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This method offers the possibility of obtaining the list of additional services (ancillaries) with their corresponding value, on an existing reservation. Based on each segment that forms the reserve, the list of items grouped by group or family of ancillaries is obtained.


KIU_AirOfferListRQ :


KIU_AirOfferListRQ – Request Model


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_AirOfferListRQ Version="1.0" PrimaryLangID="EN-us" EchoToken="1" SequenceNmbr="1" Target="Testing" TimeStamp="2017-11-11T09:00:00" MaxOfferQty="20">     <POS>         <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="USD"/>           </POS>     <RequestCriterion>         <ConfirmedBookingInfo>             <BookingReferenceID Type="14" ID="TDRGSE"/>             <AirItinerary>               <OriginDestinationOptions>                   <OriginDestinationOption>                       <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-09-29T09:00:00" FlightNumber="060" RPH="1" >                           <DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>                           <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD"/>                           <MarketingAirline Code="XX"/>                       </FlightSegment>                   </OriginDestinationOption>               </OriginDestinationOptions>              </AirItinerary>             <Traveler>                 <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>             </Traveler>         </ConfirmedBookingInfo>     </RequestCriterion> </KIU_AirOfferListRQ>  


Elementos del mensaje:

  • RequestCriterion: Element that contains the request.

    • ConfirmedBooking: Element that contains the details of the reservation for which the list of associated ancillaries is required.

      • BookingReferenceID: Element that contains reservation’s ID for the system.

Type: Mandatory. Type of ID that comes from the OTA UIT table. The value for the reservations is ‘14’









  • ID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric [6]. Reservation code.

  • AirItinerary: Element that groups all the flight segments for the requested itinerary.

    • OriginDestinationOptions: Container for the options of each flight segment.

      • OriginDestinationOption: : Options for the specific flight segment.

        • FlightSegment: Flight segment information. In case of non-direct flights, this element is repeated in each stretch.

          • DepartureDateTime: ISO date of flight departure.

          • ArrivalDateTime: ISO date of flight arrival. FlightNumber: Alphanumeric [4] Flight number.

          • ResBookDesigCode: Alphabetical [1] Designator code of the reservation.

          • DepartureAirport: Departure airport.

            • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3] IATA code of the airport.

            • ArrivalAirport: Arrival airport.

              • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3] IATA Code of the airport.

              • MarketingAirline: Marketing airline.

                • Code: Alphanumerical [2]. ID code of the marketing airline.

o Traveler Element that groups the passenger’s information involved in the reservation.

ATTENTION! This element contains two other elements, which are CHOICE type (it means if one is declared, you cannot both). PassengerTypeQuantity or AirTraveler when the passenger is determined.

  • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element that contains quantity information by passenger type.

    • Code: Mandatory. Declares the type of passenger (ADT: Adult, CNN: Minor, INF: Infant).

    • Quantity: Mandatory. Non-negative integer. Number of passengers corresponding to each type.

  • AirTraveler: Element that contains each passenger detailed information.

    • PersonName: Element that groups information about the full name of the person in whose name the reservation is made.

      • NamePrefix: [MR|MRS|MSS|JR] Optional. Honorary passenger prefix. It is used in cases where two or more passengers share the same full name, to differentiate them.

      • GivenName: Alphabetical [63]. Mandatory. Name.

      • MiddleName: Alphabetical [63]. Optional. Middle name.

      • Surname: Alphabetical [63]. Mandatory. Surname.

    • TravelerRefNumber: Unique reference of the person assigned by the system that generates the order. Used as a reference between data segments.

      • RPH: Integer. Unique reference number of the passenger within the reservation.





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_AirGetOfferRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-08-30T18:29:47+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">     <Success />     <AirItineraryInfo DirectionInd="OneWay" AirItineraryRPH="0">         <OriginDestinationOptions>             <OriginDestinationOption TravelPurpose="0">                 <FlightSegment FlightNumber="60" DepartureDateTime="2017-09-29T09:00:00" StopQuantity="0" RPH="1">                     <DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR" />                     <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD" />                     <MarketingAirline CompanyShortName="LINEAS AEREAS XX" Code="XX" />                 </FlightSegment>             </OriginDestinationOption>         </OriginDestinationOptions>     </AirItineraryInfo>     <Traveler>         <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />     </Traveler>     <PriceStructure TicketingCountryCode="AR" PricingCurrency="GBP" DisplayCurrency="USD" DecimalPlaces="2" />     <PricedOffer>         <ServiceFamily FamilyCode="BG" FamilyName="BAGGAGE">             <ItemOffer Code="PDBG" PTC="ADT" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SSR">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>32.27</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="PBGF" PTC="ADT" Description="1ST ADDITIONAL BAG" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SSR">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>38.73</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="PBGS" PTC="ADT" Description="2ND ADDITIONAL BAG" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SSR">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>45.18</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="PBGT" PTC="ADT" Description="THIRD ADDITIONAL BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SSR">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>51.64</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>         </ServiceFamily>         <ServiceFamily FamilyCode="LG" FamilyName="LOUNGE">             <ItemOffer Code="PDLG" PTC="ADT" Description="LOUNGE ACCESS" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SSR">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>64.55</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>         </ServiceFamily>         <ServiceFamily FamilyCode="SA" FamilyName="PRE RESERVED SEAT">             <ItemOffer Code="STPD" PTC="ADT" Description="BASIC SEAT" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SEA">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>12.91</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="STPR" PTC="ADT" Description="PREMIUM SEAT" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SEA">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>25.82</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="STXL" PTC="ADT" Description="PREMIUM SEAT" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SEA">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>38.73</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>             <ItemOffer Code="STEX" PTC="ADT" Description="PREMIUM SEAT" SegmentRPH="1" Carrier="XX" BookMode="SEA">                 <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="USD" DecimalPlaces="2">                     <PriceOffer>45.18</PriceOffer>                 </ItemPriced>             </ItemOffer>         </ServiceFamily>     </PricedOffer> </KIU_AirGetOfferRS>

Elements of the answer:

  • Success: Element that contains the communication.

    • Warnings: Element that contains warnings referring to the transaction

      • Warning: Element that contains the warning description.

        • Code: Warning code.

    • AirItineraryInfo: Element that contains itinerary information of the reservation.

      • DirectionInd: Attribute. Contains the type of itinerary info (OneWay or RoundTrip).

      • AirItineraryRPH: Attribute. Integer positive. ID of internal reference

      • OriginDestinationOptions: Container that holds the options of each flight segment.

        • OriginDestinationOption: Options for the specific flight segment.

          • FlightSegment: Information about the flight segment. In the case of non-direct flights, this element is repeated for each section.

            • DepartureDateTime: ISO date of flight departure.

            • ArrivalDateTime: ISO date of flight arrival FlightNumber: Alphanumeric [4]. Flight number.

            • ResBookDesigCode: Alphabetical [1]. Reservation designated code.

            • DepartureAirport: Departure airport.

              • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3] Airport IATA code

            • ArrivalAirport: Arrival Airport

              • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3]. Airport IATA code

            • MarketingAirline: Marketing Airline.

              • Code: Alphanumerical [2]. ID code of marketing airline.

    • Traveler: Element that contains the information of the passengers that form the reservation.

      • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element that contains quantity information by passenger type.

        • Code: Declares the type of passenger that contains the reservation (ADT: Adult, CNN: Minor, INF: Infant).

        • Quantity: Non-negative integer. Quantity of passengers corresponding to each type.

ATTENTION! This element contains two other elements, which are CHOICE type. You can declare one or the other, you cannot both

  • AirTraveler: Container for each passenger info.

    • PassengerTypeCode: Alphabetical [3] Code that indicates the type of passenger: Infant who doesn’t occupy a seat (INF, from 0 to 2 years old), Child (CNN, from 2 to 12 years old), Adult (ADT, from 12 years old onwards), Group (GRP).

    • BirthDate: ISO date. Passenger’s DOB

    • PersonName: Element that groups passenger’s full name info.

      • NamePrefix: Passenger’s honorary prefix.

      • GivenName: Alphabetical. Given name.

      • MiddleName: Alphabetical. Middle name.

      • Surname: Alphabetical. Surname.

    • TravelerRefNumber: Unique reference of the passenger assigned by the system that generates the order. Used as a reference between data segments.

      • RPH: Integer. Passenger unique reference number within the reservation.

  • PriceStructure: Element that contains the specific information of price qualifiers applied to the quotation of the items.

    • TicketingCountryCode: ISO Country code where the request comes from, Is used to apply the ticketing rules.

    • DisplayCurrency: ISO Code of currency in which the prices are expressed.

    • PricingCurrency: ISO Code of currency in which the price of the loaded service is found.

    • DecimalPlaces: Number of decimals applied.

  • PricedOffer: Element that contains the list of Ancillaries grouped by family and associated to segments.

    • ServiceFamily: Repetitive element that informs the family or group to which each listed service belongs.

      • FamilyCode: Alphanumeric code 2, which reports the associated service group code.

      • FamilyName: Marketing name of the family or group of services

      • ItemOffer: Repetitive element that contains the individual information of each service offered for this family.

        • Code: Service Code. RFISC.

        • Description: Description of the service.

        • SegmentRPH: Internal reference to the segment where the service is offered.

        • Carrier: Optional. ISO airline code that offers the service.

        • BookMode: Enum. (SEA/SSR) Indicates how the service is booked (SEA: Seat, is automatically reserved with the seat reservation command SSR: It is reserved through an SSR Request).

          • PricedOffer: Element that contains the price of the service.

          • Taxes: Optional. Element that contains the list of rates and taxes applicable to the service.

            • Tax: Individual element that contains the information of rate or tax.

              • TaxCode: Tax or rate code.

              • TaxAmount: Tax price.




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