

Purpose of method:

Obtain availability from KIURES for one or several specific destinations with a specific date.

Table of contents


Example of the request:

KIU_AirAvailRQ One Way
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirAvailRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-20T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" DirectFlightsOnly="false" MaxResponses="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <Airline Code="XX" />
        <OriginLocation LocationCode="AEP" />
        <DestinationLocation LocationCode="COR" />
    <TravelPreferences MaxStopsQuantity="2">
        <CabinPref Cabin="Economy" />
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />
            <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="CNN" Quantity="1" />

KIU_AirAvailRQ Round Trip
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirAvailRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-20T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" DirectFlightsOnly="false" MaxResponses="5">
      <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR" />
      <Airline Code="XX" />
      <OriginLocation LocationCode="AEP" />
      <DestinationLocation LocationCode="COR" />
      <OriginLocation LocationCode="COR" />
      <DestinationLocation LocationCode="AEP" />
   <TravelPreferences MaxStopsQuantity="4">
      <CabinPref Cabin="Economy" />
         <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" />

Elements of the KIU_AirAvailRQ message:

  • DirectFlightsOnly: [true|false]. Indicates whether to show only direct flights.
  • MaxResponses: Integer positive [1... 50]. Amount of maximum options to return in the answer. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is 10.
  • POS: Element that groups the information of the Point of Sale from which the request is made.
    • Source: Point of Sale or POS data container
    • AgentSine: Alphanumeric [9]. Identifier of the agent that makes the request.
    • TerminalID: Alphanumeric [10]. Identifier code of the device from which the request is made.
    • ISOCountry:  Alphabetical [2]. ISO code of the country from which the request is made.
  • SpecificFlightInfo: Optional.Indicates that the returned results must correspond to a single carrier.
    • Airline: Element that contains the airline by which to filter the results.
    • Code: IATA code of the airline / carrier.
  • OriginDestinationInformation: Origin and destination for which availability is requested. In the case of requests for round trip itineraries or with more than one destination, this element must be repeated in its entirety, modifying the date and origin-destination pair in each instance.
    • DepartureDateTime: ISO. Date of departure.
    • OriginLocation: Location of origin.
    • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3]. Airpor IATA code.
    • DestinationLocation: Location for destination.
    • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3]. Airpor IATA code.
  • TravelPreferences: Indicates the user's preferences on the options to be displayed.
  • MaxStopsQuantity: Integer [0... 4]. Indicates the maximum number of intermediate stops that flights must show.
    • CabinPref: Indicates user preferences about the cabin.
    • Cabin: [Business|Cockpit|Economy|First|PremiumBusiness|PremiumEconomy|Suite]. Cabin selected for the flight.
  • TravelerInfoSummary: Passenger information.
    • AirTravelerAvail: Types and number of passengers.
      • PassengerTypeQuantity: Number of passengers for a certain type.
      • Quantity: Integer [0... 9]. Number of passengers
      • Code: Alphabetical [3]. Code that indicates the type of passenger: Infant who does not occupy a seat (INF, from 0 to 2 years old), Child (CNN, from 2 to 12 years old), Adult (ADT, from 12 years old and up) .


Responses examples

KIU_AirAvailRS One Way
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirAvailRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-07-26T14:17:11+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <Success />
                <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-08-09 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-08-09 19:00:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="9665" JourneyDuration="00:59:00">
                    <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                    <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR" />
                    <Equipment AirEquipType="SF3" />
                    <MarketingAirline CompanyShortName="XX" />
                    <Meal MealCode="-" />
                    <MarketingCabin CabinType="Economy" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="Y" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="B" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="H" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="K" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="M" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="N" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="L" ResBookDesigQuantity="L" RPH="1" />
                    <BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1" />

MultiCity Response example

KIU_AirAvailRS Multi city
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirAvailRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-07-26T14:22:07+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
				<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-08-09 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-08-09 19:00:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="9665" JourneyDuration="00:59:00">
					<DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP"/>
					<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR"/>
					<Equipment AirEquipType="SF3" />
					<MarketingAirline CompanyShortName="XX"/>
					<Meal MealCode="-"/>
					<MarketingCabin CabinType="Economy" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="Y" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="B" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="H" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="K" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="M" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="N" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="L" ResBookDesigQuantity="L" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="X" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
				<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2016-08-12 08:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2016-08-12 09:00:00" StopQuantity="0" FlightNumber="9664" JourneyDuration="01:00:00">
					<DepartureAirport LocationCode="COR"/>
					<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="AEP"/>
					<Equipment AirEquipType="DC9" />
					<MarketingAirline CompanyShortName="XX"/>
					<Meal MealCode="B"/>
					<MarketingCabin CabinType="Economy" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="Y" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="B" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="H" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="T" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="O" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>
					<BookingClassAvail ResBookDesigCode="V" ResBookDesigQuantity="9" RPH="1"/>

Elements of the KIU_AirAvailRS message:

  • OriginDestinationInformation: Origin and destination for which availability is returned. If more than one origin and destination are requested in the original call, this element is repeated.
    • DepartureDateTime: ISO. Date of departure.
    • OriginLocation: Place of origin..
    • LocationCode: Alphabetical [3].IATA airport code..
    • DestinationLocation:Destination Place
    • LocationCode Alphabetical [3]. IATA airport code..
    • OriginDestinationOptions: Container for the options of each flight segment..
      • OriginDestinationOption: Options for the specific flight segment.
        • FlightSegment: Information about the flight segment. In the case of non-direct flights, this element is repeated for each section.
        • DepartureDateTime:ISO Departure date 
        • ArrivalDateTime:ISO Arrival Date
        • StopQuantity: Number of flight stops.
        • FlightNumber: Alphanumeric [4]. Identification number of the flight.
        • JourneyDuration:Flight duration.
          • DepartureAirport: Airport of origin.
          • LocationCodeAlphabetical [3]. IATA airport code.
          • ArrivalAirport: Destination airport.
          • LocationCode: Alphabetical  [3]. Codigo IATA de aeropuerto.
          • Equipment:Type of aeronautical equipment.
          • AirEquipType: Alphanumeric [3].IATA code of the model of the aircraft.
          • MarketingAirline:Airline 
          • CompanyShortName: Alphabetical [1... 32].  Name of the airline
          • Meal:Food service.
          • MealCode: Alphabetical  with special characters [1 ... 3] [BSDHLRCMPFO-]. A code of up to three characters or an average script that symbolizes the food services available for the reservation class: Breakfast (B, Breakfast), Snack (S, Snack), Dinner (D, Dinner), Hot Food (H, Hot Meal), Lunch (L, Lunch), Refreshments (R, Refreshments), Courtesy Alcohol (C, Complimentary liquor), Meal (M, Meal), Alcohol available for sale (P, Liquor for Purchase), Meal available for sale (F, Food for Purchase), Cold Meal (O, Cold Meal), No food service (-).
          • BookingClassAvail:Reservation codes available for the flight segment.
          • ResBookDesigCode: Alphabetical  [1]. Class code.
          • ResBookDesigQuantity: Integer [0 ... 9 | R | L]. Number of seats available for the corresponding class. Depending on the configuration and state of the aircraft, a class can return the "R" (on request) and "L" (on the waiting list) values. It is recommended not to show these last two values via web and assume that the class does not have seats available.

Possible error messages:





There is a discrepancy between the DirectFlightsOnly and MaxStopsQuantity parameters.

The combination of parameter values is illogical: either the DirectFlightsOnly attribute was sent in "true" and the MaxStopsQuantity attribute in a value other than 0, or DirectFlightsOnly was sent in "false" and MaxStopsQuantity in 0.


The date must not be in the past or over 330 days in the future.

The departure date of the flight must not be in the past, or beyond the following 330 days at the time of making the availability check.


Error at parameter Cabin.

The value of the Cabin attribute of the CabinPref element does not correspond to any of the options described.


Error at parameter Age Qualifying Code.

The value of the Code attribute of the PassengerTypeQuantity element does not correspond to any of the options described.


Error at parameter DepartureDateTime.

The value of the DepartureDateTime element is not a valid ISO date.


Error at parameter OriginLocation.

The value of the LocationCode attribute of the OriginLocation element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in uppercase of three characters).


Error at parameter DestinationLocation.

The value of the LocationCode attribute of the DestinationLocation element does not correspond to the format described (alphabetic in uppercase of three characters).


Error at parameter DirectFlightsOnly.

The value of the DirectFlightsOnly attribute does not correspond to the format described (true / false).


Error at parameter Quantity.

The value of the Quantity attribute of the PassengerTypeQuantity element is not a positive integer.


Error at parameter ISOCountry.

The value of the ISOCountry attribute of the Source element does not correspond to the described format (alphabetic in upper case of two characters).


Error at parameter MaxResponses.

The value of the MaxResponses attribute does not correspond to the format described (Integer number between 1 and 20 included).


Error at parameter Carrier.

The value of the Code attribute of the Airline element does not correspond to the format described (alphanumeric in upper case of 2 characters).


Error at parameter MaxStopsQuantity.

The value of the MaxStopsQuantity attribute does not correspond to the format described (Integer number between 0 and 4 included)

11194Origin Destination Information has reached limit (Max 10).The number of OriginDestinationInformation elements reached its maximum limit of 10, having to declare up to 10 elements and no more.

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