User profiles
Sign In creation is managed by a sign in manager assigned by the airline.
Sign In has parameters that define what the user can do with this signature. These are attributes or keywords that have different duties, ASO (automatic sign out) and access to other cities.
Sign in or User Id is made of 6 numeric and 2 alpha digits that cannot be repeated by company and/or assigned city.
Keywords list
This entry is performed by the sign in manager and it is a help index to view every keyword Duty.
HOME CITY and CITY ACCESS will enable access to cities in first instance, then KEYWORDS for more duties.
HOME CITY: is the origin city of the agent Sign IN and by default the only city the user will be able to work if no further permissions.
CITY ACCESS: allows access to other cities in the host duly authorized in the sign in.
Description of the attributes
Under the MKW* list each keyword or restriction has a brief description of its capability:
Duties List
Duties are levels of access that authorize certain system transactions, complementing with the keywords.
Sign In creation
In order to create a signature you need to have the CREATE keyword.
It must be kept in mind that the city where the signature will be created will be taken from the city where the agent that will create it is positioned.
For example, if the signature creator agent is positioned in BUE and you want to create a signature for COR, you must make the AAACOR command to go to COR, and just be able to generate the signature in COR.
The steps to follow for the creation of signatures are as follows.
Signature sign-up
Signature sign up is the first step for the creation of the sign in.
A numeric code of 4 to 6 characters is entered, followed by the city of origin of the signature user and the alphabet code of 2 characters (which may be the agent initials.)
HB | Fixed format |
6550 | Numeric digits |
BUE | Origin City |
SJ | Alphabetic digits |
Sytem response:
System responds that a new agent is being signed-up in that specific city.
User Name
Last and first name of the agent are entered, separated by a slash.
H/ | Fixed format |
NAM | Name indicator |
SMITH/JOHN | Agent´s Last and First Name |
System response:
Duty Codes
All signatures will have at least one Duty code. Administrator will have to set the respective Duty code for the agent.
H/ | Fixed Format |
DTY | Duty Indicator |
1234567 | Assigned duties |
Enabled cities
Input the cities to which the agent will have direct access, besides the sign in city of origin.
H/ | Fixed Format |
CTY | City Indicator |
SLA,TUC,JUJ,COR | Cities where the agent will be able to access |
Electronic Account Acces
Cities, airports or countries will be detailed so the agent will have access to the KIU electronic accounts
System will required confirmation with /Y
H/ | Fixed Format |
MIA,CCS,AEP,PA,UY,EC | Cities where the agent have access |
City, airport and country codes can be added
More than one option, separated by commas (,) is permitted
If the information does not exist, system will respond: INVALID COUNTRY, CITY OR AIRPORT CODE. Please contact your sales executive.
Cities can not be entered if the country they belong to is already selected:
If you enter AR (Argentina) you cannot enter COR (City of Argentina).
The validation will be done at the moment of reconfirmation. System will respond with a warning message advising that the city or cities will be deleted, only the country will remain: WARNING - DUE TO THESE CITIES AND/OR AIRPORTS <CITY/AIRPORT CODE> <CITY/AIRPORT CODE> BELONG TO THESE COUNTRIES: <COUNTRY CODE> <COUNTRY CODE>, THEY WILL NOT BE ADDED IN THIS TRANSACTION. PLEASE CONFIRM ADDING /Y
Option "ALL", means there is not a restriction to check or manage electronic accounts.
If a city or country is dupe in the command, the system will return the following message: COUNTRY, CITY OR AIRPORT CODE DUPLICATED
Automatic Sign Out (ASO)
You enter the time that the signature can be active without executing any commands. It is governed by a table that indicates periods of 15 minutes.
1 = 15 minutes |
2 = 30 minutes |
3 = 45 minutes |
Maximum value is 9 or 135 minutes which is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
H/ | Fixed format |
ASO | Automatic sign out |
2 | Value which equals 30 mins |
The name of the person who authorizes the creation of the signature is entered. Free text
H/ | Fixed format |
AUT | Authorizer |
JOHN SMITH | Name of authorizer |
ID Mail
The ID mail field is mandatory and will be required when logging in Kiu Click (GUI).
H/ | Fixed format |
IDMAIL | ID Mail Indicator |
TEST@MAIL.COM | E-mail address |
Enter Keywords that will allow agents to have access to different functionalities of the system and module.There is no limit to load keywords but you can enter up to 8 per command. You can also create a signature without a single keyword.
H/ | Fixed format |
UAT/A- | Update Indicator |
OVERSL,CHGAAA | Assigned Keywords (separated by commas) |
Special access permissions to queues (optional)
City and queue are indicated to which the user will have a special permit to access,but general access will remain restricted.
There is no limit to the number of queues but up to 8 can be entered per command.
It is not mandatory to use this function.You can create a signature without this functionality.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
QUE | Queue indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
A | Add indicator |
- | Mandatory fixed hyphen |
HDQ183,HDQ187,BUE40 | City and queue where agent will be granted access. You can add one or several separated by a comma. |
Reference (optional)
The reference field is optional and allows you to add data that is identifying the signature.
For example, the file of the agent or the area to which the agent belongs.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
REF | Reference Indicator |
To delete this field, enter the same command without the free text.
E-mail (optional)
The e-mail field is optional and allows you to add an e-mail address that corresponds to the agent.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
Email Indicator | | | User email address |
To replace the email address the same format has to be entered with the new mail address and if you want to delete you must enter the word DELETE after the MAIL indicator as shown below.
End of transaction
This entry allows to finalize the sign in creation and signature is ready to be used.
Active/Enable Sign In
The signature must be activated / enabled once it was created. Until this operation is done, the signature created remains latent.
HB1100 | Agent ID is retrieved |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACT | Action indicator |
ON | Enabled |
System Response:
Password must not be indicated, since the system will request that the same user, at the time of the first log in, enter and confirm the new password and will be asked, to enter the same password in the CURRENT PASSWORD and NEW PASSWORD fields.
Passwords must contain at least 7 characters and a maximum of 8 characters and, if or combination numbers and letters.
You can not reuse any of the last 4 keys previously used
Password validity will be 90 days; after that period, it must be changed for a new one.
Deactivate/Disable a Signature
To disable a signature, enter the following command.
HB1100 | Agent ID is retrieved |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACT | Action indicator |
OFF | Deactivated/Disabled |
/ | Optional slash if reason has to be added |
Last slash and reason is optional
Letters and/or numbers accepted
System Response:
Activate a blocked Signature
To activate a blocked signature without changing the password, the command is:
HB | Fixed format |
4444 | Numeric signature |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACTON | Fixed format to indicate activation |
When attempting to activate a locked user, the system will apply the same logic mentioned in point above, ie a new password must not be entered in the command since the system will assume that it has been reset.
A new one must be entered at the moment of the signature entry (SI command <USER ID>.
The new keys must contain at least 7 characters and a maximum of 8 characters and, if so, they must contain numbers and letters.
System will block signature after 5 failed attempts to enter a correct password.
System will block terminal after 10 failed attempts to enter a correct password.
Cloning a signature
HC | Cloning entry |
9080 | User ID |
HC will clone a signature with the same duties and keywords of the original.
Step by step, to create a new user, cloning keywords and duties of another, is as follows:
Create new usear as indicated ie. | HB1010MIAPC |
HC+ Current User with keywords and duties to clone | HC9080 |
HC entry will clone user 9080 keywords and duties into 1010 new signature.
From this step, the remaining fields required to create a new user must be completed (name, city, sign out time, etc.) and finally record the data, and activate it.
If an attempt is made to clone permissions from a non-existent user, the system will respond to the following message, after entering HC command AGENTE NO ENCONTRADO(AGENT NOT FOUND)
If an attempt is made to clone keywords to an already created user, the system will respond with the following message, indicating that the action can not be executed Duty/KEYWORDS ALREADY ASSOCIATED TO AGT .CLONING COMMAND ONLY APPLIES TO NEW AGENTS
Signatures Modify
Any signature created can be modified by an agent with attributes (keywords) to do it. The steps and the possible modifications are as follows:
1- Signature to be modified is retrieved with the command:
2- The necessary changes are made
System response:
The changes are overwritten to the previous data, displaying the characteristics of the signature.
To add attributes use the acronym A and to delete them D.
H** entry will allow you to you see the changes made at the moment.
3- End of transaction
System response:
To display the signature attributes, the command is HB + UserID.
To redisplay H*
Signature Deletion
A signature can be definitively deleted, as long as it does not have PNRs generated by it that are active or unexpired.
The sign (initials) can not be repeated for the next new users, although it will be possible to reuse the user ID number.
HD+ user ID / Remark |
System Response:
List of deleted signatures:
You can retrieve the record of all signatures that have been deleted.
System Response:
ID | User ID number |
OFF | Activity details when deleted |
AGT | Agent number |
SN | Sign in Initials |
NAME | Agent name |
CTY | City of origin |
CREATION DATE | Signature create date |
LAST LOGIN | Self explanatory |
DELETION | Deletion date |
BY | User performing deletion |
You can also retrieve this listing, filtered by city of origin or by identifier HBH*CITY o HBH*ID, respectively.
Signature activation/deactivation in Test Mode
This entry allows you to enable and disable users in bulk on the TEST partition.To disable users of the TEST partition, except user 1000, the command is:
To activate disabled users of the TEST partition, the command is:
Agents Listing
The command to display all the agents that have a company-created signature is the following and can only be executed by those users who have the keyword CREATE
System Response:
OFF | * means user is active |
AGT | Numeric signature |
USER | Alpha signature |
SN | Agent Initials |
NAME | Agent Last and First names |
CTY | Agent origin city |
CREATED | Signature create date and time |
LAST ACCESS | Date and time |
EXPIRED | Password expiration date |
List References:
* | Asterisk in front of the user number means that it is deactivated and is not available for use |
x | in front of the user number means that it is blocked due to the several attempts to enter incorrect password. |
There are other options for requesting signature listings:
By City:
System Response:
By City with all fields listed:
System Response:
By Agent:
HB*Agent |
By Reference:
By City and reference:
HB*city/reference |
By keyword:
By Duty Code:
HB*Duty code |
User Breakdown by Sign ID
To break down a user by sign number you can use the following command as long as the agent have the HBVIEW keyword assigned.
If the sign is no longer active or it is expired DELETED remark will appear.
In all cases it breaks down the user code that can be found in the various system logs .reservations, ticketing, check in, administrator, etc.).
Sign History
To see the sign history the input command is:
HX Sign Number |
LNM | Last Name |
FNM | First Name |
ACT | Activate |
PAS | Password |
UAT | Keyword |
DTY | Duty |
ASO | Automatic Sign out Time |
CTY | Activated cities |
AUT | Authorization |
ON |
Market Control table
The market control table is a tool that allows controlling the airline sales. Market table allows selecting and configuring sales strategy.
The purpose of this is to configure the classes, flights and markets to be displayed in the availability and viewership level.
The table is divided into two groups:
One is the recipient of the rule (User, Terminal, Device, Office or Item). Entering the rule can only be done by selecting one of the options as a possible recipient.
The other group indicates the action that will take (Status) and the classes on which elements will take the action indicated (dates of availability, flights, market).
To do this, the corresponding indicators must be configured:
The command to display the table is:
ITEM | Item Number |
USER | User ID |
DEVICE | Terminal |
OFFICE | Office ID |
RBR | Category (Airline,Agency) |
EFF-UTC | Effective Date |
EXP-UTC | Expire Date |
FLT-FLT | Flight range |
MARKET | Markets |
STAT | Status |
Class | RBDs |
Another way to visualize the table indicating the signature that created the rule.
By header shows the signature and the UTC date and time that the rule insert command was executed.
Application logic:
The logic of the table is to apply the most restrictive recipient, class or element.
In the recipients, the order of the most least restrictive is:
For example, if there is a rule that applies to the AGT category but there is another rule that applies to an specific agency's OFFICE (BUEA7760), will take the most restrictive for the office,
For classes there are two options:
A specified class (or several aligned)
All classes(ALL)
For example, if there is one rule that applies to all flights but another that indicates that it applies to a one specified ,system will apply the most restrictive one.
Rule Addition
The command to add a rule is:
MKT | Fixed format |
ADD | Add indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
US | User Indicator |
BUEXX-MM | User |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CL | Class indicator |
O | O clas |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ST | Status indicator |
R | Required status |
You can combine a choice of the target group with one or more action options, classes and elements. Each indicator will be separated with a bar, for example:
This rule states that for office AEP00XX4 (OFAEP00XX4) will close (STC) classes B and H (CLBH) for flights from 4000 to 4500 (FL4000-4500) in the AEPMDQ market (MKAEPMDQ)
Rules deletion
To delete a rule, you must first display the table with the MKT command and then Delete
MKT | Fixed format |
DEL | Delete command |
1 | Item number |
Rules can be deleted by one or by selecting multiple or by range. For example:
MKTDEL1,5,7,10 | Selection |
MKTDEL1-6 | Rule Range |
Other examples
Example to enable viewership of all flights and classes to all travel agencies:
Example to disable only one terminal from viewing flights from AEP to MDZ in a specified date range.
Example to hide T class to all the agencies but to enable it for the agency BUEA7760:
And then, execute the command:
MKT table Filters
In order to filter by existing service class (MKT * class), the possibilities are by:
* Vendor - RU Indicator
* Office - OF Indicator
* Terminal - DV Indicator
* User - US Indicator
The following commands to filter the MKT table are:
Hide RDBDs or classes in FQD
This functionality allows hiding classes from the fare display (FQD) when it is requested by travel agencies.Same command performed by the airline will allow viewership.
Example to hide E class : MKTADD / HOST + E
The command to allow to display in the FQD a class that had previously been hidden is as follows:
Example to redisplay E class : MKTADD / HOST-E
Display by Class
To see how a particular class has been configured in the Market Table, you must enter the command as follows:
MKT*{Class} |
When making this entry the Market Table will be displayed including only the variables and conditions entered for the class indicated in the entry.
Note that the conditions entered with the ALL option will also be displayed despite indicating a class in particular. If you only want to display the conditions entered and affecting all classes (ALL) you must enter the command as follows:
In the table history you can see all the actions taken in it. The command is:
System response:
In the first column (DATE), observes the date and time of application of the command.
The next column (BY ) shows the signature of the user who executed the command.
The third column (ACC) shows the action that can be ADD (added) or DEL (deleted).
The last column (DETAIL) shows the executed command and at the end the signature and date and time of execution of the command
18JAN17 3:02PM: Date and time of application of the rule
152: User ID
ADD: Action
/CY-AJU/RU:AGT/FD:18JAN17-OPEN/FL:1977-1977/MK:EZE-AJU/ST:CLSD/CL:AET/: Rule executed, data entered by the user
By:AEP.AEPXX-DG 1502/18JAN17: Signature and UTC time
Filters to Apply
System response:
E-ticket Status Change
The System Administrator has the authority to change the status of electronic ticket coupons from one status to any other. In order to do so administrator must have Duties 1, 4, 5, 7 or 8 and STSCHG Keyword.
W*U | Fixed format |
F | Future status indicator |
9992200001306 | E-ticket number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
E1 | Coupon number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
Remark | Free Text |
You can also execute this command with a ticket displayed on the screen. The entry is:
Coupon status enabled in the system:
F | Flown |
O | Open for Use |
R | Refunded |
E | Exchanged |
I | irregular Transaction |
N | Notification |
Z | Closed |
P | Printed |
X | Print Exchange |
S | Suspended |
E-ticket Stock Check
It is possible to check electronic tickets stock allocation that the system assigns to the different company offices.
This entry shows the assigned stock for all company offices anywhere in the world, to today´s date.
Other options for this entry are:
STKE <Filter>/<date1>-<date2> |
Country code (Example: MX)
City Code (Example: MEX)
Office ID (Example: MEX00A48)
Date Range:
From Date 1 to Date 2
Dates range can be checked up to 7 days back. If you would like to check a period beyond 7 days you will have to verify TID file sent daily, via e-mail or FTP.
This file contains information of the document stock assignments of the airline and of agencies.The description of such file is found on the IATA DISH.
If only one date is entered, it assumes the assignments for the same one requested.
In addition, this command can be sent to an EXCEL or CSV document by executing the command with -EXCEL or -CSV at the end of it.
To see the general stock assignment, the entry is:
Past Date PNR retrieval
You can retrieve past date PNR with the following entries.
SEARCHN(LastName) |
Search | Fixed Format |
N | Name indicator |
SEARCHC(Record Locator) |
Search | Fixed Format |
C | Record Located |
In both cases the response is the PNR with all the detailed transactions by the time it was purged. Keep in mind that the system searches for the exact last name or reservation code that has been typed. In case the search is by last name and is more than one, the command entered must contain both last name for the correct result. If only the first last name is searched the system will not take into account in the search those PNRs that contain more than one last name.
Other search parameters:
It is also possible to search by date
The dates must indicate the day the system purged the PNR
Search from the selected purged date until the day user inputs data |
Search within the parameter of dates requested, that is from December 22 to December 31 of 2016 |
In both cases it is important to indicate the year since the search can be carried out from the day of the application toa year backward, ie a maximum range of 365 days.
User records retrieval
Recording the user's actions can be done by a fixed command. This command retrieves the terminals that are active at the time of execution pointing the active area with an X, in addition to the user and the date and time.
By clicking on the link of the device you can retrieve the commands made by the user in the last hour.
To access this command it is necessary to have Duty 8 or 2 and the Keyword HLPDSK.
Clicking on the link opens the help screen with the executed commands:
Enabled Cities table for Airline Database
The cities displayed in this table are those accepted by the company to be used in the creation of flights and enabled to receive queues account. It can be displayed with Duty 7 or 8.
To see the table of cities enabled for the airline entry is:
This table displays the city code, time zone, GMT time and airport name.
To see the cities with their corresponding connection times, the command is:
Connection times are configured by airline and they affect the availability display; but not fare quotes.
This way you can control that the flights are considered as a connection when displaying a city pair availability.
It is possible to configure up to 1440 minutes which is equivalent to 24 hours.
CITY | City code |
DDMin | Domestic/Domestic flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
DDMax | Domestic/Domestic flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
DIMin | Domestic/International flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
DIMax | Domestic/International flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
IDMin | International /Domestic flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
IDMax | International/Domestic flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
IIMin | International/International flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
IIMax | International/International flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
DESCRIPTION | Airport Details and City |
All digits displayed below the flight and timing indicators are expressed in minutes.
To modify the connection times the command is as follows:
Only the indicators to be modified are indicated. In order to perform this command the user must have Duty code 7 or 8.
In response, the system returns the modified table.
To display the time zones of a country the command to be entered is the following:
T*ZONE(ISO Country Code) |
BSP agencies commissions
Commissions can be established for BSP travel agencies.
There are two levels of users to run the commands.
One level is only to display the commission listings required by Duty 1, 7 or 8.
The other level is to administer the commissions and that requires the same duties and the CTACTE keyword also.
Agency commission listing
Retrieve by country
Sytem response:
BSP AR has 989 agencies ,with their respective 1% commission.
Retrieve by City
AGT<ISO Country Code> |
System response shows each of the cities where there are authorized agencies and respective amount.
Retrieve by Agency
This command allows you to see the enabled agencies in a specific city.
AGT<City Code> |
The response displays the authorized agencies listing, the agency name and the IATA code (column NAME), the KIU office (OFFICE column) and the four different types of commissions:
COM. DOM. CA Domestic commission cash FOP
CASH COM. INT. CA International commission cash FOP.
CASH COM. DOM. CC Domestic commission credit card FOP.
COM. INT. CC International commission credit card FOP
Commission updates
Basically the update of commission percentages maintains the same logic. The commands to set the fixed commission on each of the options are as follows:
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash indicator |
COMD | Domestic commission indicator |
3 | Percentage number |
- | hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash indicator |
COMI | International commission indicator |
3 | Percentage number |
- | hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card Indicator |
COMD | Domestic commission indicator |
8 | Percentage indicator |
- | Hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card Indicator |
COMI | Domestic commission indicator |
8 | Percentage indicator |
- | Hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
In order to set a percentage of commission as a maximum reference, a letter M at the end of the percentage.
This will allow, at the time of issuance, the agency can input a lower commission (by entering the item KP in the ticketing entry).
If the agency omits typing the commission, the system will apply the maximum set (8 in the example).
Default Commissions Updates
This functionality allows you to set default commissions so that by the time a new agency is enabled automatically assume the pre-established commission for each of the payment methods and according to the type of travel (domestic or international).
The AGT / DEFAULT / input is fixed; then you must add the IATA country code to which the commission by default applies depending on the payment method and the type of travel.
To end the entry you must enter a text preceded by a hyphen .
To view the historical default commissions updates, enter the following entry:
Mass Commission Updates for BSP Agencies
This entry allows to massively update BSP agencies commissions . Requires Duty 1 or 7 or 8 and Keyword CTACTE
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
SET | Fixed indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
PE | Country Code |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Percentage indicator |
COMD | Commission indicator for domestic |
3.75 | Percentage indicator |
Indicator Reference:
COUNTRY: The IATA country code will be entered. It is unique and does not combine so if several countries have to be updated separate transactions are required.
FORM OF PAYMENT INDICATOR: There are tw options:CA for Cash or CC for credit cards.
COMMISSION INDICATOR BASED ON TRAVEL TYPE: The are two options COMD for domestic and COMI for international travel.
COMMISSION PERCENT: The percentage is placed in numerical form.Decimals are separated by period.It also accepts the maximum commission indicator (as well as the individual upload). The format for that case is to place the letter M behind value entered, for example 3.75M. The other option to eliminate commissions is to place the letter N instead of the value.
Update Records History
AGT/<Office ID>/H |
Involved Agency Application
Agents designated by the airline can issue tickets at the airline ticket office and collect commission for their transactions regardless form of payment. These are called Involved agencies.
Duty 1, 7 or 8 and the CTACTE keyword are required for customer creation
Customers and Agency Adds
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer number |
/ | Mandatory slah |
PAZ TOUR | Customer or Agency name 50 characters max. |
/ | Mandatory slash |
BUE | City Code |
/ | Mandatory slash. |
NO BSP | Free text(max 30 characters) |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free text(Max 100 characters) |
Once customers are added into the table, commissions for each of them must be configured.
Options are:
Domestic commission with cash as form of payment
International commission with cash as form of payment.
Domestic commission with credit card as form of payment
International commission with credit card as form of payment
Entries to add commissions:
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash |
COMD | Domestic Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMD | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
In case the airline intends to set a maximum percentage reference for commission an M after percentage must be input in all options
This will allow a commission to be placed at the time of issuance (by typing KP in the ticketing entry).
If the user ignores typing the commission, the system will apply the maximum set (8 in the example)
There is also an option to mass add and modify commission for all customers. The command is:
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ALL | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
8.75 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
This functionality can be applied to all other options described beforehand.
Viewing the customer table
INTcity All involved agencies in X City
INTcity/NameInitials All involved agencies in X City/name initails
INTALL/NameInitials All involved agencies in all locations/name initials
Customers deletion
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
55555 | Customer number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
DEL | Delete indicator |
Sending the table to Excel
Ticketing with "Agency Involved" method
Once a customer has been created, the agent code can be added for ticketing through the "Agency Involved" method.
WK*FCA* | Ticketing Command FOP Cash |
I/ | Agency Involved indicator |
555555 | Customer ID |
This command will apply the corresponding commission according to the table and insert the code below the reservation code in the e-ticket .
This entry generates history using an email that is sent once a day with all the modifications performed in this functionality.
The file will be sent to the email address configured on the user 1000.
Ticketing configuration for "Agency Involved" method
In order to use this functionality, the indicator must be previously set in the ticketing table (JJETKT):
This configuration must be requested to KIU System Solutions.
This functionality allows airlines to add messages that will be informed,to the users when they sign into the system or when they type NEWS command on KIU screen.
You can add messages for different channels:
Travel agencies
Host (airline)
By country or all countries
By Office
There are different actions to this functionality such as Add, Delete, Update, View.
News will be displayed when a user signs into the system and can also be queried at any time by entering the following command:
By typing the word NEWS the user will be able to see the news focused for his communication channel (country, office, travel agency or airline)
In order to type this command the user does not need to have a particular Duty or keyword.
At the top right corner of the message you will be able to who has posted the message (KIU / AIRLINE / AGENCY), the country for which it was published and the date of publication.
To add news and messages the user must have the ADMNEW keyword in his signature.
NEWS | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
AIR | Area where message will be displayed. AIR= Host AGT Travel Agencies |
/ | Mandatory slash |
AR | Country where message will be ISO code.. You can only add one country code so if you need to add different country code you will have to create several messages.If message has to be displayed in all countries ** should be typed |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TEXT | Free Text |
(Message for travel agencies in South Africa)
(Message for airline host offices in Mexico)
(Message with two lines of information typing ENTER with TAB key)
(Message for agencies of all countries)
News added by KIU will be displayed in a section called NEWS /
News added by airlines will be displayed in a section called AIRLINE NEWS / AERIAL NEWS
News added for a particular office will be displayed in a section called OFFICE NEWS / NEWS
Set News validity
You can set the validity of the news. Keep in mind that if you do not enter it the message remains with a default term of 7 days.
To indicate the validity of the message.
The country code should then indicate the number of days in which the message is to be displayed in the .Sign In and the NEWS command.
News by Host Office
You can add messages for a particular office by entering the following command
NEWS | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
OFF | Fixed indicator representing OFFICE |
AEP00XX | Host Office where the message will be displayed . it is not necessary to indicate the office after the indicator OFF if news added is for the same office) |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TEXT | Free Text |
Adding news for Travel Agencies
Travel agencies can add messages to be viewed by their users.
The command for travel agencies to enter their own messages and news is as follows:
Adding News by mask
Agencies and airlines can add news by creating a mask.
When typing this entry system will display a screen mask where the news text must be typed .
The system will assume by default that the news will be for the office from where the command is being executed.
Once the text is entered, confirm the operation by clicking the DONE button.
If you want to cancel the operation and do not enter the new message or modify the previous one, you must click on the CANCEL button.
When the NEWS / OFF / MASK entry is typed , the system will display the previously added news item.
To enter a news item for a host's office, other than the office where the news item is being entered, you must enter the following command:
This entry is intended for office COR00XX4
You can get a list of the messages added with the following entry:
System will display a list with the news added by the airline or agency performing the command.
User must have ADMNEW keyword in his signature.
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To view a message added for a particular office or travel agency you must type the following entry:
This entry allows you to view the news added for the office or travel agency.
If you want to view the news entered for a particular office, enter the following command:
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To delete previously added messages with the following entry:
This entry deletes all messages and news added for host (AIR) offices in Argentina (AR)
(Delete messages entered for agencies in all countries)
To delete a message added for a particular office or travel agency
This entry allows to delete the news entered for the own office or travel agency.
To delete the news entered for a particular office, enter the following command:
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To check the news and messages history added , enter the following command:
Availability check in test agencies
This filter allows to see how a certain agency visualizes the services of the airline.
The filter can be used, for example, to check whether a rule in the market table (MKT) is being applied correctly
The tests can be done on real agencies or on the agency TEST*
The filter is added to the availability command. Also, the command must be executed from airline terminals.
BUEA776001 terminal is included in any rule (s) within the company's market table (MKT) from the terminal you can see how the agency visualizes its services
1* / 1R do not work with /D entry.
Fake Name List
This functionality allows you to create a list of possible fictitious names and / or surnames to be checked by the system at the time of the end of a reservation .(E / ER transactions).
If by the time of booking, the system matches a name assigned to one of the passengers included in the list of fictitious names, the PNR will be confirmed but also place in HDQ69 queue.
If a reservation is created with a name that is not included in the NFK table but then the name is modified by one that is included, the system will re-check the names of the reservation against the NFK table and will be sent to queue. This will allow supervisors to manually review PNRs and decide whether it is a real reservation or not and how to proceed.
This functionality helps to avoid blocking of seats and dummy reservations.
CHD (minor) and INF (infant) passenger names will also be checked against this table.
The following options can be used to display the contents entered in the list of fictitious names.
NFK/* | See complete list |
NFK/*<LAST NAME> | See only items with a given last name (or characters) |
NFK/*/<NAME> | See only items with a given name (or characters) |
The following is an example of the display of the NFK list:
To add names to the list of dummy names you can use some of the following options:
If the input is accepted by the system correctly the word DONE will be displayed.
Error messages:
NEED DUTY | Duty code 8 is required to update the table. |
INVALID - CHECK PAX DUPE | Already added in the fake list. |
Passenger names must exactly match the entry included in the NFK table in order to be placed on queue.
In case of Group PNR , if any of the names included in the NFK list is used in a GRP PNR, the Full PNR will be queued.
There is no limit on the number of names that can be added into the NFK list.
To delete names from the fake names list you can use some of the following options:
To delete an item from the table, it must be specified exactly as it was included.
Error message:
ITEM NOT FOUND | Name to delete is not on the list |
PNRs containing names added on the list of fictitious names (NFK) will be queued in queue 69 of the city HDQ.
Excess Baggage Configuration Table
If the airline issues excess baggage automatically you can configure the application rules in the following table:
Delete a record, the item is the number shown in the last display.
Modify a record, the item is the number shown in the last display. The tokens are separated with slash (/)
Configuration Options
To indicate the type of equipment to which you apply. The permitted values are all aircraft uploaded.
Token: EQP <team>
To indicate the number of units allowed, Baggage excess will be applied according to this value. Units can be kilos (K) or pounds (L).
Token: / BG <allowed quantity> <allowed unit>
Trip Type:
To indicate the trip type to which the rule applies. Allowed values are domestic (D), International (I) or domestic and international (DI)
Token: / TR <trip type>
Passenger Type:
To indicate the passenger type to which the rule will apply. Allowed values are adult (A), child (C) or infant (I) and all their combinations.
Token: / PX <passenger type/s>
To indicate the airport of origin, the option ALL is allowed
Token: / FR <airport>
To indicate the destination airport, ALL is allowed
Token: / TO <airport>
Start date:
To indicate the flight date from when rule applies. The format is DDMMM and OPEN is allowed
Token: / TE <flight date from>
Discontinue Date:
To indicate the flight date until the rule is discontinued . The format is DDMMM and allows the entry of OPEN
Token: / TD <flight date to>
To indicate the percentage of the fare class that will be charged for each unit exceeded, if there is more than one fare that matches the booking code, the most restrictive will apply. The currency of the amount is determined by the country of origin of the flight where applicable, according to the configuration in the DNP command and whether the leg is domestic or international
Token: / PC <percentage> <class>>
To indicate the amount to be charged for each unit exceeded
Token: / AM <currency> <amount>
To indicate the list of booking classes to which the rule applies.
Token: / CL <class list>
To indicate the list of cabins to which the rule applies. The allowed values are: Y, C and F.
Token: CB <booth/s>
Application Exemption:
To indicate that there is no excess luggage rule
Token: / NAY
To indicate the flight or range of flights where applicable. The flight number must be between 0 and 9999.
Token: / FL <flight or range of flights separated by "-">
You can combine tokens to create different rules always considering that "AM", "PC" and "NA" indicators can not be combined in the same record. At least 1 must be entered at registration. Also if a record that previously had NAY is modified, it must be indicated AM or PC and the system modifies it automatically.
To see the table history the command is as follows.
Export AGT /AGTN list to excel
This entry exports a list of agencies in a given city t to an excel file.
An excel file will be stored in the C folder, reservations, my files, which will contain the complete information.
Exporting procedure does not consider the limit on the screen generating an excel file with a limit of 3000 records.
WatchList SIN Control Number
This functionality allows you to create a special list of passengers last and first names called Watch List from where the airline can restrict ticketing.
This check will be carried out by the system at the moment of ending a reservation (E / ER transactions).
If by the time of reservation completion , the system finds any of the passengers names included in the Watch List, the PNR cannot be issued.
This functionality helps to avoid ticketing of passengers that are in the Watch List as decided by the airline.
The names of the CHD (minor) and INF (infants) passengers will also be checked against this table.
The following options may be used to display the contents entered in the list.
Complete list of all names and surnames
A single character from the first or last name is required for a name search and the results will include all the items that start with that character. The inclusion of the date of birth is optional.
To add names to the Watch List you can use some of the following options:
Add last and first name
Add last name, first name and date of birth
Posibles Error messages:
If the entry is accepted the system will respond:
There is no limit on the number of names to be added to the Watch List
Deleting names from the Watch List can only be done individually:
Delete last name and first name
Possible error message
To see the history of all names added and deleted, the following option can be used:
Display complete transactions history.
User profiles
Sign In creation is managed by a sign in manager assigned by the airline.
Sign In has parameters that define what the user can do with this signature. These are attributes or keywords that have different duties, ASO (automatic sign out) and access to other cities.
Sign in or User Id is made of 6 numeric and 2 alpha digits that cannot be repeated by company and/or assigned city.
Keywords list
This entry is performed by the sign in manager and it is a help index to view every keyword Duty.
HOME CITY and CITY ACCESS will enable access to cities in first instance, then KEYWORDS for more duties.
HOME CITY: is the origin city of the agent Sign IN and by default the only city the user will be able to work if no further permissions.
CITY ACCESS: allows access to other cities in the host duly authorized in the sign in.
Description of the attributes
Under the MKW* list each keyword or restriction has a brief description of its capability:
Duties List
Duties are levels of access that authorize certain system transactions, complementing with the keywords.
Sign In creation
In order to create a signature you need to have the CREATE keyword.
It must be kept in mind that the city where the signature will be created will be taken from the city where the agent that will create it is positioned.
For example, if the signature creator agent is positioned in BUE and you want to create a signature for COR, you must make the AAACOR command to go to COR, and just be able to generate the signature in COR.
The steps to follow for the creation of signatures are as follows.
Signature sign-up
Signature sign up is the first step for the creation of the sign in.
A numeric code of 4 to 6 characters is entered, followed by the city of origin of the signature user and the alphabet code of 2 characters (which may be the agent initials.)
HB | Fixed format |
6550 | Numeric digits |
BUE | Origin City |
SJ | Alphabetic digits |
Sytem response:
System responds that a new agent is being signed-up in that specific city.
User Name
Last and first name of the agent are entered, separated by a slash.
H/ | Fixed format |
NAM | Name indicator |
SMITH/JOHN | Agent´s Last and First Name |
System response:
Duty Codes
All signatures will have at least one Duty code. Administrator will have to set the respective Duty code for the agent.
H/ | Fixed Format |
DTY | Duty Indicator |
1234567 | Assigned duties |
Enabled cities
Input the cities to which the agent will have direct access, besides the sign in city of origin.
H/ | Fixed Format |
CTY | City Indicator |
SLA,TUC,JUJ,COR | Cities where the agent will be able to access |
Input the cities, airports or countries to which the agent will have access to the KIU electronic accounts
System will required confirmation with /Y
H/ | Fixed Format |
MIA,CCS,AEP,PA,UY,EC | Cities where the agent will be able to access |
Automatic Sign Out (ASO)
You enter the time that the signature can be active without executing any commands. It is governed by a table that indicates periods of 15 minutes.
1 = 15 minutes |
2 = 30 minutes |
3 = 45 minutes |
Maximum value is 9 or 135 minutes which is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
H/ | Fixed format |
ASO | Automatic sign out |
2 | Value which equals 30 mins |
The name of the person who authorizes the creation of the signature is entered. Free text
H/ | Fixed format |
AUT | Authorizer |
JOHN SMITH | Name of authorizer |
ID Mail
The ID mail field is mandatory and will be required when logging in Kiu Click (GUI).
H/ | Fixed format |
IDMAIL | ID Mail Indicator |
TEST@MAIL.COM | E-mail address |
Enter Keywords that will allow agents to have access to different functionalities of the system and module.There is no limit to load keywords but you can enter up to 8 per command. You can also create a signature without a single keyword.
H/ | Fixed format |
UAT/A- | Update Indicator |
OVERSL,CHGAAA | Assigned Keywords (separated by commas) |
Special access permissions to queues (optional)
City and queue are indicated to which the user will have a special permit to access,but general access will remain restricted.
There is no limit to the number of queues but up to 8 can be entered per command.
It is not mandatory to use this function.You can create a signature without this functionality.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
QUE | Queue indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
A | Add indicator |
- | Mandatory fixed hyphen |
HDQ183,HDQ187,BUE40 | City and queue where agent will be granted access. You can add one or several separated by a comma. |
Reference (optional)
The reference field is optional and allows you to add data that is identifying the signature.
For example, the file of the agent or the area to which the agent belongs.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
REF | Reference Indicator |
To delete this field, enter the same command without the free text.
E-mail (optional)
The e-mail field is optional and allows you to add an e-mail address that corresponds to the agent.
H | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
Email Indicator | | | User email address |
To replace the email address the same format has to be entered with the new mail address and if you want to delete you must enter the word DELETE after the MAIL indicator as shown below.
End of transaction
This entry allows to finalize the sign in creation and signature is ready to be used.
Active/Enable Sign In
The signature must be activated / enabled once it was created. Until this operation is done, the signature created remains latent.
HB1100 | Agent ID is retrieved |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACT | Action indicator |
ON | Enabled |
System Response:
Deactivate/Disable a Signature
To disable a signature, enter the following command.
HB1100 | Agent ID is retrieved |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACT | Action indicator |
OFF | Deactivated/Disabled |
/ | Optional slash if reason has to be added |
Last slash and reason is optional
Letters and/or numbers accepted
System Response:
Activate a blocked Signature
To activate a blocked signature without changing the password, the command is:
HB | Fixed format |
4444 | Numeric signature |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ACTON | Fixed format to indicate activation |
When attempting to activate a locked user, the system will apply the same logic mentioned in point above, ie a new password must not be entered in the command since the system will assume that it has been reset.
A new one must be entered at the moment of the signature entry (SI command <USER ID>.
The new keys must contain at least 7 characters and a maximum of 8 characters and, if so, they must contain numbers and letters.
Cloning a signature
HC | Cloning entry |
9080 | User ID |
HC will clone a signature with the same duties and keywords of the original.
Step by step, to create a new user, cloning keywords and duties of another, is as follows:
Create new usear as indicated ie. | HB1010MIAPC |
HC+ Current User with keywords and duties to clone | HC9080 |
HC entry will clone user 9080 keywords and duties into 1010 new signature.
From this step, the remaining fields required to create a new user must be completed (name, city, sign out time, etc.) and finally record the data, and activate it.
If an attempt is made to clone permissions from a non-existent user, the system will respond to the following message, after entering HC command AGENTE NO ENCONTRADO(AGENT NOT FOUND)
If an attempt is made to clone keywords to an already created user, the system will respond with the following message, indicating that the action can not be executed Duty/KEYWORDS ALREADY ASSOCIATED TO AGT .CLONING COMMAND ONLY APPLIES TO NEW AGENTS
Signatures Modify
Any signature created can be modified by an agent with attributes (keywords) to do it. The steps and the possible modifications are as follows:
1- Signature to be modified is retrieved with the command:
2- The necessary changes are made
System response:
The changes are overwritten to the previous data, displaying the characteristics of the signature.
To add attributes use the acronym A and to delete them D.
H** entry will allow you to you see the changes made at the moment.
3- End of transaction
System response:
To display the signature attributes, the command is HB + UserID.
To redisplay H*
Signature Deletion
A signature can be definitively deleted, as long as it does not have PNRs generated by it that are active or unexpired.
The sign (initials) can not be repeated for the next new users, although it will be possible to reuse the user ID number.
HD+ user ID / Remark |
System Response:
List of deleted signatures:
You can retrieve the record of all signatures that have been deleted.
System Response:
ID | User ID number |
OFF | Activity details when deleted |
AGT | Agent number |
SN | Sign in Initials |
NAME | Agent name |
CTY | City of origin |
CREATION DATE | Signature create date |
LAST LOGIN | Self explanatory |
DELETION | Deletion date |
BY | User performing deletion |
You can also retrieve this listing, filtered by city of origin or by identifier HBH*CITY o HBH*ID, respectively.
Signature activation/deactivation in Test Mode
This entry allows you to enable and disable users in bulk on the TEST partition.To disable users of the TEST partition, except user 1000, the command is:
To activate disabled users of the TEST partition, the command is:
Agents Listing
The command to display all the agents that have a company-created signature is the following and can only be executed by those users who have the keyword CREATE
System Response:
OFF | * means user is active |
AGT | Numeric signature |
USER | Alpha signature |
SN | Agent Initials |
NAME | Agent Last and First names |
CTY | Agent origin city |
CREATED | Signature create date and time |
LAST ACCESS | Date and time |
EXPIRED | Password expiration date |
List References:
* | Asterisk in front of the user number means that it is deactivated and is not available for use |
x | in front of the user number means that it is blocked due to the several attempts to enter incorrect password. |
There are other options for requesting signature listings:
By City:
System Response:
By Agent:
HB*Agent |
By Reference:
By City and reference:
HB*city/reference |
By keyword:
By Duty Code:
HB*Duty code |
User Breakdown by Sign ID
To break down a user by sign number you can use the following command as long as the agent have the HBVIEW keyword assigned.
If the sign is no longer active or it is expired DELETED remark will appear.
In all cases it breaks down the user code that can be found in the various system logs .reservations, ticketing, check in, administrator, etc.).
Sign History
To see the sign history the input command is:
HX Sign Number |
LNM | Last Name |
FNM | First Name |
ACT | Activate |
PAS | Password |
UAT | Keyword |
DTY | Duty |
ASO | Automatic Sign out Time |
CTY | Activated cities |
AUT | Authorization |
ON |
Market Control table
The market control table is a tool that allows controlling the airline sales. Market table allows selecting and configuring sales strategy.
The purpose of this is to configure the classes, flights and markets to be displayed in the availability and viewership level.
The table is divided into two groups:
One is the recipient of the rule (User, Terminal, Device, Office or Item). Entering the rule can only be done by selecting one of the options as a possible recipient.
The other group indicates the action that will take (Status) and the classes on which elements will take the action indicated (dates of availability, flights, market).
To do this, the corresponding indicators must be configured:
The command to display the table is:
ITEM | Item Number |
USER | User ID |
DEVICE | Terminal |
OFFICE | Office ID |
RBR | Category (Airline,Agency) |
EFF-UTC | Effective Date |
EXP-UTC | Expire Date |
FLT-FLT | Flight range |
MARKET | Markets |
STAT | Status |
Class | RBDs |
Another way to visualize the table indicating the signature that created the rule.
By header shows the signature and the UTC date and time that the rule insert command was executed.
Application logic:
The logic of the table is to apply the most restrictive recipient, class or element.
In the recipients, the order of the most least restrictive is:
For example, if there is a rule that applies to the AGT category but there is another rule that applies to an specific agency's OFFICE (BUEA7760), will take the most restrictive for the office,
For classes there are two options:
A specified class (or several aligned)
All classes(ALL)
For example, if there is one rule that applies to all flights but another that indicates that it applies to a one specified ,system will apply the most restrictive one.
Rule Addition
The command to add a rule is:
MKT | Fixed format |
ADD | Add indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
US | User Indicator |
BUEXX-MM | User |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CL | Class indicator |
O | O clas |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ST | Status indicator |
R | Required status |
You can combine a choice of the target group with one or more action options, classes and elements. Each indicator will be separated with a bar, for example:
This rule states that for office AEP00XX4 (OFAEP00XX4) will close (STC) classes B and H (CLBH) for flights from 4000 to 4500 (FL4000-4500) in the AEPMDQ market (MKAEPMDQ)
Rules deletion
To delete a rule, you must first display the table with the MKT command and then Delete
MKT | Fixed format |
DEL | Delete command |
1 | Item number |
Rules can be deleted by one or by selecting multiple or by range. For example:
MKTDEL1,5,7,10 | Selection |
MKTDEL1-6 | Rule Range |
Other examples
Example to enable viewership of all flights and classes to all travel agencies:
Example to disable only one terminal from viewing flights from AEP to MDZ in a specified date range.
Example to hide T class to all the agencies but to enable it for the agency BUEA7760:
And then, execute the command:
MKT table Filters
In order to filter by existing service class (MKT * class), the possibilities are by:
* Vendor - RU Indicator
* Office - OF Indicator
* Terminal - DV Indicator
* User - US Indicator
The following commands to filter the MKT table are:
Hide RDBDs or classes in FQD
This functionality allows hiding classes from the fare display (FQD) when it is requested by travel agencies.Same command performed by the airline will allow viewership.
Example to hide E class : MKTADD / HOST + E
The command to allow to display in the FQD a class that had previously been hidden is as follows:
Example to redisplay E class : MKTADD / HOST-E
Display by Class
To see how a particular class has been configured in the Market Table, you must enter the command as follows:
MKT*{Class} |
When making this entry the Market Table will be displayed including only the variables and conditions entered for the class indicated in the entry.
Note that the conditions entered with the ALL option will also be displayed despite indicating a class in particular. If you only want to display the conditions entered and affecting all classes (ALL) you must enter the command as follows:
In the table history you can see all the actions taken in it. The command is:
System response:
In the first column (DATE), observes the date and time of application of the command.
The next column (BY ) shows the signature of the user who executed the command.
The third column (ACC) shows the action that can be ADD (added) or DEL (deleted).
The last column (DETAIL) shows the executed command and at the end the signature and date and time of execution of the command
18JAN17 3:02PM: Date and time of application of the rule
152: User ID
ADD: Action
/CY-AJU/RU:AGT/FD:18JAN17-OPEN/FL:1977-1977/MK:EZE-AJU/ST:CLSD/CL:AET/: Rule executed, data entered by the user
By:AEP.AEPXX-DG 1502/18JAN17: Signature and UTC time
Filters to Apply
System response:
E-ticket Status Change
The System Administrator has the authority to change the status of electronic ticket coupons from one status to any other. In order to do so administrator must have Duties 1, 4, 5, 7 or 8 and STSCHG Keyword.
W*U | Fixed format |
F | Future status indicator |
9992200001306 | E-ticket number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
E1 | Coupon number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
Remark | Free Text |
You can also execute this command with a ticket displayed on the screen. The entry is:
Coupon status enabled in the system:
F | Flown |
O | Open for Use |
R | Refunded |
E | Exchanged |
I | irregular Transaction |
N | Notification |
Z | Closed |
P | Printed |
X | Print Exchange |
S | Suspended |
E-ticket Stock Check
It is possible to check electronic tickets stock allocation that the system assigns to the different company offices.
This entry shows the assigned stock for all company offices anywhere in the world, to today´s date.
Other options for this entry are:
STKE <Filter>/<date1>-<date2> |
Country code (Example: MX)
City Code (Example: MEX)
Office ID (Example: MEX00A48)
Date Range:
From Date 1 to Date 2
Dates range can be checked up to 7 days back. If you would like to check a period beyond 7 days you will have to verify TID file sent daily, via e-mail or FTP.
This file contains information of the document stock assignments of the airline and of agencies.The description of such file is found on the IATA DISH.
If only one date is entered, it assumes the assignments for the same one requested.
In addition, this command can be sent to an EXCEL or CSV document by executing the command with -EXCEL or -CSV at the end of it.
To see the general stock assignment, the entry is:
Past Date PNR retrieval
You can retrieve past date PNR with the following entries.
SEARCHN(LastName) |
Search | Fixed Format |
N | Name indicator |
SEARCHC(Record Locator) |
Search | Fixed Format |
C | Record Located |
In both cases the response is the PNR with all the detailed transactions by the time it was purged. Keep in mind that the system searches for the exact last name or reservation code that has been typed. In case the search is by last name and is more than one, the command entered must contain both last name for the correct result. If only the first last name is searched the system will not take into account in the search those PNRs that contain more than one last name.
Other search parameters:
It is also possible to search by date
The dates must indicate the day the system purged the PNR
Search from the selected purged date until the day user inputs data |
Search within the parameter of dates requested, that is from December 22 to December 31 of 2016 |
In both cases it is important to indicate the year since the search can be carried out from the day of the application toa year backward, ie a maximum range of 365 days.
User records retrieval
Recording the user's actions can be done by a fixed command. This command retrieves the terminals that are active at the time of execution pointing the active area with an X, in addition to the user and the date and time.
By clicking on the link of the device you can retrieve the commands made by the user in the last hour.
To access this command it is necessary to have Duty 8 or 2 and the Keyword HLPDSK.
Clicking on the link opens the help screen with the executed commands:
Enabled Cities table for Airline Database
The cities displayed in this table are those accepted by the company to be used in the creation of flights and enabled to receive queues account. It can be displayed with Duty 7 or 8.
To see the table of cities enabled for the airline entry is:
This table displays the city code, time zone, GMT time and airport name.
To see the cities with their corresponding connection times, the command is:
Connection times are configured by airline and they affect the availability display; but not fare quotes.
This way you can control that the flights are considered as a connection when displaying a city pair availability.
It is possible to configure up to 1440 minutes which is equivalent to 24 hours.
CITY | City code |
DDMin | Domestic/Domestic flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
DDMax | Domestic/Domestic flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
DIMin | Domestic/International flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
DIMax | Domestic/International flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
IDMin | International /Domestic flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
IDMax | International/Domestic flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
IIMin | International/International flight, Minimum Connecting Time |
IIMax | International/International flight, Maximum Connecting Time |
DESCRIPTION | Airport Details and City |
All digits displayed below the flight and timing indicators are expressed in minutes.
To modify the connection times the command is as follows:
Only the indicators to be modified are indicated. In order to perform this command the user must have Duty code 7 or 8.
In response, the system returns the modified table.
To display the time zones of a country the command to be entered is the following:
T*ZONE(ISO Country Code) |
BSP agencies commissions
Commissions can be established for BSP travel agencies.
There are two levels of users to run the commands.
One level is only to display the commission listings required by Duty 1, 7 or 8.
The other level is to administer the commissions and that requires the same duties and the CTACTE keyword also.
Agency commission listing
Retrieve by country
Sytem response:
BSP AR has 989 agencies ,with their respective 1% commission.
Retrieve by City
AGT<ISO Country Code> |
System response shows each of the cities where there are authorized agencies and respective amount.
Retrieve by Agency
This command allows you to see the enabled agencies in a specific city.
AGT<City Code> |
The response displays the authorized agencies listing, the agency name and the IATA code (column NAME), the KIU office (OFFICE column) and the four different types of commissions:
COM. DOM. CA Domestic commission cash FOP
CASH COM. INT. CA International commission cash FOP.
CASH COM. DOM. CC Domestic commission credit card FOP.
COM. INT. CC International commission credit card FOP
Commission updates
Basically the update of commission percentages maintains the same logic. The commands to set the fixed commission on each of the options are as follows:
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash indicator |
COMD | Domestic commission indicator |
3 | Percentage number |
- | hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash indicator |
COMI | International commission indicator |
3 | Percentage number |
- | hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card Indicator |
COMD | Domestic commission indicator |
8 | Percentage indicator |
- | Hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TLVA0860 | Office ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card Indicator |
COMI | Domestic commission indicator |
8 | Percentage indicator |
- | Hyphen |
Remark | Free Text |
In order to set a percentage of commission as a maximum reference, a letter M at the end of the percentage.
This will allow, at the time of issuance, the agency can input a lower commission (by entering the item KP in the ticketing entry).
If the agency omits typing the commission, the system will apply the maximum set (8 in the example).
Default Commissions Updates
This functionality allows you to set default commissions so that by the time a new agency is enabled automatically assume the pre-established commission for each of the payment methods and according to the type of travel (domestic or international).
The AGT / DEFAULT / input is fixed; then you must add the IATA country code to which the commission by default applies depending on the payment method and the type of travel.
To end the entry you must enter a text preceded by a hyphen .
To view the historical default commissions updates, enter the following entry:
Mass Commission Updates for BSP Agencies
This entry allows to massively update BSP agencies commissions . Requires Duty 1 or 7 or 8 and Keyword CTACTE
AGT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
SET | Fixed indicator |
/ | Mandatory slash |
PE | Country Code |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Percentage indicator |
COMD | Commission indicator for domestic |
3.75 | Percentage indicator |
Indicator Reference:
COUNTRY: The IATA country code will be entered. It is unique and does not combine so if several countries have to be updated separate transactions are required.
FORM OF PAYMENT INDICATOR: There are tw options:CA for Cash or CC for credit cards.
COMMISSION INDICATOR BASED ON TRAVEL TYPE: The are two options COMD for domestic and COMI for international travel.
COMMISSION PERCENT: The percentage is placed in numerical form.Decimals are separated by period.It also accepts the maximum commission indicator (as well as the individual upload). The format for that case is to place the letter M behind value entered, for example 3.75M. The other option to eliminate commissions is to place the letter N instead of the value.
Update Records History
AGT/<Office ID>/H |
Involved Agency Application
Agents designated by the airline can issue tickets at the airline ticket office and collect commission for their transactions regardless form of payment. These are called Involved agencies.
Duty 1, 7 or 8 and the CTACTE keyword are required for customer creation
Customers and Agency Adds
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer number |
/ | Mandatory slah |
PAZ TOUR | Customer or Agency name 50 characters max. |
/ | Mandatory slash |
BUE | City Code |
/ | Mandatory slash. |
NO BSP | Free text(max 30 characters) |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free text(Max 100 characters) |
Once customers are added into the table, commissions for each of them must be configured.
Options are:
Domestic commission with cash as form of payment
International commission with cash as form of payment.
Domestic commission with credit card as form of payment
International commission with credit card as form of payment
Entries to add commissions:
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash |
COMD | Domestic Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CA | Cash |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMD | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
555555 | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
3 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
In case the airline intends to set a maximum percentage reference for commission an M after percentage must be input in all options
This will allow a commission to be placed at the time of issuance (by typing KP in the ticketing entry).
If the user ignores typing the commission, the system will apply the maximum set (8 in the example)
There is also an option to mass add and modify commission for all customers. The command is:
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
ALL | Customer ID |
/ | Mandatory slash |
CC | Credit Card |
COMI | International Commission indicator |
8.75 | Percentage |
- | Hyphen |
Authorized | Free Text max 100 characters |
This functionality can be applied to all other options described beforehand.
Viewing the customer table
INTcity All involved agencies in X City
INTcity/NameInitials All involved agencies in X City/name initails
INTALL/NameInitials All involved agencies in all locations/name initials
Customers deletion
INT | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
55555 | Customer number |
/ | Mandatory slash |
DEL | Delete indicator |
Sending the table to Excel
Ticketing with "Agency Involved" method
Once a customer has been created, the agent code can be added for ticketing through the "Agency Involved" method.
WK*FCA* | Ticketing Command FOP Cash |
I/ | Agency Involved indicator |
555555 | Customer ID |
This command will apply the corresponding commission according to the table and insert the code below the reservation code in the e-ticket .
This entry generates history using an email that is sent once a day with all the modifications performed in this functionality.
The file will be sent to the email address configured on the user 1000.
Ticketing configuration for "Agency Involved" method
In order to use this functionality, the indicator must be previously set in the ticketing table (JJETKT):
This configuration must be requested to KIU System Solutions.
This functionality allows airlines to add messages that will be informed,to the users when they sign into the system or when they type NEWS command on KIU screen.
You can add messages for different channels:
Travel agencies
Host (airline)
By country or all countries
By Office
There are different actions to this functionality such as Add, Delete, Update, View.
News will be displayed when a user signs into the system and can also be queried at any time by entering the following command:
By typing the word NEWS the user will be able to see the news focused for his communication channel (country, office, travel agency or airline)
In order to type this command the user does not need to have a particular Duty or keyword.
At the top right corner of the message you will be able to who has posted the message (KIU / AIRLINE / AGENCY), the country for which it was published and the date of publication.
To add news and messages the user must have the ADMNEW keyword in his signature.
NEWS | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
AIR | Area where message will be displayed. AIR= Host AGT Travel Agencies |
/ | Mandatory slash |
AR | Country where message will be ISO code.. You can only add one country code so if you need to add different country code you will have to create several messages.If message has to be displayed in all countries ** should be typed |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TEXT | Free Text |
(Message for travel agencies in South Africa)
(Message for airline host offices in Mexico)
(Message with two lines of information typing ENTER with TAB key)
(Message for agencies of all countries)
News added by KIU will be displayed in a section called NEWS /
News added by airlines will be displayed in a section called AIRLINE NEWS / AERIAL NEWS
News added for a particular office will be displayed in a section called OFFICE NEWS / NEWS
Set News validity
You can set the validity of the news. Keep in mind that if you do not enter it the message remains with a default term of 7 days.
To indicate the validity of the message.
The country code should then indicate the number of days in which the message is to be displayed in the .Sign In and the NEWS command.
News by Host Office
You can add messages for a particular office by entering the following command
NEWS | Fixed format |
/ | Mandatory slash |
OFF | Fixed indicator representing OFFICE |
AEP00XX | Host Office where the message will be displayed . it is not necessary to indicate the office after the indicator OFF if news added is for the same office) |
/ | Mandatory slash |
TEXT | Free Text |
Adding news for Travel Agencies
Travel agencies can add messages to be viewed by their users.
The command for travel agencies to enter their own messages and news is as follows:
Adding News by mask
Agencies and airlines can add news by creating a mask.
When typing this entry system will display a screen mask where the news text must be typed .
The system will assume by default that the news will be for the office from where the command is being executed.
Once the text is entered, confirm the operation by clicking the DONE button.
If you want to cancel the operation and do not enter the new message or modify the previous one, you must click on the CANCEL button.
When the NEWS / OFF / MASK entry is typed , the system will display the previously added news item.
To enter a news item for a host's office, other than the office where the news item is being entered, you must enter the following command:
This entry is intended for office COR00XX4
You can get a list of the messages added with the following entry:
System will display a list with the news added by the airline or agency performing the command.
User must have ADMNEW keyword in his signature.
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To view a message added for a particular office or travel agency you must type the following entry:
This entry allows you to view the news added for the office or travel agency.
If you want to view the news entered for a particular office, enter the following command:
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To delete previously added messages with the following entry:
This entry deletes all messages and news added for host (AIR) offices in Argentina (AR)
(Delete messages entered for agencies in all countries)
To delete a message added for a particular office or travel agency
This entry allows to delete the news entered for the own office or travel agency.
To delete the news entered for a particular office, enter the following command:
In order to perform this entry the travel agency user must have the Administrator permission.
To check the news and messages history added , enter the following command:
Availability check in test agencies
This filter allows to see how a certain agency visualizes the services of the airline.
The filter can be used, for example, to check whether a rule in the market table (MKT) is being applied correctly
The tests can be done on real agencies or on the agency TEST*
The filter is added to the availability command. Also, the command must be executed from airline terminals.
BUEA776001 terminal is included in any rule (s) within the company's market table (MKT) from the terminal you can see how the agency visualizes its services
1* / 1R do not work with /D entry.
Fake Name List
This functionality allows you to create a list of possible fictitious names and / or surnames to be checked by the system at the time of the end of a reservation .(E / ER transactions).
If by the time of booking, the system matches a name assigned to one of the passengers included in the list of fictitious names, the PNR will be confirmed but also place in HDQ69 queue.
If a reservation is created with a name that is not included in the NFK table but then the name is modified by one that is included, the system will re-check the names of the reservation against the NFK table and will be sent to queue. This will allow supervisors to manually review PNRs and decide whether it is a real reservation or not and how to proceed.
This functionality helps to avoid blocking of seats and dummy reservations.
CHD (minor) and INF (infant) passenger names will also be checked against this table.
The following options can be used to display the contents entered in the list of fictitious names.
NFK/* | See complete list |
NFK/*<LAST NAME> | See only items with a given last name (or characters) |
NFK/*/<NAME> | See only items with a given name (or characters) |
The following is an example of the display of the NFK list:
To add names to the list of dummy names you can use some of the following options:
If the input is accepted by the system correctly the word DONE will be displayed.
Error messages:
NEED DUTY | Duty code 8 is required to update the table. |
INVALID - CHECK PAX DUPE | Already added in the fake list. |
Passenger names must exactly match the entry included in the NFK table in order to be placed on queue.
In case of Group PNR , if any of the names included in the NFK list is used in a GRP PNR, the Full PNR will be queued.
There is no limit on the number of names that can be added into the NFK list.
To delete names from the fake names list you can use some of the following options:
To delete an item from the table, it must be specified exactly as it was included.
Error message:
ITEM NOT FOUND | Name to delete is not on the list |
PNRs containing names added on the list of fictitious names (NFK) will be queued in queue 69 of the city HDQ.
Excess Baggage Configuration Table
If the airline issues excess baggage automatically you can configure the application rules in the following table:
Delete a record, the item is the number shown in the last display.
Modify a record, the item is the number shown in the last display. The tokens are separated with slash (/)
Configuration Options
To indicate the type of equipment to which you apply. The permitted values are all aircraft uploaded.
Token: EQP <team>
To indicate the number of units allowed, Baggage excess will be applied according to this value. Units can be kilos (K) or pounds (L).
Token: / BG <allowed quantity> <allowed unit>
Trip Type:
To indicate the trip type to which the rule applies. Allowed values are domestic (D), International (I) or domestic and international (DI)
Token: / TR <trip type>
Passenger Type:
To indicate the passenger type to which the rule will apply. Allowed values are adult (A), child (C) or infant (I) and all their combinations.
Token: / PX <passenger type/s>
To indicate the airport of origin, the option ALL is allowed
Token: / FR <airport>
To indicate the destination airport, ALL is allowed
Token: / TO <airport>
Start date:
To indicate the flight date from when rule applies. The format is DDMMM and OPEN is allowed
Token: / TE <flight date from>
Discontinue Date:
To indicate the flight date until the rule is discontinued . The format is DDMMM and allows the entry of OPEN
Token: / TD <flight date to>
To indicate the percentage of the fare class that will be charged for each unit exceeded, if there is more than one fare that matches the booking code, the most restrictive will apply. The currency of the amount is determined by the country of origin of the flight where applicable, according to the configuration in the DNP command and whether the leg is domestic or international
Token: / PC <percentage> <class>>
To indicate the amount to be charged for each unit exceeded
Token: / AM <currency> <amount>
To indicate the list of booking classes to which the rule applies.
Token: / CL <class list>
To indicate the list of cabins to which the rule applies. The allowed values are: Y, C and F.
Token: CB <booth/s>
Application Exemption:
To indicate that there is no excess luggage rule
Token: / NAY
To indicate the flight or range of flights where applicable. The flight number must be between 0 and 9999.
Token: / FL <flight or range of flights separated by "-">
You can combine tokens to create different rules always considering that "AM", "PC" and "NA" indicators can not be combined in the same record. At least 1 must be entered at registration. Also if a record that previously had NAY is modified, it must be indicated AM or PC and the system modifies it automatically.
To see the table history the command is as follows.
Export AGT /AGTN list to excel
This entry exports a list of agencies in a given city t to an excel file.
An excel file will be stored in the C folder, reservations, my files, which will contain the complete information.
Exporting procedure does not consider the limit on the screen generating an excel file with a limit of 3000 records.
WatchList SIN Control Number
This functionality allows you to create a special list of passengers last and first names called Watch List from where the airline can restrict ticketing.
This check will be carried out by the system at the moment of ending a reservation (E / ER transactions).
If by the time of reservation completion , the system finds any of the passengers names included in the Watch List, the PNR cannot be issued.
This functionality helps to avoid ticketing of passengers that are in the Watch List as decided by the airline.
The names of the CHD (minor) and INF (infants) passengers will also be checked against this table.
The following options may be used to display the contents entered in the list.
Complete list of all names and surnames
A single character from the first or last name is required for a name search and the results will include all the items that start with that character. The inclusion of the date of birth is optional.
To add names to the Watch List you can use some of the following options:
Add last and first name
Add last name, first name and date of birth
Posibles Error messages:
If the entry is accepted the system will respond:
There is no limit on the number of names to be added to the Watch List
Deleting names from the Watch List can only be done individually:
Delete last name and first name
Possible error message
To see the history of all names added and deleted, the following option can be used:
Display complete transactions history.