


Through this method, the deployment of the seat map is obtained, either by cabin or by full flight.



KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ - Full


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ Version="4.0" EchoToken="1" SequenceNmbr="1" Target="Production" TimeStamp="2016-10-30T09:00:00Z" TransactionStatusCode="Start" PrimaryLangID="EN-US">     <POS>         <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR"/>     </POS>     <AirTravellerInfo>         <AirTraveler>             <RecognizedTraveler ObjectKey="P1">                 <PTC>ADT</PTC>                 <Age>                     <BirthDate>1973-10-30</BirthDate>                 </Age>                 <Name>                     <Surname>NIZETICH</Surname>                     <Given>GERARDO</Given>                     <Middle>O</Middle>                 </Name>                 <Gender>Male</Gender>                 <FQTVs>                     <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>                     <ProgramID>12365465654654</ProgramID>                 </FQTVs>                 <FOIDs>                     <FOID>                         <Type>                             <Code>NI</Code>                         </Type>                         <ID>2351647898</ID>                         <Issuer></Issuer>                     </FOID>                 </FOIDs>                 <Contacts>                     <Contact>                         <EmailContact>                             <Application>Business</Application>                             <Address>GNIZETICH@KIUSYS.COM</Address>                         </EmailContact>                         <PhoneContact>                             <Application> Home</Application>                             <Number>5411413258964</Number>                         </PhoneContact>                         <Name>                             <Surname>RUBIO</Surname>                             <Given>NATALIA</Given>                         </Name>                     </Contact>                 </Contacts>                 <Remarks>                     <Remark>TEXT REFERRED TO THE PASSENGER</Remark>                 </Remarks>             </RecognizedTraveler>         </AirTraveler>     </AirTravellerInfo>     <Query>         <BookingReference>             <ID>XXXXXX</ID>             <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>         </BookingReference>         </Query>     <DataLists>         <FlightSegmentList>             <FlightSegment SegmentKey="SEG1" SegmentRPH="1">                 <Departure>                     <AirportCode>AEP</AirportCode>                     <Date>2016-10-30</Date>                     <Time>08:00</Time>                 </Departure>                 <Arrival>                     <AirportCode>SLA</AirportCode>                     <Date>2016-10-30</Date>                     <Time>09:55</Time>                     <ChangeOfDay>0</ChangeOfDay>                 </Arrival>                 <MarketingCarrier>                     <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>                     <FlightNumber>9664</FlightNumber>                     <ResBookDesigCode>B</ResBookDesigCode>                 </MarketingCarrier>             </FlightSegment>         </FlightSegmentList>         <FlightList>             <Flight>                 <SegmentReference OffPoint="" OnPoint="" FltNbr="">                    <Date>2016-10-30</Date>                 </SegmentReference>             </Flight>         </FlightList>     </DataLists> </KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ>


Message elements and Validation Logic

  • POS: Mandatory. Element that contains the information of the requesting user.

    • Source: Mandatory. Element that contains the description and data of the user required.

      • AgentSine: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [9]. Designation of the user in the system.

      • TerminalID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [10]. Terminal assigned to Webservices by the user.

    • AirTravelerInfo: Optional. Element that contains the list of passengers. To implement in the future.

      • AirTraveler: Mandatory. Element that contains the detailed information of each passenger.

        • RecognizedTraveler: Optional. Element that contains the information of a determined and identified passenger.

          • ObjectKey: Mandatory. IDREF attribute for references of the intrinsic object of the message.

          • PTC: Mandatory. Alphabetical [3]. Type of passenger (ADT: Adult, CNN: Minor, INF: Infant).

          • Age: Mandatory. Element that contains the information of the date of birth of the passenger.

            • BirthDate: Mandatory. ISO date.

          • Name: Mandatory. Element that contains the identification of the passenger's name and surname.

            • Surname: Mandatory. Alphabetical [18]. Passenger's last name

            • Given: Mandatory. Alphabetical [18]. First name of the passenger..

            • Middle: Optional. Alphabetical [18]. Second name of the passenger.

          • Gender: Mandatory. Alphabetical. List of values (Male: Male, Female: Female, Undisclosure: Not Declared).

          • FQTVs: Optional. Repetitive. Element that contains frequent passenger program / s information.

            • AirlineID: Alphanumeric [2]. IATA code of the airline. Indicates the affiliation program.

            • ProgramID: Alphanumeric [12]. ID of the passenger program.

          • FOIDs: Mandatory. Element that groups information about the passenger's FOID..

            • FOID: Mandatory. Element that groups the individual information of each type of FOID and the related data.

            • Type: Mandatory. Element that identifies the type of FOID.

              • Code: Alphabetical [2]. FOID type code for the system. Values: NI (National Identification), ID (ID Number), PP (Passport).

            • ID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [12]. Identification ID

            • Issuer: Optional. Alphanumeric. Entity that issued the document.

            • Contacts: Mandatory. Element that groups list of contacts.

              • Contact: Element that groups the individual description of each contact.

                • EmailContact: Optional. Element that declares the contact email.

                  • Application: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [12]. Type of contact (Business, Private).

                  • Address: Mandatory. E-mail. Email address of the user.

                • PhoneContact: Mandatory. Element that contains the information of the user's contact phone.

                  • Application: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [12]. Type of contact (Business, Home, Mobile, Emergency).

                  • Number: Integer [15]. Phone number.

                • Name: Optional. Element that contains the emergency contact name. If the Application value entered is Emergency, Name is mandatory.

                  • Surname: Mandatory [15]. Last name of the emergency contact.

                  • Given: Mandatory [15]. Name of the emergency contact.

            • Remarks: Optional. Element that contains comments regarding the passenger.

              • Remark: Alphanumeric [80]. Comment regarding the passenger.

    • Query: Element that groups information regarding the content requirement. It is required as mandatory if FlightSegmentList is declared.

      • BookingReference: Mandatory. Element that contains the information of the reservation where the passengers are.

        • ID: Alphanumeric [7]. Reservation code.

        • AirlineID: Alphanumeric [2]. IATA code of the airline.

    • DataLists: Mandatory. Element that contains the data of the content to request. It contains the option of two types of information requirement.

      • FlightSegmentList: Optional. Element that contains the list of segments to require content.

        • FlightSegment: Repetitive. Element that describes the individual segment where content is required.

          • SegmentKey: Mandatory. Object reference ID intrinsically in the message.

          • SegmentRPH: Mandatory. Integer [1, 2, 3 ...]. Order number of the itinerary segment.

          • Departure: Element that groups the source information of the segment.

            • AirportCode: Mandatory. IATA code of the departure airport.

            • Date: Mandatory. ISO departure date.

            • Time: Mandatory. Segment departure schedule.

          • Arrival: Element that groups the arrival information of the segment.

            • AirportCode: Mandatory. Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the arrival airport.

            • Date: Optional. ISO arrival date.

            • Time: Optional. Arrival schedule.

            • ChangeOfDay: Mandatory. Integer [0, 1, 2, 3 ...]. Indicator of day difference between departure and arrival.

          • MarketingAirline: Mandatory. Element that groups the information of the seller of the flight.

            • AirlineID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [2]. IATA code of the airline.

            • FlightNumber: Mandatory. Numeric [4]. Flight identification number.

            • ResBookinDesigCode: Optional. Alphabetical [1]. Segment reservation class.

      • FlightList: Optional. Element that groups list of flights to require seat.

        • Flight: Mandatory. Element that contains a singular flight.

          • OffPoint: Mandatory. Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the flight departure airport.

          • OnPoint: Mandatory. Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the flight arrival airport.

          • FltNbr: Mandatory. Whole [4]. Flight number of the segment.

          • Date: Mandatory. ISO date of the flight.

Requests Examples


KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ – Per flight


<KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="4.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" TransactionStatusCode="Start">     <POS>         <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />     </POS>     <Query>         <BookingReference>             <ID>KVEXJJ</ID>             <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>         </BookingReference>     </Query>     <DataLists>         <FlightList>             <Flight>                 <SegmentReferences OffPoint="EZE" OnPoint="MAD" FltNbr="800">                     <Date>2017-06-20</Date>                 </SegmentReferences>             </Flight>         </FlightList>     </DataLists> </KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ>


KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ – Per Segment


<KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="4.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" TransactionStatusCode="Start">     <POS>         <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />     </POS>     <Query>         <BookingReference>             <ID>KVEXJJ</ID>             <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>         </BookingReference>     </Query>     <DataLists>         <FlightSegmentList>             <FlightSegment SegmentKey="SEG1" SegmentRPH="1">                 <Departure>                     <AirportCode>EZE</AirportCode>                     <Date>2017-06-15</Date>                     <Time>13:00</Time>                 </Departure>                 <Arrival>                     <AirportCode>MAD</AirportCode>                     <Date>2017-06-15</Date>                     <Time>23:00</Time>                                                                             </Arrival>                 <MarketingCarrier>                     <AirlineID>XX</AirlineID>                     <FlightNumber>0800</FlightNumber>                     <ResBookDesigCode>Y</ResBookDesigCode>                 </MarketingCarrier>             </FlightSegment>         </FlightSegmentList>     </DataLists> </KIU_SeatAvailabilityRQ>


Examples of the Message

KIU_SeatAvailabilityRS - Full


Elements of the Message

Elements of the message KIU_SeatAvailabilityRS

  • Document: Element that describes the name of the method and version implemented.

    • Name: Alphanumeric [20]. Name of the method document.

    • ReferenceVersion: Decimal [4]. Reference version implemented.

  • Success: Element that indicates the status of the processing of the request.

  • Errors: Element that indicates processing error.

    • Error: Individual element indicating the processing error

      • Code: Integer [6]. Error number referenced.

  • Warnings: Element present in case of Success. Warnings associated with processing.

    • Warning: Repetitive element that describes the warning associated with processing.

      • Code: Integer [6]. Reference number associated with the warning.

  • Flights: Element that contains the description by flight of the cabins.

    • FlightReference: Flight reference element for the displayed cabins.

      • OffPoint: Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the departure city of the flight.

      • OnPoint: Alphabetical (3). ISO code of the city of arrival of the flight.

      • SegmentRPHRef: Integer. Reference ID for the specific flight details of the FlightSegmentList Node.

    • Cabin: Repetitive. Element that contains the layout information of each cabin.

      • CabinRPH: Integer. Element reference ID for internal associations of the method.

        • Code: Alphabetical [2]. Cab designation code according to IATA standard (F: First, C: Business, Y: Economy).

        • Definition: Alphabetic [12]. Description of the marketing name of the cabin.

        • CabinLayout: Element that contains the information of the arrangement of the elements or sections in the cabin.

          • WingPosition: Element that contains the location description of wing area. Only present if the cabin is on them.

            • Rows: Element that groups the description of the rows that make up the object.

              • First: First row, start of the object.

              • Last: Last row, end of the object.

          • ExitRowPosition: Element that contains the description of the location of the emergency exits. Only present if the cabin contains them.

            • Rows: Element that contains the location of rows of the object.

              • First: First row, start of the object.

              • Last: Last row, end of the object.

  • SeatDisplay: Element that contains the layout of the columns that contain the seats.

    • Columns: Element that informs the designation of the column.

      • Position: Attribute that contains the location of the column. Possible values supported: W (Window), 9 (Center), A (Isolate).

      • Rows: Element that contains the rows that make up the cabin.

        • First: Start row of the cabin.

        • Last: End row of the cabin.

  • DataLists: Element that contains the description of the components of the flight.

    • FlightSegmentList: Element that contains the segment / s that make up the flight / itinerary.

      • FlightSegment: Individual element that informs the details of the seatMap flight required.

        • SegmentRPH: Integer [3]. Order number and reference ID of the segment / flight.

        • Departure: Element that groups the origin information of the segment.

          • AirportCode: Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the departure airport.

          • Date: Departure ISO date.

          • Time: Optional. Segment departure schedule.

        • Arrival: Element that groups the arrival information of the segment.

          • AirportCode: Alphabetical [3]. IATA code of the arrival airport.

          • Date: Optional. ISO arrival date.

          • Time: Optional. Arrival schedule.

          • ChangeOfDay: Integer [0, 1, 2, 3 ...]. Indicator of day difference between departure and arrival.

        • MarketingAirline: Element that groups the information of the seller of the flight.

          • AirlineID: Alphanumeric [2]. IATA code of the airline.

          • FlightNumber: Numeric [4]. Flight identification number.

          • ResBookinDesigCode: Optional. Alphabetical [1]. Segment reservation class, associated with a request by reserved segment.

      • SeatList: Element that groups the information of each row, its corresponding seats and characteristics of each one.

        • Seats: Element that describes each seat.

          • ListKey: Integer. IDREF Reference ID of the list for method associations.

          • CabinRefs: Integer. IDREF Reference to the cabin where the row is located.

          • Location: Element that contains the information of the vector where the seat is located.

            • Column: Alphabetical [1]. Designation of column where the seat is.

            • Row: Integer. The row number where the seat is located.

              • Number: Integer. Row number.

            • Status: Element that contains a character that identifies the state of the seat (F: Free, O: Occupied).

            • SSRCode: Element. Alphanumeric [4]. SSR code (SpecialServiceRequest) associated with the seat.

            • SSRCommercialName: Element. Alphanumeric. Commercial name associated with the seat.

§ Characteristics: List of description of the characteristics of the seat.

  • Characteristic: Repetitive. Contains the description of each seating feature.

    • Code: Alpha-numeric [3]. Seat characteristic code according to the IATA list of SubSet AAH code.

Description: Alphanumeric. Description Marketing of the property according to the reported code





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