInformation> <ArrivalInformation> <BoardingOff>COR</BoardingOff> </ArrivalInformation> <Connections> <Connection CxnRPH="1"> <CarrierInfo> <OperatingAirline> <ID>XX</ID> <Name>LINEAS AEREAS XX</Name> <FlightNumber>0321</FlightNumber> </OperatingAirline> </CarrierInfo> <DepartureInformation> <BoardingPoint>COR</BoardingPoint> <DepartureDate>2016-11-21</DepartureDate> <DepartureTime>08:00</DepartureTime> </DepartureInformation> <ArrivalInformation> <BoardinOff>SLA</BoardinOff> </ArrivalInformation> </Connection> </Connections> </FlightInfo> </CheckInFlightsInformation> <AirTravellerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="001"> <PassengerName> <GivenName>TEST</GivenName> <MiddleName>J</MiddleName> <Surname>TESTE</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <ID>NI</ID> <Number>12345678963</Number> </FOID> <FrecuentTravellerInfo> <ProgramID>XX</ProgramID> <MembershipID>1234569877</MembershipID> </FrecuentTravellerInfo> <Gender>M</Gender> <BookingInfo> <BookingReferenceID> <ID>XXXXXX</ID> </BookingReferenceID> <TicketInfo> <IssuedTicket>true</IssuedTicket> <Number>9915469872134</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInfo> </BookingInfo> <SeatInformation> <SeatBoardingInfo> <BoardingPriority></BoardingPriority> <BoardingZone></BoardingZone> <SeatAssign FlightRPHID="1"> <Row></Row> <Column></Column> <SeatCharasteristics> <Charasteristic> <Type></Type> <Description></Description> </Charasteristic> </SeatCharasteristics> </SeatAssign> </SeatBoardingInfo> </SeatInformation> </PassengerInfo> </AirTravellerInfo> </KIU_AirCheckinRQ>
KIU_AirCheckinRQ Elements of the request.
- POS: Element that groups all the information regarding the point of sale where the request is made.
- Source: Contains the data for the point of sale or POS.
- AgentSine: Alphanumeric [9]. Identifies the agent that makes the request.
- TerminalID: Alphanumeric[10]. Identifying code for the device where the request is made.
- ISOCountry: Alphabetic [2]. ISO code of the country where the request is made.
- CheckinFlightInformation: Element that groups the flight information for the check in.
- FlightInfo: Mandatory. Repetitive. Element that groups all the unique flight information on dispatch process.
- FlightRPH: Attribute. Required. Integer. Designated number for the segment for the DSS system, the answer comes from KIU_AirTravelerCheckin SegmentUPID.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the transporter information.
- OperatingCarrier: Element that list the flight information.
- CarrierCode: Alphabetic [2]. Mandatory. Airline code that operates the flight.
- CarrierShortName: Alphabetic [30].Optional. Airline Name
- FlightNumber: Numeric [4]. Dispatch flight number
- OperatingCarrier: Element that list the flight information.
- DepartureInformation: Element that list the information for the segment origin.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic [3]. Mandatory. ISO code. Origin Airport.
- DepartureDate: Date. Mandatory. Departure Date.
- DepartureTime: Optional. Departure time.
- ArrivalInformation: Element that lists the arrival information.
- BoardingOff: Alphabetic [3]. IATA code, arrival airport.
- Connections: Optional. Element that lists the connecting segments for the main flight.
- Connection: Element that describes the flight on a singular connection. Repetitive for each connecting flight associated to the main flight.
- CxnRPH: Integer [1]. Identifies the first connecting flight.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the carrier information.
- OperatingCarrier: Element that lists the flight information.
- CarrierCode: Alphabetic [2]. Mandatory. Airline code operating the flight.
- CarrierShortName: Alphabetic [30].Optional.Airline name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric [4]. Flight number
- OperatingCarrier: Element that lists the flight information.
- DepartureInformation: Element that lists the information for the origin of the flight.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic [3]. Mandatory. IATA code for the origin airport.
DepartureDate: Date. Mandatory. Departure date. - DepartureTime: Time. Opcional. Departure time.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic [3]. Mandatory. IATA code for the origin airport.
- ArrivalInformation: Element that list the arrival information.
- BoardingOff: Alphabetic [3]. IATA Code arrival airport.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the carrier information.
- CxnRPH: Integer [1]. Identifies the first connecting flight.
- Connection: Element that describes the flight on a singular connection. Repetitive for each connecting flight associated to the main flight.
- FlightInfo: Mandatory. Repetitive. Element that groups all the unique flight information on dispatch process.
- AirTravellerInfo: Element that groups the passenger information when acceptance is requested within the list.
- PassengerInfo: Element that groups the information by a particular passenger.
- PsgrRPH: Alphanumeric [from 1 to 9999] . Mandatory. Belongs to UPID (Unique Passenger ID) that KIU RES generates and it is informed on the method KIU_AirTravellerCheckinInfo It will be associated to each check in transaction that the passenger makes.
- PassengerName: Element that groups the passengers name information.
- GivenName: Alphabetic [30]. Optional. First name
- MiddleName: Alphabetic [30]. Optional. Middle name
- Surname: Alphabetic [30]. Mandatory. Last Name.
- FOID: Optional. Element that groups the identification information.
- ID: Alphabetic [2].FOID Code according to IATA Standard (NI: National Identity Document, PP: Passport, DL: Drivers Licence, ID: Locally Defined ID Number, TN: Ticket Number, CN: Confirmation Number or Record Locator, CC: Credit Card Number, FF: Frequent Flyer Number). The last two types (CC y FF) should be mandatory followed by two extra characters that identify the entity that issued the credit card (for example CCVI: Visa credit card), or the code for the airline which the frequent flyer program belongs to (for example FFXX: XX Airlines frequent flyer program).
- Number: Alphanumeric [10]. ID number.
- FrecuentTravellerInfo: Optional. Element that groups the frequent flyer information.
- ProgramID: Alphanumeric [2]: Carrier code owner for the frequent flyer program.
- MembershipID: Alphanumeric [22]. ID number for the frequent flyers program.
- Gender: Optional. Alphabetic[1]. Passengers gender (M: Male; F: Female; U: Undisclosed).
- BookingInfo: Mandatory. Element that groups the booking information.
- BookingReference: Mandatory. Element that contains the booking code information.
- ID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [6]. Booking code belonging to the passenger.
- BookingReference: Mandatory. Element that contains the booking code information.
- TicketInfo: Optional. Element that contains the information of the issued ticket for the passenger
- IssuedTicket: Boolean. Indicator for issued ticket.
- Number: Integer [13]. Passengers ticket number.
- TicketCouponNbr: Integer [].Optional. Passengers coupon number.
- SeatInformation: Optional. Passengers seat information.
- SeatBoardingInfo: Element that groups the issued boarding pass.
- BoardingPriority: Optional Alphanumeric [2]. Assigned boarding priority.
- BoardingZone: Optional. Alphanumeric [2]. Boarding Zone.
- SeatAssign: Element that groups the assigned seat information for the passenger (This element refers to PRS o Pre-Reserved Seat).
- Row: Numeric [3]. Row number where the seat is placed.
- Column: Alphabetic [1]. Name of the column where the seat is placed.
- SeatCharacteristics: Element that groups the seat characteristics.
- Characteristic: Element that contains the characteristics.
- Type: Alphanumeric [2]. Seat characteristics according to the AAH table from IATA.
- Description: Alphanumeric [30]. Characteristics description.
- Characteristic: Element that contains the characteristics.
- SeatBoardingInfo: Element that groups the issued boarding pass.
- PassengerInfo: Element that groups the information by a particular passenger.
Example for KIU_AirCheckinRS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><KIU_AirCheckinRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2018-09-20T15:01:54+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1"> <Success/><CheckInFlightsInformation> <FlightsInfo FlightRPH="1"> <CarrierInfo> <OperatingAirline> <CarrierCodeID>XX</CarrierCodeID> <CarrierShortName/> <FlightNumber>4321</FlightNumber> </OperatingAirline> <DepartureInformation> <BoardingPoint>AEP</BoardingPoint> <BoardingDate>2018-09-21</BoardingDate> </DepartureInformation> </CarrierInfo> <PassengerList> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="001"/> <Order>008</Order> <BookingId>JFOHUO</BookingId> <PassengerSurname>AZCURRA DURANONA</PassengerSurname> <PassengerName>SERGIO ALEJANDRINO</PassengerName> <PTC>ADT</PTC> <Gender>Male</Gender> <PassengerFoid>PP 43309256</PassengerFoid> <PassengerDestination>OYO</PassengerDestination> <PassengerCheckin>OK</PassengerCheckin> <Cabin> <Code>Y</Code> <Description>Economy</Description> </Cabin> <ResBookingDesig>Y</ResBookingDesig> <PartyGroupChk/> <SeatNumber>8A</SeatNumber> <IsSelectee>false</IsSelectee> <SelecteeIndicator/> <BaggageInformation> <BagUnit>0</BagUnit> <BagWeigth>0</BagWeigth> <BagaggeInterruptAirport/> <IsBaggagePool>false</IsBaggagePool> <BagTagInformation/> </BaggageInformation> <PsgrWeight>0</PsgrWeight> <PsgrCategory/> <PrintPsgrBoard/> <PsgrRemark/> <TSADescription/> <TSAFreeText/> <WarningPsgrInformation/> <CarrierChangedPrints>N</CarrierChangedPrints> <PrintBoardingData> <BoardingPass> <BoardingPassVersion/> <RecordLocator> <ID>JFOHUO/C1</ID> <Coupon>JFOHUO/C1</Coupon> </RecordLocator> <FlightCarrier>XX </FlightCarrier> <FlightNumber>4321</FlightNumber> <BookingClass>Y</BookingClass> <BoardinDate>21SEP</BoardinDate> <BoardingTime>0915</BoardingTime> <ScheduledTime>0725</ScheduledTime> <ScheduledDate>14DEC</ScheduledDate> <PresentationAirportDate>14DEC</PresentationAirportDate> <PresentationAirportTime>0610</PresentationAirportTime> <EstimatedDepartureDate>14DEC</EstimatedDepartureDate> <EstimatedDepartureTime>0725</EstimatedDepartureTime> <DepartureAirportCode>AEP</DepartureAirportCode> <ArrivalAirportCode>OYO</ArrivalAirportCode> <PsgrName>AZCURRA DURANONA/SERGIO ALEJANDRINO</PsgrName> <PsgrFOID>PP 43309256 </PsgrFOID> <FrecuentFlyerReference> <Carrier>XX</Carrier> <Reference>000321</Reference> <TIER>PREMIUM </TIER> </FrecuentFlyerReference> <SecuritySelectee/> <TerminalInfomration> <Gate> </Gate> </TerminalInfomration> <Seat>8A</Seat> <BaggageReference>00/000</BaggageReference> <BoardingNumber/> <SequenceNumber>008</SequenceNumber> <ETicketNumber>9990210013205</ETicketNumber> <AgentCheckIn>AEP00XXSM</AgentCheckIn> <BarCode2DInfo>M1AZCURRA DURANONA/SEREJFOHUO AEPOYOXX 4321 264Y008A0008 148>3180WW8263BXX 2A999021001320500 XX 000321/PREMIUM N#</BarCode2DInfo> <DepartureAirportName>BUENOS AIRES </DepartureAirportName> <ArrivalAirportName>TRES ARROYOS </ArrivalAirportName> <BoardingGroupName>GROUP</BoardingGroupName> <BoardingGroupIdentifier>A1</BoardingGroupIdentifier> <FlightAdditionalInfo/> </BoardingPass> </PrintBoardingData> </PassengerList> </FlightsInfo> </CheckInFlightsInformation></KIU_AirCheckinRS>
Element for the message KIU_AirCheckinRS
- Success: Element that indicates the state of the answer from de API. Should there be an error, the answer will be ERROR.
- CheckinFlightsInformation: Element that groups the flight checkin information and the according passengers.
- FlightInfo: Element that groups the flights information.
- FlightRPH: Integer. Flights ID. Type UniqueID.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the transporter/flight information for the segment.
- OperatingAirline: Element that groups the flight information where the accepting of the passenger was processed.
- CarrierCodeID: Alphanumeric [2]. Airline ISO Code.
- CarrierShortName: Alphanumeric [20]. Airline Name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric [4]. Flight number.
- DepartureInformation: Element that contains the information regarding the departure of the flight.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic [3]. ISO Code for the departure airport. Boarding point.
- BoardingDate: Date. Departure Date.
- OperatingAirline: Element that groups the flight information where the accepting of the passenger was processed.
- PassengerList: Accepted passengers for the reference flight.
- PassengerInfo: Information of the accepted passenger.
- PsgrRPH: Integer [4]. ID code for the passenger for the sistema KIU RES.
- Order: Numeric [4]. Passengers acceptance order number.
- BookingID: Alphanumeric [6]. Booking code associated to the passenger.
- PassengerSurname: Alphabetic [15]. Last name of the accepted passenger.
- PassengerName: Alphabetic [15]. Name of the accepted passenger.
- PTC: Alphabetic [3]. Standar code for the type of passenger (ADT: Adult; CNN: Minor/Child; INF: Infant / baby).
- Gender: Alphabetic . Passengers gender (Male; Female; Unknown).
- PassengerFoid: Alphanumeric [12]. Passengers FOID.
- PassengerDestination: Alphabetic [3]. Destination point of the passenger.
- PassengerCheckin: Alphabetic . Check in status for the passenger.
- Cabin: Element that groups the cabin information where the passenger is accepted.
- Code: Alphabetic [1]. Cabin Code.
- Description: Alphabetic [10]. Cabin name.
- ResBookingDesig: Alphabetic[1]. Booking code.
- PartyGroupCheck: Alphanumeric [3]. Group code if the checkin is shared with another passengers.
- SeatNumber: Alphanumeric [4]. Seat Assigned.
- IsSelectee: Boolean [true| false]. Indicates if the passengers has been selected as "Selectee"
- SelecteeIndicator: Alphanumeric [10]. Tipe of Selectee passenger.
- BaggageInformation: Element that gathers baggage information.
- BagUnit: Numeric [1,2,3... ]. Amount of luggage.
- BagWeigth: Numeric [1-100]. Luggage weight.
- BaggageInterruptAirport: Alphabetic [3]. ISO Code for the interrupt airport for the luggage.
- IsBaggagePool: Boolean [true|false]. Indicates if the declared luggage is pool amongst other passengers.
- BagTagInformation: Alphanumeric [10]. Bag Tag ID
- PsgrWeigth: Integer [1-100]. Passengers weight if declared.
- PsgrCategory: Alphanumeric [3]. Passenger Category.
- PrintPsgrBoard: Alphanumeric . If boarding pass has been printed.
- PsgrRemark: Alphanumeric special [50]. Remark for passenger.
- TSADescription: Alphanumeric . Passenger description on TSA/DHS.
- TSAFreeText: Alphanumeric . Information regarding TSA.
- WarningPsgrInformation: Alphanumeric [50]. Specific alert for the passenger.
- CarrierChangedPrints: Boolean [Y/N]. Indicates if passenger changes printer.
- PrintBoardingData: Element that groups the information included on the issued boarding pass.
- BoardingPass: Element that groups the specific information of each boarding pass.
- BoardingPassVersion: Alphanumeric [2]. Information of the boarding pass version implemented by the carrier.
- RecordLocator: Element that describes the booking code associated to the passenger on KIU RES.
- ID: Alphanumeric [6] Booking code.
- Coupon: Alphanumeric especial [12]. Cupon code for the reference booking including the accepted segment.
- FlightCarrier: Alphanumeric [2]. Carrier code.
- FlightNumber: Numeric [4]. Flight number.
- BoardinDate: Alphanumeric[5]. Boarding date.
- BoardingTime: Numeric [4]. Boarding time.
- ScheduledTime: Numeric [4]. Schedule time for the departure.
- ScheduledDate: Alphanumeric [5]. Schedule date for the departure.
- PresentationAirportDate: Alphanumeric [5]. Presentation date at the airport.
- PresentationAirportTime: Numeric [4]. Presentation time at the airport.
- EstimatedDepartureDate: Alphanumeric [5]. Estimated departure date.
- EstimatedDepartureTime: Numeric [4]. Estimated departure time.
- DepartureAirportCode: Alphabetic [3]. ISO code for the depature airport.
- ArrivalAirportCode: Alphabetic [3]. ISO ccode for the arrival airport.
- PsgrName: Alphabetic special [30]. Name and last name for the passenger as it will be printed on the boarding pass.
- PsgrFoid: Alphanumeric [12]. Code and FOID number.
- FrecuentFlyerReference: Element that groups the frequent flyers information.
- Carrier: Alphanumeric [2]. Airline code number.
- Reference: Numeric [12]. Frequent flyers number.
- TIER: Alphanumeric [7]. Optional. Frequent flyer passenger Category.
- SecuritySelectee: Alphanumeric . Indicates Selectee passenger.
- TerminalInformation: Optional. Element that groups the device information loaded for the flight.
- Gate: Alphanumeric [3]. Boarding door number designated for the flight.
- Seat: Alphanumeric [4]. Seat selected for the passenger.
- BoardingGroupName: Alphanumeric [20]. Boarding group name.
- BoardingGroupIdentifier: Alphanumeric [4]. Identifying code name for the boarding group.
- FlightAdditionalInfo: Alphanumeric [30]. Name of the operating airline when is different of the marketing airline.
- BagaggeReference: Special. Indicate the baggage reference.
- BoardinNumber: Integer [6]. Boarding Pass number.
- ETicketNumber: Integer [13]. Ticket number issued for the passenger.
- AgentCheckIn: Alphanumeric [10]. User ID number that performed the transaction for KIU RES.
- BarCode2DInfo: Alphanumeric [50]. Information regarding the 2D bar corde that prints the boarding pass.
- DepartureAirportName: Alphabetic[20]. Departure airport name.
- ArrivalAirportName: Alphabetic [20]. Arrival airport name.
- BoardingPass: Element that groups the specific information of each boarding pass.
- FlightInfo: Element that groups the flights information.
, multiple selections available,
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