


This method allow users to issue EMD-S (Electronic Miscellaneous document - Standalone). This documents works as a ticket and allow users to offer final consumers, air extras services.


Request model.

KIU_PurchaseItemRQ - without PNR
<KIU_PurchaseItemRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-11-04T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ForceIssue="true">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816">
            <RequestorID Type="5" />
            <BookingChannel Type="1" />
    <Orders CarrierCode="XX">
                <Product ProductID="D98F" ProductIssueDate="2015-11-30" LocationCode="BUE" Amount="1200.00" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                <Product ProductID="D98J" ProductIssueDate="2015-11-30" LocationCode="BUE" Amount="500.00" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
                <Tax TaxCode="AR" Amount="120.00" />
                <Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="45.00" />
    <PaymentInformation PaymentType="5">
        <PaymentCard CardType="1" CardCode="VI" CardNumber="4242424242424242" SeriesCode="123" ExpireDate="1213" />
        <Endorsement Text="ENDOSO" />
            <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI" />

KIU_PurchaseItemRQ - with PNR
<KIU_PurchaseItemRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-11-04T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ForceIssue="true">
		<Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818">
			<RequestorID Type="5" />
			<BookingChannel Type="1" />
	<Orders CarrierCode="XX">
				<Product ProductID="E0BX" ProductIssueDate="2019-01-03" LocationCode="BUE" Amount="1200.00" CurrencyCode="ARS" />
				<Tax TaxCode="AR" Amount="120.00" />
				<Tax TaxCode="DL" Amount="45.00" />
			<TicketItemInfo TicketNumber="9990210003329" CouponNumber="1" />
	<PaymentInformation PaymentType="5">
		<PaymentCard CardType="1" CardCode="VI" CardNumber="4242424242424242" SeriesCode="123" ExpireDate="1219" />
		<Endorsement Text="ENDOSO" />
		<RecipientInfo RPH="1" />
	<UniqueID ID="BCECPI" />

Components of  KIU_PurchaseItemRQ:

  • EchoToken: Attribute. xs:string. Required. Enable users to adopt a session identification for log purposes. 

  • TimeStamp: Attribute. xs:datetimestamp. Date time of origin request. 

  • Target: Attribute. List [Production|Testing]. Indicate the environment to execute the method.

  • Version: Attribute. Decimal. Number of version of the method implemented and published by KIU System.

  • SequenceNmbr: Attribute. Required. Always match 1. It is normally used for synchronous messages. To be implemented in future.

  • PrimaryLangID: Attribute. Responsive language of API. 

  • ForceIssue: Attribute. Boolean [true|false]. Optional.. In case of true it will force the execution of the action. The default value is false.

  • POS: Element. ComplexType. Required. Information about the point of sale that originate the request. 

    • Source: Element. ComplexType. Required. Contain the data of POS.

      • AgentSine: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric[9]. Agent identification code.

      • TerminalID: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric[10]. Identification code of valid KIU Device that makes the request. 

  • Orders: Element. Complex type. Contain the detail of query for an EMD-S issues. It contain the list of Order to process.

    • CarrierCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphanumeric[2]. Airline IATA code.It should be used by travel agencies.

    • Order: Element. ComplexType. MinOccurs=1. It group the detail of each EMD to be processed.

      • Products: Element. Complex Type. Required.  Only one product by order is supported.

        • Product: Element. Complex Type. MinOccurs=1|MaxOccurs=4. Contain the detail of each item to be process. It Product represent a coupon of the EMD-S. No further than 4 by document.

          • ProductID: Attribute. Alphanumeric[4]. Required. Identification code of the product to be issue from the TMP* table. 

          • ProductIssueDate: Attribute. Alphanumeric. xs:date. Optional. Date of consume EMD. Some product required mandatory and some must not be present. Please verify conditions of each code on TMP*.

          • LocationCode: Attribute. Alphabetical[3]. Optional. Airport code where the product is consumed. Some codes Must be present on other Must not, please verify conditions of each code on TMP*.

          • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Required. Amount of service code. 

          • CurrencyCode: Attribute. Alphabetical[3]. ISO currency code of printed documento. It has been the same for all product to be processed.

      • Taxes: Element. Complex Type. Opcional. Group a list of taxes to be applied on the EMDs document.

        • Tax: Element. ComplexType. Contain the singular description of tax item to apply.

          • TaxCode: Attribute. Alphanumeric[2]. Identification code of tax to apply.

          • Amount: Attribute. Decimal. Amount of tax.

      • TicketItemInfo: Element. Complex type. Optional. Hold the information of a ticket to be associated to EMDs Document. 

        • TicketNumber: Attribute. Integer[13]. Required. Ticket number to be associated to EMDs document. 

        • CouponNumber: Attribute. Integer. Required. Coupon number to associate with the EMDs document.

  • PaymentInformation: Element. ComplexType. Contain information of form of payment for the EMDs document.

    • PaymentType: Attribute. Integer. OTA code to identify the form of payment based on the OpenTravel Code List Payment Type (1: Cash, 5: Credit Card, 6: Debit Card, 7: Check, 34: Invoice, 37: Miscellaneous).

    • PaymentCard: Element. ComplexType. Optional. This element is required with the paymentType 5 and 6. Contain the details of payment card.

      • CardType: Attribute. Integer. Required. OTA Code to identify the type of card to be used from OpenTravel Code List Card Type (1: credit, 2: debit).

      • CardCode: Attribute. Alphabetical[2-3].Required. Code of payment card. (VI, AX, EL, MC, CA, IK).

      • CardNumber: Attribute. Integer[14-16]. Required. Number of payment card. 

      • SeriesCode: Attribute. Integer.[3-4]. Required. CVS or security card code. It should be required for PaymentType 5.

      • ExpireDate: Attribute. Integer[4]. Expiration date of Credit card. 

      • ApprovalCode: Attribute. Integer[6-10]. Approval code for the card payment debit. 
      • ChequeNumber: Attribute. Integer. Optional. Check number. It should be present with paymentType 7.

      • InvoiceCode: Attribute. Alphanumeric. Optional. Code of corporate account to be used in case of paymentType=34.

      • MiscellaneousCode: Attribute. Alphabetical[2]. Misc code for payment type 37.

      • FiscalCode: Element. SimpleType. Integer. Optional. Fiscal identification key of customer to purchase the EMDs document. 

      • Endorsement: Element. ComplexType. Optional. Regarding endorsment text box of the EMDs Document.

        • Text:  Attribute. xs:string[50]. Required. Specify the text to be entered on the endorsement box of EMDs document.

  • RecipientInfos: Element. ComplexType. Required. Group the information regarding passenger to be issue.

    • RecipientInfo: Element. ComplexType. Required.Contain the identification of each passenger. 

      • RPH: Attribute. Integer. Optional. Order number of passenger into the list of passenger of PNR. UniqueID (ver más abajo), caso contrario será desestimado. This element is mandatory in case of UniqueID that is used to process a reservation.

      • PersonName: Element. ComplexType. Optional. It is used to enter passenger data in case the issue of EMDs document is outside a PNR. (Not UniqueID declared).

        • GivenName: Element. SimpleType. Alphabetical [30]. Passenger´s names.

        • Surname: Element. Alphabetical[18]. Passenger´s last name.

        • Document: Element. ComplexType. Required. Contain the information of the passenger identification, type and ID.

          • DocID: Attribute. Alfphanumeric[46]. Identification ID of passenger.

          • DocType: Attribute. List. Type of identification document. (NI: National Identity Document, PP: Passport, ID: Locally defined ID number) .

  • Comments: Element. ComplexType. Optional. Element that contain the information of remarks associated with the purchase of EMDs documento. 

    • Comment: Element. ComplexType. Required. Contain a single remark.

      • Text: Attribute. xs:string[100]. Text to be entered as remark into the EMD-s Document.

  • UniqueID: Element. ComplexType. Optional. Contain the information of PNR to be associate to the EMDs document.

    • ID: Attribute. Alphabetical[6]. Required. Record locator for KIU SYSTEM that identifies a reservation.

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Example of response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_PurchaseItemRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-11-04T12:45:57-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
    <Orders OrderID="9995570005038" />

Components of KIU_PurchaseItemRS:

  • Orders: Element. Complex type. Group the data of documents issued by each set of products required.
    • OrderID: Attribute. Integer[13]. Number of EMD-S issued.

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Possible error messages:




Only one currency is allowed for all Products.


All Comments cannot be over 100 characters.


Error at parameter GivenName.


Error at parameter SurName.


Error at parameter PaymentType.


Error at parameter Endorsement.


Error at parameter Document ID.


Error at parameter PNR.


Error at parameter Ticket Number.


Error at parameter Document Type.


Error at parameter RPH.




Error at parameter Text.


Error at parameter CardCode.


Error at parameter tax Amount.


Error at parameter tax Code.


Error at parameter CardNumber.


Error at parameter CardType.


Error at parameter SeriesCode.


Error at parameter ExpireDate.


Error at parameter InvoiceCode.


Error at parameter MiscellaneousCode.


Error at parameter CurrencyCode.


Error at parameter CouponNumber.




Error at parameter ChequeNumber.


Error at parameter FiscalCode.


Error at parameter ForceIssue


The PNR does not correspond with an active reservation.


There are no more available areas for operation. Please try again.


The supplied AgentSine does not have the proper duties for this action.


At least one of the requested Product Code is not supported.


The ProductIssueDate parameter is mandatory for at least one of the requested Product Code.


The requested Product Codes combination is not supported.


The LocationCode parameter is mandatory for at least one of the requested Product Code.


At least one of the requested ProductIssueDate is out of the range supported by the airline.


The Carrier does not support the selected form of payment.


At least one of the requested Product can only be issued with flown status.


The requested Ticket number could not be found.




The requested Coupon number could not be found.


At least one of the requested Product does not allow a ProductIssueDate.


The ExpiredDate of the provided PaymentCard is invalid.


The CardCode of the provided PaymentCard is invalid.

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