KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRQ/RS - EN
This method call returns all the origin-destinations that an airline sells. It includes direct flights and flights of up to two (2) connections considering the configurations setted of the T*ALL/X table as connection time.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2019-09-09T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS"/> </POS> <MarketingCarrier Code=XX""/> <DepartureInformation LocationCode="AEP"/> </KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRQ>
KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRQ Components
- POS: Element that groups the information of the Point of sale where the request is made.
- Source: Contains the information of the point of sale or POS.
- AgentSine: Alphanumeric (9). Identifies the agent that makes the request.
TerminalID: Alphanumeric (10). Identifies the device where the request is made.
- Source: Contains the information of the point of sale or POS.
- MarketingCarrier: Complex element. Required. Contains the information of the airline that is showing their content.
- Code: Attribute. Required. AN (2-3). Carrier code.
- DepartureInformation: Complex element. Optional. It allows filtering routes taking into consideration the point of origin. The result will only return those destinations that can be combined with that point of origin.
- LocationCode: Attribute. Required. A (3-4). Departure airport.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRS xmlns:ns="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" Version="3.0" EchoToken="123123123" PrimaryLangID="EN-us" Target="Production" TimeStamp="2017-11-11T20:00:08"> <Success/> <Warnings> <Warning Type="1" >TEXTO</Warning> </Warnings> <OriginDestinationsInformation> <OriginDestinationOption> <DepartureInformation LocationReferenceID="AUA_0"> <Country>AW</Country> <CountryName>ARUBA</CountryName> <LocationCode LocationIata="true">AUA</LocationCode> <LocationName>REINA BEATRIX INTL</LocationName> <LocationCity LocationIata="true">AUA</LocationCity> <LocationCityName>ARUBA</LocationCityName> </DepartureInformation> <ArrivalInformation LocationReferenceID="JBQ_0"> <Country>DO</Country> <CountryName>DOMINICAN REPUBLIC</CountryName> <LocationCode LocationIata="true">JBQ</LocationCode> <LocationName>DR. JOAQUIN BALAGUER AIRPORT</LocationName> <LocationCity LocationIata="true">JBQ</LocationCity> <LocationCityName>SANTO DOMINGO</LocationCityName> </ArrivalInformation> <Connections>1</Connections> <ConnectionsLocations> <ConnectionLocation LocationReferenceID="PAP_0"> <Country>HT</Country> <CountryName>HAITI</CountryName> <LocationCode LocationIata="true">PAP</LocationCode> <LocationName>MAIS GATE</LocationName> <LocationCity LocationIata="true">PAP</LocationCity> <LocationCityName>PORT AU PRINCE</LocationCityName> </ConnectionLocation> </ConnectionsLocations> </OriginDestinationOption> </OriginDestinationsInformation> </KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRS>
KIU_GetOriginDestinationInfoRS Components
Success: Element. Choice. Indicates a successfull process of the method call.
Warnings: Complex element. Choice. Contains warnings of the process of the method call.
Warning. Element. Complex content. Contains a specific definition of each warning.
Type: Attribute. Optional. Integer. Contains an integer that identifies the type of warning.
OriginDestinationsInformation: Complex element. Contains the detail of the marketing destinations of the airline.
OriginDestinationInformation: Complex element. Contains the detail of an origin/destination.
DepartureInformation: Complex element. Contains the detail of the origin.
LocationReferenceID: Attribute. Required. Contains the location reference ID.
Country: Element. Simple. Contains the ISO code of the country.
CountryName: Element. Simple. Contains the name of the country.
LocationCode: Element. Complex content. Contains the airport code.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicate the IATA location.
LocationName: Element. Simple. Airport name.
LocationCity: Element. Complex content. Contains the code of the city associated to the location.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicate the iata location.
LocationCityName: Element. Simple. City Name.
ArrivalInformation: Complex element. Contains the detail of the destination.
LocationReferenceID: Attribute. Required. Contains the reference ID of the location.
Country: Element. Simple. Contains the ISO code of the country.
CountryName: Element. Simple. Contains the name of the country.
LocationCode: Element. Complex content. Contains the airport code.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicates the IATA location.
LocationName: Element. Simple. Airport name.
LocationCity: Element. Complex content. Contains the code of the city associated to the location.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicates the IATA location.
LocationCityName: Element. Simple. City Name.
Connections: Element. Simple. Amount of connections required to join an origin destination.
ConnectionsLocations: Complex element. Optional. Contains the details of connection locations for a route.
ConnectionLocation: Complex element. Contains the description of a connection location.
LocationReferenceID: Attribute. Required. Contains the reference ID for the location.
Country: Element. Simple. Contains the ISO code for the country.
CountryName: Element. Simple. Contains the name of the country.
LocationCode: Element. Complex content. Contains the airport code.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicates the IATA Location.
LocationName: Element. Simple. Airport Name.
LocationCity: Element. Complex content. Contains the city code for the location.
LocationIata: Attribute. Boolean. Indicates the IATA location.
LocationCityName: Element. Simple. City name.