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Purpose of method::

Through this method the user can:

  • Cancel a booking

  • Void a Ticket 

  • Void an EMD



KIU_CancelRQ - Cancel booking
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-12T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
      <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" />
   <UniqueID Type="14" ID="UNSXXM" />
      <Reason>RESERVA ERRONEA</Reason>

KIU_CancelRQ - Void Tickets
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-11-09T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" />
    <UniqueID Type="14" ID="PUKZQF" />
    <UniqueID Type="30" ID="9990210018009" />
    <Ticketing TicketTimeLimit="1" />

KIU_CancelRQ - Void EMD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-12T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" />
    <UniqueID Type="14" ID="PUKZQF"/>
    <UniqueID Type="44" ID="0123456789012" />

Elements of the KIU_CancelRQ message:

  • POS:Element that groups the information of the Point of Sale from which the request is made.
    • Source: Contains the Point of Sale or POS data
      • AgentSine: Alphanumeric (9). Identifier of the agent that makes the request.
      • TerminalID: Alphanumeric (10). Identifier code of the device from which the request is made.

        ATTENTION ! IF YOU ARE TRYING TO VOID A TICKET: The terminalID that is reported in the method, must be coincident with the TerminalID used for the issuance of the tickets that are intended to VOID, otherwise due to a exclusive KIURES funcionality, an error will be obtained.

  • UniqueID: Element that contains the information of the code or ticket to be canceled.
    • Type: Integer. Single identifier OTA code (14: PNR, 30: ticket, 44: EMD).
    • ID: Alphabetical (9) / Integer (13). Unique identifier of the reservation assigned by the system, or ticket number or EMD to be canceled. When canceling a reservation, it must be taken into account that the booking must not have tickets issued. Otherwise, each of the tickets must be canceled (making a separate call to this method for each one), after which you can cancel the reservation.
  • Reasons: Optional. Contains elements of information about the reasons for cancellation. Only available when a reservation is canceled, NOT when a ticket or an EMD is voided.
    • Reason: Alphanumeric with special characters [127]. Comment about the cancellation of the reservation. It will appear in the same in the form of remark. This element can be repeated.
  • Ticketing: Contains information about the ticket to be canceled.
    • TicketTimeLimit: Integer greater than zero. Indicates the maximum number of hours to issue the reservation (through KIU_AirDemandTicket) before it is discarded. In this call it is necessary to send this parameter since, when canceling the last ticket of a reservation, it returns to pending status, which requires a time limit before the system automatically discards it due to lack of payment.

      IMPORTANT: The ticketTimeLimit will be add when the last ticket of a PNR is canceled, if there are more tickets and it is informed, the VOID will be executed but an error will be returned through the method, since will try to add a TimeLimit but there are still active tickets In the reservation.

      IMPORTANT: When canceling EMDs, you can optionally declare the reservation code.  EMD-A are always associated with a reservation and the PNR code must be declared

      EMD-S may be associated with reservations or not. The user must determine in which cases he must declare a reservation code.

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KIU_CancelRS - Booking Cancelation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-12T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
        <Warning Type="13">COULD NOT INSERT CANCELLATION REASONS</Warning>
    <Success />
    <UniqueID Type="14" ID="UNSXXM" />

KIU_CancelRS - Void Ticket
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-12T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
    <UniqueID Type="14" ID="UNSXXM" />
    <Ticketing TicketTimeLimit="2" />

KIU_CancelRS - Void EMD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_CancelRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2015-03-12T17:17:36+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />

Elements of the KIU_AirCancelRS message:

  • UniqueID: Element that contains the code information to cancel.
    • Type: Integer. Unique identifier OTA code (14: PNR).
    • ID:Alphabetical [6]. Unique identifier of the reservation assigned by the system.
  • Ticketing: Container element of information about the ticket provided.
    • TicketTimeLimit: Optional. Integer greater than zero. The number of hours before the reservation is automatically canceled if it is not issued.

In case TicketTimeLimit is not declared, the system will auto-assign the default of 10 minutes.

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Possible error messages:






The sent ticket is no longer active (i.e. it was canceled or has already been used and can not be canceled).


Too many PNRs to process.

More than one PNR was sent. The call accepts up to one.


Too many eTKTs to process.

More than one ticket was sent. The call accepts up to one.


PNR not informed.

PNR was not informed


Too many Time Limits to process.

More than one Ticket Time limit was sent. The call accepts up to one.


New Time Limit not informed.

the new value of the ticket time limit was not informed


Error at parameter TicketTimeLimit.

The value of the TicketTimeLimit attribute does not correspond to the format described (integer greater than 0).


Error at parameter PNR.

The PNR sent does not match to the format described (alphabetic in capital letters of six characters).


Error at parameter Ticket Number.

The ticket sent does not match to the format described (13-digit integer).


Error at parameter ID Type.

The value of the Type attribute of the ID element does not match to the accepted values (14 and 30).


Error at parameter Reason.

The value of the Reason element does not match to the format described (alphanumeric in uppercase with special characters of up to 127 characters).


The PNR does not correspond with an active reservation.

The sent PNR does not exist.


There are no more available areas for operation. Please try again.

The system was unable to process the request due to overload. It is recommended to retry.


The supplied AgentSine does not have the proper duties for this action.

The AgentSine sent does not have the necessary permissions to cancel a reservation or a ticket. Send an email to webservices@kiusys.com for more information


The reservation has already been cancelled.

The PNR sent corresponds to a reservation that is no longer active (i.e. it has already been canceled or expired).


The requested Ticket number could not be found.

The EMD whose void was requested does not exist.

Possible warnings:





Indicates that the remark / s could not be inserted with the reasons for canceling the reservation.

The KIU_Cancel method requires that the device be a valid one of an existing city / Country of the client. You cannot declare a device / Agent Sine 'NET '. In this case, you will receive a 'Need Duty' error

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