

able of contents

Purpose of method::

Allow users to:

  • Issue tickets on reservation.
  • Issue full exchange tickets.


Example cases:

KIU_AirDemandTicket - Issue with CreditCard
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <DemandTicketDetail TourCode="">
        <BookingReferenceID ID="EKVXLW">
            <CompanyName Code="XX" />
           <ValidatingCarrier Code="V5"/>
        <PaymentInfo PaymentType="5">
            <CreditCardInfo CardType="1" CardCode="IK" CardNumber="0123456789012345" SeriesCode="123" ExpireDate="1212" ApprovalCode="1234567"/>
            <ValueAddedTax VAT="" />
        <Endorsement Info="THIS TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE" />

KIU_AirDemandTicket - Issue with accounting code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
      <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
         <RequestorID Type="5" />
         <BookingChannel Type="1" />
   <DemandTicketDetail TourCode="">
      <BookingReferenceID ID="EKVXLW">
         <CompanyName Code="XX" />
      <PaymentInfo PaymentType="34" InvoiceCode="ACME">
         <ValueAddedTax VAT="" />
      <Endorsement Info="THIS TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE" />

KIU_AirDemandTicket - Issue with miscellaneous charge
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
      <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
         <RequestorID Type="5" />
         <BookingChannel Type="1" />
   <DemandTicketDetail TourCode="">
      <BookingReferenceID ID="EKVXLW">
         <CompanyName Code="XX" />
      <PaymentInfo PaymentType="37" MiscellaneousCode="PP" Text="PAGO CON PAYPAL">
         <ValueAddedTax VAT="" />
      <Endorsement Info="THIS TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE" />

KIU_AirDemandTicket - Issue with check payment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
      <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX412" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
         <RequestorID Type="5" />
         <BookingChannel Type="1" />
   <DemandTicketDetail TourCode="">
      <BookingReferenceID ID="AJPRVO">
         <CompanyName Code="XX" />
      <PaymentInfo PaymentType="7">
         <Check CheckNumber="123456789" />
         <ValueAddedTax VAT="" />
      <Endorsement Info="THIS TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE" />

KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ - Exchange + Credit card
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-25T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" Type="Exchange">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <DemandTicketDetail TourCode="">
        <BookingReferenceID ID="XCGLNI">
            <CompanyName Code="XX" />
        <PaymentInfo PaymentType="39" TicketNumber="9990220005407" CouponList="1" Amount="1601.52" PassengerRPH="1"></PaymentInfo>
        <PaymentInfo PaymentType="5">
            <CreditCardInfo CardType="1" CardCode="TN" CardNumber="4242424242424242" SeriesCode="123" ExpireDate="1216" ExtendedPaymentCode="1" ApprovalCode="1234567"/>
            <ValueAddedTax VAT="" />
        <Endorsement Info="THIS TICKET IS NONREFUNDABLE" />

Description of XML Request message:

  • KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ: Complex element that contains the entire request to process.

    • Type: Attribute. Optional. Value="Exchange". Specific use to indicate an exchange process.

    • DemandTicketDetail: Element. Mandatory. Element that contains the details to process the transaction to be issue. 

      • TourCode:  Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric [16]. Código generalmente utilizado por agencias de turismo para la venta de paquetes.
      • BookingReferenceID: Element. Mandatory. Contain the information of reservation identification.
        • ID: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [6]. Record locator. Identifier of reservation.
        • CompanyName: Element. Optional. Contain the information fo the carrier owner of reservation.
          • Code: Attribute. Required. ISO IATA code Airline identifier. 
      • TPA_Extension: Element. Optional. Extension to include information  Agregado estándar al método de acuerdo al estándar OTA.
          • ValidatingCarrier: Element. Optional. Contains information of the validating carrier when it´s different to the owner.
            • Code: Attribute. Required. ISO IATA code of Airline identifier.

      • Commission: Element. Optional. It is use to declare if the issue process claim commission.
        • Percent: Attribute. Required. Percentage to apply to claim commission.
      • PaymentInfo: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information of payment to process the ticket. Only one instance is allowed except on "Exchange" case.
        • PaymentType: Attribute. Required. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Payment Type (PMT). Allow values. (1: Cash, 5: Credit Card, 6: Debit Card, 7: Check (Only for exchanges) 34: Invoice, 37: Miscellaneous, 39: Exchange Ticket*).
        • InvoiceCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric. Corporate account code of customer. This is applicable when the paymentType value is  Código de la cuenta corporativa del cliente, en caso de elegir como forma de 34.
        • Check: Attribute. Optional. Hold the information of the CheckNumber. It´s use when the paymentType is 7. Only allow on Exchanges. 
        • CheckNumber: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric. Description of the CheckNumber and bank of issue. This is a freeText field. 
        • CreditCardInfo: Element. Optional. Information related Credit Card details when the paymentType value is 5.
          • CardType: Attribute. Required. Card code based on OpenTravel Code list paymentType (PMT). Allow values  (1: credit, 2: debit).
          • CardCode: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric[2]. Card code for the issued entity.Credit or debit card depend the value of CardType.
          • CardNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative (15 to 16). Card number. It could be masked.
          • SeriesCode: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative. NumericIntegerNonNegative (3 to 4). Apply on CreditCard represent the CVS number.
          • ExpireDate:  Attribute. Required. Type Date special  (mm/yyyy). Expiration date of Card.
          •  ApprovalCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric (10). Approval or authorization code for debit transaction amount. 
        • Text:  Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric Special. (99). It must be included when the PaymentType is 37. It will hold the information of the Misc. fop type. 

      • ValueAddedTax: Element. Optional. Support the VAT information to be included in tickets.
        • VAT: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric (12). Hold the information of VAT identification code to be include into the ticket.  

* Para PaymentType:39 Exchange

The next extend information should be included for exchange type of issue. Another element PaymentInfo should be added to indicate the details of the tickets to be used as form of payment to process the transaction. 

The element support extra attributes when the paymentType is 39 and the Type attribute of the element KIU_AirDemandTicketRQ is "Exchanged"

  • TicketNumber: Attribute. NumericIntegerNonNegative (13). Ticket Number.
  • CouponList: Attribute. NumericIntegerNonNegative. [1,2,3,4]. Coupon or list of coupons refers of the ticket reference to be used as payment of the new transaction.
  • Amount: Attribute. Required.Decimal 2 places. Amount of additional to be collected.
  • TaxAmount: Attribute.Required. Decimal 2Places. Amount of total tax to be collected.
  • PassengerRPH: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative. Integer that represent the number of the passenger ticket holder that will be exchanged inside the new reservation.

  • Endorsement: Element. Optional. This element support the information to be entered on the Endorsment field of the ticket.
    • Info: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric special [127]. Text to be entered on the endorsment field of the ticket. 

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-08-03T18:59:56+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="XCGLNI">
        <CompanyName Code="XX" />
    <TicketItemInfo TicketNumber="9990220005407" Type="eTicket" ItemNumber="0" TotalAmount="1629.25" CommissionAmount="0.00" PaymentType="5">
            <GivenName>ANTONIO PCD</GivenName>

KIU_AirDemandTicketRS - Exchange
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirDemandTicketRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-08-03T19:05:04+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="XCGLNI">
        <CompanyName Code="XX" />
    <TicketItemInfo TicketNumber="9990220005408" Type="eTicket" TotalAmount="1601.52" PaymentType="5"></TicketItemInfo>

Elements of XML message KIU_AirDemandTicketRS:

  •  BookingReferenceID: Element. Contains the information of the record locator processed.
    • ID: Attribute. Alphanumeric [6]. Identifier of reservation.
    • CompanyName: Element. Container of the Airline ticket owner.
      • Code: Attribute. Alphanumeric [2]. ISO IATA Airline Identifier. 
  •  TicketItemInfo: Complex element. Container of documents issued by each passenger on the reservation.
    • TicketNumber: Attribute. Integer (13). Document number issued. 
    • Type: Attribute. Alphabetical. Type of document issued. 
    • ItemNumber: Attribute. Optional. Integer. Number associated to document issued for administrative purposes.
    • TotalAmount: Attribute. Optional. Decimal. Total amount of document issued. 
    • ComissionAmount: Attribute. Optional. Decimal. Amount of commission to be paid. 
    • PaymentType: Attribute. Integer. Code of paymentType based on OpenTravel Code List Payment Type.
    • PassengerName: Element that contain the information of the document holder. 
      • GivenName: Element. First name of the document issued. 
      • Surname: Element. Last name of the document issued. 


In case of  the ticket number informed on exchaged did not match with the RPH of the passenger, will received the error "PRICE DISCREPANCY".

Posible error messages: 


XML Content Message



Error at parameter ISOCountry.

The value of the attribute ISOCountry of element Source is invalid.(Alphabetical 2 chars)


Error at parameter ISOCurrency.

The value of the attribute ISOCurrency of element Source is invalid. (Alphabetical 2 chars)


Error at parameter PaymentType.

The value of the attribute PaymentType of element PaymentInfo is not valid based on description. Please check the allow values in manual.


Error at parameter BookingReferenceID.

The value of the element ID of BookingReference is not valid. Please refer to the description of the acceptance value. (6 alphanumeric chars).


Error at parameter Endorsement.

The value of the attribute Info of the element Endorsment is not valid. Please refer to the description manual. (127 Alphanumeric special chars).


Error at parameter Commission Percent.

The value of the attribute Percent of the element Commission is not valid. Please refer to the description manual. (NumericIntegerNonNegative char)


Error at parameter Carrier

The value of the attribute Code of element CompanyName do not correspond to the description. Please refer to the description manual.


Error at parameter VAT.

The value of the attribute VAT of element ValueAddedTax is not valid. Please refer to the description manual.


Error at parameter Text.

The value of the attribute Text of element PaymentInfo do not correspond with the describe format. Please refer to the user manual.


Error at parameter CardCode.

The value of the attribute CardCode of element CreditCardInfo is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter TourCode.

The value of the attribute TourCode of element DemandTicketDetail is not valid. Please refer to the user manual.


XML Content Message



Error at parameter CardNumber.

The value of the attribute CardNumber of element CreditCardInfo is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter CardType.

The value of the attribute CardType of element CreditCardInfo is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter SeriesCode.

The value of the attribute CardNumber of element CreditCardInfo is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter ExpireDate.

The value of the attribute ExpireDate of element CreditCardInfo is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter InvoiceCode.

The value of the attribute InvoiceCode of element PaymentInfo Is not valid. Please check the user manual.


Error at parameter MiscellaneousCode.

The value of the attribute MiscellaneousCode of element PaymentInfo is not valid. Please check user manual.

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