

Table of contents

Purpose of method:

This method allows user to:

  • Quote single air segment per RBD (ResBookingDesig)

  • Price or re-price a reservation

  • Quote an ticket exchange.

  • Forced fare over itinerary.

  • Filter fares of same RBD on a reservation. 

  • Price air itinerary plus Ancillaries.


Example of XML message: 

KIU_AirPriceRQ - by Segments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-09T16:49:52+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX817">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
                <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-09-18 11:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-09-18 22:00:00" FlightNumber="9030" ResBookDesigCode="B">
                    <DepartureAirport LocationCode="EZE" />
                    <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MIA" />
                    <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="2" />
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="CNN" Quantity="1" />
KIU_AirPriceRQ - By PNR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="876987TESTGER" TimeStamp="2015-03-09T16:49:52+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" Type="Reprice">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX817">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="RVSENR" />

Elements of XML:

  • KIU_AirPriceRQ:
    • Type: Attribute. Optional. Value [Reprice]. Indicate that informed record locator (reservation identifier) should be re-price overwritten any previous stored quotation.
    • IncludeAncillaries: Attribute.Boolean [true|false]Optional. Allows user to re-price the itinerary and include the offer extras prices. 

    • BookingReferenceID: Element. Optional. It is use to inform a reservation to process. 
      • ID: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [6]. Reservation identifier code. (Record Locator).


    • FligthReference: Element. Optional. Uses to send a base fare code to force a reservation quotation.
      • FareBasisCode: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric[10]. Base fare code to force the reservation quotation. 

        In this case of forced fare the system will apply the same logic of the command (*Q[FareBaseCode]) of KIU RES system.

    • AirItinerary: Element. Optional. This element group the information of segments to quote. (This options allows user to quote singles segments without reservation based on the RBD informed).
      • OriginDestinationOptions: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information of the air itinerary components. 
        • OriginDestinationOption: Element. Mandatory. Group the air segments for air itinerary component. (Ex: Inbound/Outbound).
          • FlightSegment: Element. Mandatory. This element refer to the information of a flight segment to be quoted. 
            • DepartureDateTime: Attribute. Required. ISO DateTime of flight departure. 
            • ArrivalDateTime: Attribute. Required. ISO DateTime of flight arrival. 
            • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. IntegerNonNegative [1..4]. Flight identifier number.
            • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. A letter identifier of booking class.
            • FareBasisCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric [10]. Base fare to apply over segment. (See Fare Filter case of use)
            • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Contain the information of departure location.
              • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetic[3]. ISO IATA code of departure airport.
            • ArrivalAirport: Element. Mandatory. Contain the information of arrival location.
              • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetic [3]. ISO IATA code of arrival airport. 
            • MarketingAirline: Element. Optional. Information of seller carrier. 
              • Code: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2]. ISO IATA Airline identifier code.

                In caso of uses FareBasicsCode at FlightSegment level, could not be combinable with FareBasisCode in FlightReference element. Both are incompatible qualifiers.

    • TravelerInfoSummary: Element. Optional. Group information related type of passengers, discounts and extra charges. 
      • AirTravelerAvail: Element. Optional. Contain the information of type of passenger and quantity.
        • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element. Mandatory. Determine type of passenger and quantity to be requested.
          • Quantity: Attribute. Required. IntegerNonNegative. [0 to 9] . Quantity of passengers depending of type of passenger. 
          • Code: Attribute. Required. Alphabetic [3]. Type of passenger (ADT=>Adult |CNN=>Child|INF=>Infant).
      • PaymentDetail: Element. Optional. Include information of form of payment to be used. This is use to calculate extra fees based on payment details to include in quotations. 
        • PaymentCard: Element. Optional. Element that contain the information of paymentCard for the quotation.
          • CardCode: Attribute. Alphabetical[2]. Identifier code of the card.
      • PriceRequestInformation: Element. Optional. Group the information of discounts and overcharges. 
        • TPA_Extension: Element. Mandatory. This element is used for extension of the OTA standard (Third Party Agreement).
          • TourCode: Element. Optional. Code of tour to be apply on the quotation. 
            • Code: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric[3-12]. Tour code.
        • FeeExemption: Element. Optional. Booleand[true|false]. If “true” the quotation response will except all applicable fees. 
        • DiscountPricing: Element. Optional. Contain the possible discounts pre configured on reservation system. Repetitive. MaxOccurs =>3.
        • TicketDesignatorCode: Element. Optional. Alphanumeric [2]. Discount code to apply. 
        • Tax: Element. Optional. Contain the information of extra taxes to apply.
          • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Amount of tax.
          • TaxCode: Attribute. Alphabetic [2]. Tax code to apply. 

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Example of XML message:

KIU_AirPriceRS - By Segment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-13T13:44:42+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
        <PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">
                        <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-09-18 11:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-09-18 22:00:00" FlightNumber="9030" ResBookDesigCode="B">
                            <DepartureAirport LocationCode="EZE" />
                            <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MIA" />
                            <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                    <BaseFare Amount="564" CurrencyCode="USD" />
                    <EquivFare Amount="7896" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="AR" Amount="402.3" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="QO" Amount="420" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="420" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="1845.06" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="150" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="ZK" Amount="2816.1" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                    <TotalFare Amount="13949.46" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="2" Code="ADT" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="376" CurrencyCode="USD" />
                            <EquivFare Amount="5264" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="AR" Amount="268.2" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QO" Amount="280" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="280" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="1230.04" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="100" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="ZK" Amount="1877.4" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="CNN" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="188" CurrencyCode="USD" />
                            <EquivFare Amount="2632" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="AR" Amount="134.1" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QO" Amount="140" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="140" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="615.02" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="50" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="ZK" Amount="938.7" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
    <IssueOfficeInfo OfficeID="" />
KIU_AirPriceRS - By PNR Reprice
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="876987TESTGER" TimeStamp="2017-09-13T13:57:40+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
        <PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">
                    <BaseFare Amount="9410.4" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                    <EquivFare Amount="9530.4" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="784.29" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="321.66" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="60" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="166.32" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="120" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                    <TotalFare Amount="10982.67" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="2" Code="ADT" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="4705.2" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                            <EquivFare Amount="4765.2" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="522.86" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="214.44" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="40" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="110.88" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="60" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="CNN" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="2352.6" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                            <EquivFare Amount="2382.6" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="261.43" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="107.22" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="20" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="55.44" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="30" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="INF" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="2352.6" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                            <EquivFare Amount="2382.6" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="YQ" Amount="30" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
    <IssueOfficeInfo OfficeID="" />

Elements of XML:

  • PricedItineraries: Element container for different itineraries that return prices. 
    • PricedItinerary: Element. Description of each priced itinerary.
      • AirItinerary: Element. Optional. Contain all the Air itinerary information. 
        • OriginDestinationOptions: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information of the Origin - Destinations by component.
          • OriginDestinationOption: Element. Mandatory. Contains the segment or list of segments booked for the outbound component. 
            • FlightSegment: Element. Mandatory. At least one flight segments should be enterd. It holds the information of flight segment details. 
              • DepartureDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Departure date time of segment. 
              • ArrivalDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Arrival date time of segment.
              • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[4]. Number that identifies the flight.
              • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. Letter that indicate the class of segment booked. 
              • RPH:  Attribute. Required. IntegerNonNegative[2]. [1.2.3... ] . Represent the order number of the segment into the itinerary. Also is used for internal references in the method.
              • Status: Attribute. Optional. Alphabetical. [2] . Code of the segment status Ex.(HK, HL, KL, TK).
              • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Origin Airport information. 
                • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. [3]. ISO IATA airport code.
                • ArrivalAirport: Element. Mandatory. Destination airport information.
                  • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA Airport code. 
                  • MarketingAirline: Element. Mandatory. Sale airline information. 
                    • Code: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2]. Airline designation code
  • AirItineraryPricingInfo: Element. Group information of prices of specific itinerary.
    • ItinTotalFare: Element. Describe the total cost of the itinerary.
      • BaseFare: Element. Description of cost based of fare applied on publication currency.
        • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Amount of the applied fare. 
        • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISOCurrency [3]. ISO Code 4217 of publish currency for the applied fare. 

      • EquivFare: Element. Describe the amount of the amount to be paid on requested currency. 
        • Amount: Attribute. Decimal(2). Amount of the converted amount to the requested currency.
        • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISOCurrency [3].ISO Code 4217 of displayed currency for the applied fare.

      • Taxes: Element. Contain the list of taxes applied on quotation. 
        • Tax: Element. Description of each tax applied. 
          • TaxCode: Attribute. Alphanumeric [2]. Code of tax. 
          • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Amount of the tax applied. 
          • CurrencyCode: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. ISO Code 4217 for display currency requested.

      • TotalFare: Element. Contain the information of the total fare to paid based on the quotation. Sum of EquivFare plus Sum of taxes. 
        • Amount: Attribute. Decimal(2). Amount of total priced to paid. 
        • CurrencyCode: Attribute. Decimal (2). Alphabetic [3]. ISO code 4217 of display currency. 

    • PTC_FareBreakdowns: Element that contain the description of each fare group by passenger type. 
      • PTC_FareBreakdown: Element. Description of the fare for a specific passenger type. 
        • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element that contain the information of the passenger type to describe priced. 
          • Quantity: Attribute. Integer. Quantity of passenger type. 
          • Code: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. Indicator of passenger type. (INF=>Infant |CNN=>Child|ADT=>Adult.|GRP=>Group).
          • PassengerFare: Element. Contain the description of fare for the passenger type referred. 
            • BaseFare: Element. Detail of cost for all passenger type on the fare applied. 
              • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Total amount per quantity of passenger type of the applied fare. 
              • CurrencyCode: ISOCurrency [3]. ISO Code 4217 of publish currency for the applied fare. 

            • EquivFare: Element. Describe the amount of the amount to be paid on requested currency. 
              • Amount: Attribute. Decimal(2). Amount of the converted amount to the requested currency.
              • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISOCurrency [3].ISO Code 4217 of displayed currency for the applied fare.

            • Taxes: Element. Contain the list of taxes applied on quotation. 
              • Tax: Element. Description of each tax applied. 
                • TaxCode: Attribute. Alphanumeric [2]. Code of tax. 
                • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Amount of the tax applied. 
                • CurrencyCode: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. ISO Code 4217 for display currency requested.

  • Warnings: Element. Container of warning message elements.
    • Warning: Element. Description of each message. 

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Case of use KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS: Ancillaries

Request message example:

KIU_AirPriceRQ - by PNR - Extensión Ancillaries
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-08-29T14:22:52-3:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" Type="Reprice" IncludeAncillaries="true">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX817">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="RDTCRG" />

KIU_AirPriceRS - Ancillaries extension

The request of this option is by PNR. The attribute IncludeAncillaries on 'true'.

Example of XML response message:

KIU_AirPriceRS - Extension ancillaries
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T15:30:17+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success LastModificationDate="2017-09-01T15:30:10.303Z"/>
    <BookingReference ID="RDTCRG" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT">2</PassengerTypeQuantity>
                            <BaseFare CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="250.00" />
                            <EquivFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="5652.97" />
                            <Taxes />
                            <TotalFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="5652.97" />
                    <Priced ID="1" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
                            <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                            <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">791.42</EquivalentPaid>
                            <TotalAmount Currency="ARS">791.42</BaseFare>
                        <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                            <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                                <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                    <Priced ID="2" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
                            <BaseFare Currency="GBP">30.00</BaseFare>
                            <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">678.36</EquivalentPaid>
                            <TotalAmount Currency="ARS">678.36</BaseFare>
                        <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                            <ItemOffer Code="0CC" Description="1ST ADDITIONAL BAG" SegmentRPH="1">
                                <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                                        <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
                    <Priced ID="3" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
                            <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                            <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">791.42</EquivalentPaid>
                            <TotalAmount Currency="ARS">791.42</BaseFare>
                        <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                            <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                                <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                    <Priced ID="4" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
                            <BaseFare Currency="GBP">30.00</BaseFare>
                            <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">678.36</EquivalentPaid>
                            <TotalAmount Currency="ARS">678.36</BaseFare>
                        <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                            <ItemOffer Code="0CC" Description="1ST ADDITIONAL BAG" SegmentRPH="1">
                                <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                                        <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">

Element of xml message:

  • Success: Element that contains the successful state of the response
    • LastModificationDate: Attribute. Optional. ISO Date. Change indicator applied to the reservation.
  • BookingReference:Element that contains the identification information of the reservation.
    • ID:Attribute. Alphanumeric (6). Identification code of the reservation for the reservation system.
  • PricedItineraries: Element that contains the information of the items quoted in the reservation.
    • PricedItinerary: Element that contains the price information of the different elements that make up the reservation.
      • AirItineraryPricingInfo: Element that contains the price information corresponding to the air itinerary.
        • PTC_Breakdowns: Element that contains the list of prices by types of passengers quoted in the Reservation.
          • PTC_Breakdow: Element that contains the specific information for the pricing of 1 type of passenger.
            • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element that contains the number of passengers corresponding to a type of passenger quoted.
              • Code: Alphabetical (3). Passenger type code.
            • PassengerFare: Element that contains the prices of the quoted fare
              • BaseFare: Element that contains the price information of the fare without taxes.
                • CurrencyCode: ISO Currency. (3). Code of the currency of the quoted fare
                • Amount: Positive Decimal (2). Amount of the fare.
              • EquivFare: Element that contains the price information of the equivalent fare in the requested currency.
                • CurrencyCode: ISO Currency. (3). Code of the currency of the quoted fare.
                • Amount: Positive Decimal (2). Amount of the fare
              • Taxes: Element that contains the list of fees / taxes applied to the fare
                • Tax: Individual description of each rate / tax.
                  • Code: Tax code 
                  • Amount: amount of the tax
              • TotalFare: Element that contains the final price considering the amount of rate + list of taxes.
                • CurrencyCode: ISO Currency. (3). Code of the currency of the quoted fare.
                • Amount: Decimal Positive (2). Total amount of the quotations by type of passenger.
      • TPA_Extension: OTA Standar Extension element 
        • Offer: Element that contains the list of offers reserved and quoted in a reservation.
          • Priced: Elemen that contains the booked items price for passenger.
            • ID: Attribute. Integer. Number of the item quotation associated to a type of passenger
            • PTC: Attribute. Alphabetical(3).Passengers type code. 
            • TravelerRefRPH: Attribute. integer. Reference number associate to the quoted items . 
            • Amount: Element that contains the quotation of the total of items associated to the passenger. (It is the value of the document to be issued).
              • BaseFare: Value of the set of items associated with the price of the passenger.
                • Currency: Attribute. ISO currency (3). Currency code of the original quote of the items.
              • EquivalentPaid: Equivalent value of the quote.
                  • Currency: Attribute. ISO Currency (3). Code of the currency.
              • TotalAmount: Total amount of quotation
                • Currency: Attribute. ISO Currency (3). Code of the currency.
            • ServiceFamily: Element that contains the family information for the items requested for 1 passenger.
              • Group: Attribute. Alphabetical. Belongs to the RFIC of the group that belongs to the list of reserved items.
              • Description: Attribute. Alphanumeric. Marketing name of the group.
              • Type: Attribute. Type of EMD (A = EMD-A/S=EMD-S)
              • PTC: Attribute. Alphabetical (3). Passengers type code. 
              • Quantity: Attribute. Intenger. Amount of quoted passengers.
              • ItemOffer: Element that contains the description of each item associated with the quoted group.
                • Code: Attribute. Alphanumeric (5). Corresponds to the RFIS. Service code.
                • Description: Attribute. Alphanumeric. Marketing description of the service.
                • SegmentRPH: Attribute.positive integer. Reference order number to the associated segment of the air itinerary to which the service is associated.
                • ItemPriced: Element that contains the information of the individual price of the service.
                  • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO Currency. Publication currency of the service price.
                    • Amount: Element. Positive Decimal (2). Amount of the service.
                • TPA_Extension: Added element of information in the OTA standard.
                  • BaggageInfo: Element that contains information regarding baggage services exclusively.
                    • UnitOfMeasure: Attribute. Alphabetical (1) Weight unit used for excess baggage.
                    • CurrencyCode: Atributo. ISO Moneda. Código de moneda de publicación del exceso de equipaje.
                    • RatePerUnit: Attribute. Positive Decimal (2). Amount per unit of excess.
                    • ExcessBaggageTotalNbr:Element. Total amount of quoted excess.
                • IssueInfo: Element that contains information for the issuance of the EMD document corresponding to the quote.
                  • Exchangeable: Boolean (true | false). Indicator if the document to be issued allows exchange.
                  • Refundable: Boolean (true | false). Indicator if the document to be issued is refundable.
                  • ConsumeAtIssuance: Boolean (true | false). Indicator if the document to be issued is self-consumed at the time of issuance.
                  • RequiredTicket: Boolean (true | false). Indicator if the document to be issued must have associated Ticket.

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Case of use KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS: Exchange

KIU_AirPriceRQ - Exchange


KIU_AirPriceRQ - Exchange Case
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-09T16:49:52+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" Type="Exchange">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX816">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="GMSRJI" />
        <TravelerRefNumber RPH="01" />
        <PaymentDetail PaymentType="5">
            <Ticket TicketNumber=" 9990210006946"></Ticket>
            <PaymentCard CardCode="AX"></PaymentCard>

This method must be executed by each passenger / ticket that is held in the reservation, collection of ticket numbers and passengers is not allowed. A routine must be executed for each passenger of the reservation with its corresponding original ticket issued.

You must quote with the necessary indicators to apply discounts and other conditions to obtain the price according to the use of KIU_AirPriceRQ.

Items added to the message:

  • Type:[Exchange] .Mandatorio to use the service in this mode. This parameter indicates that you want to save the new price of the reservation, overwriting the existing quote.
  •  TravelerInfoSummary: Optional. Information about passengers, discounts and extra charges.
    • TravelerRefNumber: Regarding the passengers of the reservation.
      • RPH: Integer [3]. Indicates the passenger's order number in the reservation. Accepts from 1 to 99
      • PaymentDetail: Optional. Element for the inclusion of information about the means of payment.
        • Ticket: item where information of tickets issued is reported.
          • TicketNumber: Integer [13]. The original ticket number is indicated as an Exchange payment method on which the calculation of the difference on a modified itinerary will be made.


Note: It is recommended to include the form of payment, according to the standard of the method, which will be used for the difference that emerges from the comparison in the quote with the objective of taking into account the Fees configured by payment method.

KIU_AirPriceRS - Exchange


KIU_AirPriceRS - Exchange case
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-06-27T22:04:02+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
    <BookingReferenceID id="GMSRJI" />
                <TotalFare Amount="48.28" />
                <EquivFare Amount="2.00" />
                <Taxes Amount="46.28" />
                    <Penalty Amount="0.00" />
                    <OriginalValue FareAmount="2.00" TaxAmount="46.28" />
                    <NewValue FareAmount="4.00" TaxAmount="92.56" />

Message elements added for Exchange

  • TPA_Extensions : OTA standard to declare added elements adapted for a specific process. Specifies the description of the costs to be charged.
    • Penalty: Corresponding to the amount of penalty automatically configured in the system.
      • Amount: Total amount of the Penalty to be collected
    • OriginalValue: Total amount of the original ticket to be used in the exchange.
      • FareAmount: Amount of the fare of the original ticket to be exchanged.
      • TaxAmount: Total amount of the taxes of the original ticket to be exchanged. 
    • NewValue: Amount of the new itinerary.
      • FareAmount: Amount of the fare of the new itinerary.
      • TaxAmount: Total amount of the taxes of the new itinerary.
Note: The total value of the Aditional Collect to be charged is found in the TotalFare Element Amount attribute. This amount must match the amount reported in KIU_AirDemandTicket otherwise the user will receive a discrepancy error.

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Case of use KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS: Fare forcing

Methods : KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS

Fare forcing in a booking:

Fare forcing in a booking over one specific fare basis that will apply to the mentioned PNR. 

 Example Request

KIU_AirPriceRQ - FareForced
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-09T16:49:52+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" Type="Reprice">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX816">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <BookingReferenceID ID="LXVWNL" />
    <FligthReference FareBasisCode="BOW"></FligthReference>

Added to the method the element for Force Fare

  • FlightReference: It mentions a piece of information that will impact the itinerary.
    • FareBasisCode:  Fare basis code that will apply to the WHOLE itinerary of the indicated BookingReferenceID.

Example Response

KIU_AirPriceRS - ForcedFares
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-07-06T17:19:58+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
        <PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">
                    <BaseFare Amount="290" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="6A" Amount="80" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="31.82" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="13.05" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="10" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="35.97" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                    <TotalFare Amount="460.84" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="ADT" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="290" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="6A" Amount="80" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="31.82" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="13.05" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="10" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="35.97" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
        <Warning Type="13">LAST TICKETING DATE 1818/06JUL AEP LT</Warning>
    <IssueOfficeInfo OfficeID="" />


Element Warning: It notifies the user details, comments on this quotation, for example in this case, the fare has "Last Day to Purchase" rule configured, therefore the system informs what is the last day allowed for the issue.

The structure of the response is the standard of the KIU API. Any questions, please refer to the KIU Web Services user guide.

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Case of use KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS: Fare filterings

Fare filtering by service class on a booking.

In this case will apply the qualifier FB/ it will be use when more than one farebasis over the same booking class. 

The system will apply the lowest fare. If the user wishes to use a different fare, due to marketing, flexibility, penalties, etc. It can use this method model, either for a booking or a segment quotation. Always keeping in mind that will apply the fare that will be matching the booking class or the informed flight segments.

Method example by flight segments

KIU_AirPriceRQ - FareFilter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-09T16:49:52+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" PseudoCityCode="AEP" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" TerminalID="AEP00XX816">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
                <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-12 20:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-12 21:00:00" FlightNumber="041" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y3">
                    <DepartureAirport LocationCode="TUC" />
                    <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                    <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-13 08:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-13 10:00:00" FlightNumber="044" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y1S">
                    <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                    <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                    <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-13 15:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-07 17:00:00" FlightNumber="1236" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y1">
                    <DepartureAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                    <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MDZ" />
                    <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />
            <PaymentCard CardCode="VI" />

 Added to the method:

For the fare filtering application, the FareBasisCode attribute is added to the FlightSegment element. Its mandatory to identify a fare basis to apply in every segment of the itinerary, indistinctly if it is the same for everyone, taking into account the reservation booking code, since the fare to apply must match that class and be valid for the date of the indicated segment.

IMPORTANT: The FareBasisCode attribute at the FlightSegment level is not compatible with the FlightReference application, from the previous example. An error response will be received.

KIU_AirPriceRS - Fare filtering

Response example:

KIU_AirPriceRS - FareFiltered
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirPriceRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-07-06T19:49:54+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
        <PricedItinerary SequenceNumber="1">
                        <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-12 20:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-12 21:00:00" FlightNumber="041" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y3">
                            <DepartureAirport LocationCode="TUC" />
                            <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                            <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                        <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-13 08:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-13 10:00:00" FlightNumber="044" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y1S">
                            <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                            <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                            <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                        <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-07-13 15:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-06-07 17:00:00" FlightNumber="1236" ResBookDesigCode="Y" FareBasisCode="Y1">
                            <DepartureAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                            <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MDZ" />
                            <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                    <BaseFare Amount="1620" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="6A" Amount="240" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="177.76" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="72.9" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="10" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="107.91" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                    <TotalFare Amount="2228.57" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                        <PassengerTypeQuantity Quantity="1" Code="ADT" />
                            <BaseFare Amount="1620" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="6A" Amount="240" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="177.76" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="QN" Amount="72.9" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="TQ" Amount="10" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                                <Tax TaxCode="XR" Amount="107.91" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
    <IssueOfficeInfo OfficeID="" />

Emulation of the case in a Device


Emulation in KIURES

    PASSENGER           TYPE       FARE (IN ARS)          TAX        FEE       PER PSGR
 1. NO NAME ( 1)         ADT             1620.00       608.57       0.00        2228.57
                  TOTALS   1             1620.00       608.57       0.00        2228.57


PAX:  1.ADT                                   TOTAL PAXS FARED:  1

        CR FLT  BK DATE  TIME   ST   FARE BASIS          NVB   NVA   BG
AEP     XX 41   Y  12JUL 2000   OK   Y3                              15K  /OPERATED BY BQB LINEAS AEREAS
SLA     XX 44   Y  13JUL 0800   OK   Y1S                             15K  /OPERATED BY BQB LINEAS AEREAS
MDZ     XX 1236 Y  13JUL 1500   OK   Y1                              15K  /OPERATED BY BQB LINEAS AEREAS

ARS     1620.00       TUC XX BUE ARS30.00Y3 XX SLA ARS1540.00Y1S XX MDZ 
ARS     1620.00       ARS50.00Y1 TTL ARS1620.00 END XT 72.90QN 10.00TQ 1
ARS      240.006A     07.91XR 
ARS      177.76DL     
ARS      190.81XT   
ARS     2228.57  

                                               BSR 1ARS = 1.00000ARS

FARED: AEPXX-GN 1812/06JUL16 # WS*FB/Y3.Y1S.Y1

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 KIU_AirPriceRQ/RS Possible error messages





Too many TicketDesignatorCodes to process.

More than three discount codes were requested.


FareBasisCode only allows up to ten characters.

FareBasisCode must have between 1 and 10 characters.





Error at parameter Age Qualifying Code.

The value of the Code attribute of the PassengerTypeQuantity element does not correspond to any of the options described.


Error at parameter DepartureDateTime.

The value of the DepartureDateTime attribute of the FlightSegment element is not a valid ISO date.


Error at parameter MarketingAirline.

The value of the Code attribute of the MarketingAirline element does not correspond to the format described (alphanumeric in upper case of two characters).


Error at parameter DepartureAirport.

The value of the LocationCode attribute of the DepartureAirport element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of three characters).


Error at parameter ArrivalAirport.

The value of the LocationCode attribute of the ArrivalAirport element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of three characters).


Error at parameter ArrivalDateTime.

The value of the ArrivalDateTime attribute of the FlightSegment element is not a valid ISO date and time.


Error at parameter ResBookDesigCode.

The value of the ResBookDesigCode attribute of the FlightSegment element does not correspond to the format described (upper case alphabetic character).


Error at parameter FlightNumber.

The value of the Flight Number attribute of the Flight Segment element does not correspond to the format described (whole number of up to 4 digits).


Error at parameter Quantity.

The value of the Quantity attribute of the PassengerTypeQuantity element is not a positive integer.


Error at parameter ISOCountry.

The value of the ISOCountry attribute of the Source element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of two characters).


Error at parameter ISOCurrency.

The value of the ISOCurrency attribute of the Source element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of three characters).


Error at parameter PNR.

The value of the ID attribute of the BookingReferenceID element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of six characters).


Error at parameter CardCode.

The value of the CardCode attribute of the PaymentCard element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in upper case of two characters).


Error at parameter TicketDesignatorCode.

The value of the TicketDesignatorCode attribute of the DiscountPricing element does not correspond to the format described (alphanumeric in upper case of two characters).


Error at parameter tax Amount.

The value of the Amount attribute of the Tax element does not correspond to the format described (positive number).


Error at parameter tax Code.

The value of the TaxCode attribute of the Tax element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in uppercase of two characters).

Possible warnings:





Indicates that the quote returned by the call does not correspond to the one that was saved in the reservation that was requested to be re quoted.

NO FARE EN PNRIndicates that there was no price prior to a PNR requotation

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