

 Table of contents

Purpose of method:

This method allows user to modify components of a created reservation. Based on value of attribute "ModificationType".





Cancel reservation

Allow to cancel the entire reservation


Cancel segments of itinerary, Modify segments, add segments.

Allow to manipulate segments of an itinerary.


Name Change Correction

Allow to change or correct names and passenger type on reservation without tickets.



Allow users to Add and delete SpecialServiceRequest. Asign seats to passengers, Add and delete remarks. Edit the ticket time limit (only for bookings without ticketing)


Split reservations

Allow user to divide a multiple passenger PNR.

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ Method

Method examples based on ModificationType value.

Case 1: ModificationType 1

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Cancel reservation
 <KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="1">    <POS>
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="RYVZJY" />

Case2: ModificationType2

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Cancel segments
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="2">  
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="TZZAZW" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-06-20 08:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-20 09:00:00" FlightNumber="8010" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="01">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Cancel and replace segments
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="2">    
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="TZZAZW" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-06-28 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-28 19:00:00" FlightNumber="8011" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="01">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                    <GivenName>PEDRO MR</GivenName>
                <Telephone PhoneNumber="AEP  999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1" />
                <Document DocID="61942227" DocType="PP" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="1" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-06-29 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-28 19:00:00" FlightNumber="8011" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="01">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="SLA" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Modify and revalidate Tickets
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ResStatus="Revalidate" ModificationType="2">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="IXNBVL" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-05-20 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-28 19:00:00" FlightNumber="206" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="01">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                    <GivenName>DAIANA MRS</GivenName>
                <Telephone PhoneNumber="AEP 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1" />
                <Document DocID="61942227" DocType="PP" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="1" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-05-26 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-28 19:00:00" FlightNumber="206" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="01">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />

ModificationType 3:

KIU_AirBookModifyV2Rq - Name and Passenger type change
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="3">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="QVIQKW" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="01" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <Document DocID="123456780" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="02" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="CNN">
                <Document DocID="123456780" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="03" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <Document DocID="123456780" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="04" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                    <Surname>PEREZ LOPEZ</Surname>
                <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="02" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="CNN">
                <Document DocID="123456780" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="03" />

ModificationType 5:

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Add Remarks
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="FGNIRZ" />
                    <Remark>REMARK NUEVO DESDE AIRBOOKMODIFYV2</Remark>

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Delete and add new SSR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="FGNIRZ" />
                    <Remark RPH="1" />
                    <Remark>PRUEBA DE REMARK INSERT</Remark>

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Add SSR StandAlone
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="FGNIRZ" />
                    <SpecialServiceRequest Number="1" ServiceQuantity="1" SSRCode="CKIN" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="01">
                        <Airline Code="XX" />
                        <Text>RESIDENT DCDN/123456789/VERIFICADO</Text>

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Delete SSR only
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="FGNIRZ " />
                    <SpecialServiceRequest Number="1" ServiceQuantity="1" SSRCode="CKIN" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="01">
                        <Airline Code="XX" />
                        <Text>RESIDENT DCDN/123456789/VERIFICADO</Text>

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Segment status changed
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="DZKQEX" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-05-22 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-22 19:00:00" FlightNumber="4522" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="02" Status="TK">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-05-22 18:01:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-22 19:00:00" FlightNumber="4522" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="02" Status="HK">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="AEP" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="COR" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - All itinerary segments changed
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="YLPTMX" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="YLPTMX">

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Assign seats
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-06-01T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="5">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="WZPNYD" />
                    <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="2017-06-20 23:00:00" ArrivalDateTime="2017-06-21 12:00:00" FlightNumber="0995" ResBookDesigCode="Y" RPH="1">
                        <DepartureAirport LocationCode="EZE" />
                        <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD" />
                        <MarketingAirline Code="XX" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI"></Document>
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="1"/>
                <SeatRequests > <!-- Lista de Asientos -->
                    <!-- Repetitivo. 1 elemento por segmento y por pasajero. -->
                    <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPHLists="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" SeatNumber="10C"/>                   

ModificationType 6:

KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ - Split reservation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-11-13T15:03:11-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" ModificationType="6">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" />
        <BookingReferenceID ID="QVIQKW" />
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                    <Surname>PEREZ LOPEZ</Surname>
                <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI" />
                <TravelerRefNumber RPH="02" />

Elements XML message KIU_AirBookModifyV2RQ:

  • ModificationType: Mandatory. Indicate the type of transaction to process.
  • ResStatus: [Revalidate]. Optional. This indicator apply to revalidate tickets associated to a reservation when an air itinerary changed is requested. 


    The itinerary to revalidate must contains tickets issued at time to request the Air Itinerary modification. When the ResStatus indicates Revalidate, the method will process atom the entire request including the Tickets modification.

  • AirReservation: Element. Contains the current reservation information.
    • BookingReferenceID: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information of the RecordLocator that identifies the reservation for Host System.
      • ID: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [6]. Unique ID to identify the reservation.
      • AirItinerary: Element. Optional. Contain all the Air itinerary information. 
        • OriginDestinationOptions: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information of the Origin - Destinations by component.
          • OriginDestinationOption: Element. Mandatory. Contains the segment or list of segments booked for the outbound component. 
            • FlightSegment: Element. Mandatory. At least one flight segments should be enterd. It holds the information of flight segment details. 
              • DepartureDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Departure date time of segment. 
              • ArrivalDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Arrival date time of segment.
              • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[4]. Number that identifies the flight.
              • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. Letter that indicate the class of segment booked. 
              • RPH:  Attribute. Required. IntegerNonNegative[2]. [1.2.3... ] . Represent the order number of the segment into the itinerary. Also is used for internal references in the method.
              • Status: Attribute. Optional. Alphabetical. [2] . Code of the segment status Ex.(HK, HL, KL, TK).
              • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Origin Airport information. 
                • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. [3]. ISO IATA airport code.
                • ArrivalAirport: Element. Mandatory. Destination airport information.
                  • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA Airport code. 
                  • MarketingAirline: Element. Mandatory. Sale airline information. 
                    • Code: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2]. Airline designation code. 
    • TravelerInfo: Element. Optional. Contains the information of the passengers included on reservation.
      • AirTraveler: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information each passenger.
        • PassengerTypeCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphabetical [3]. Code to identify the passenger type  (INF: Infant passenger from  0 to 1 years old /CNN: Child passenger from 2 to 11 years old/ ADT: Adult from 12 and older.).
          • PersonName: Element. Mandatory. Contains the identification names information of a passenger. 
            • NamePrefix: Element. Optional. Ex: [MR|MRS|MSS|JR]. Honorific prefix. It is used to difference between passengers that have the same names.
            • GivenName: Element. Mandatory. Alphabetical [63]. First name. 
            • MiddleName: Element. Optional. Alphabetical  [63]. Second name/s.
            • Surname: Element. Mandatory. Alphabetical [63]. Last name/s
        • Document: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information of identification type of passenger.
          • DocID: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [46]. Identification ID.
          • DocType: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2|4]. Type of identification base on list:  (NI: National Identity Document, PP: Passport, DL: Drivers Licence, ID: Locally Defined ID Number, TN: Ticket Number, CN: Confirmation Number o Record Locator, CC: Credit Card Number, FF: Frequent Flyer Number). The last two types (CC y FF) must be followed mandatory by the credit card entity for CC (Credit Card ex: for VISA CCVI) or the Airline designated code for Frequent Flyer (FXX Frequent Flyer ID).
        • TravelerRefNumber: Element. Mandatory. IDREF unique ID to refer the object into the XML request given by system. It represent the order number of the passenger on the passenger list on reservation. 
          • RPH: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative. Unique reference order number for the passenger into the reservation.

        • SpecialReqDetails: Element. Optional. Provide information related the needs of special services, request or comments for passengers of reservation.
          • SeatRequests: Element. Optional. Hold the information related seats assign for each passenger by segment.
            • SeatRequest: Element. Display the information of each seat assigned per each passenger and segment. 
              • FlightRefNumberRPHLists: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. Reference number of segment associated to the seat. represent the order number of the segment into the itinerary.
              • TravelerRefNyumberRPHLIst: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. IDREF Order number of the passenger on reservation.
              • SeatNumber: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [4]. Seat number assigned.

          • SpecialServiceRequests: Element that hold the information related of SSR  (SpecialServiceRequest) booked.
            • SpecialServiceRequest: Element that contain each SSR requested details. On this method this should be declare in case of Delete any item. (Review the data of ModificationType).
              • Number: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. Order number of the SSR of SSR list of the reservation. IDREF for refer the object and process on system.
              • ServiceQuantity: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative Numérico [1... 1000]. Quantity of service.
              • SSRCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [4]. SSR code. 
              • Status: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [2]. Status of the Special Service entered on reservation.
              • TravelerRefNumberRPHList: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative [2]. IDREF to the Passenger RPH. Association of Special Service requested to a participant passenger of the reservation.
              • FlightRefNumberRPHList: Attribute. Optional. NumericIntegerNonNegative [2]. IDREF to a segment RPH. Association of Special Service requested to air segmento of the air itinerary.
              • Text: Element. Optional. Alphanumeric special [127]. Information text or SSR body message. 
              • Airline: Element. Optional. Hold the information of the marketing that process the special service requested. 
                • Code: Alphanumeric [2]. Identifier code of airline.

              • FlightLeg: Element. Optional. Hold the information of the Air segment portion that contain the SSR declared when the item is associated to a segment. 
                • Date: Attribute. Required. ISO Date. Date of flight departure. 
                • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative [1|4]. Number of the flight.
                • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. Letter that design the booking class. 
                • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Origin airport information. 
                  • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA airport code. 
                • ArrivalAirport:Element. Mandatory. Arrival airport information. 
                  • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA airport code. 

          • Remarks: Contenedor para comentarios acerca de el/los pasajero/s.
            • Remark: Información extra acerca de el/los pasajero/s.
              • RPH: Entero. Número de orden identificatorio dentro de la reserva del remark a eliminar.

  • AirBookModifyRQ: Element. Optional. This element holds all the information that will be Add or replace the original information declare before. If this element is empty the system will cancel the previous declared items.
    • BookingReferenceID: Elemento que contiene el RecordLocator de la reserva a modificar.
      • ID: Alfabético [6]. Contiene el código de reserva existente en KIU.
    • TPA_Extension: Opcional. Extensión de acuerdo para agregar información de acuerdo a OTA Standard.
      • ChangeStatus: Alfabético [2]. Código de estado al cual se desea aplicar a todos los segmentos del itinerario.
      • RPHFlightList: Alfanumérico [3]. Define si es para todo el itinerario. Se espera el valor ALL.
    • AirItinerary: Element. Optional. Contain all the Air itinerary information. 
      • OriginDestinationOptions: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information of the Origin - Destinations by component.
        • OriginDestinationOption: Element. Mandatory. Contains the segment or list of segments booked for the outbound component. 
          • FlightSegment: Element. Mandatory. At least one flight segments should be enterd. It holds the information of flight segment details. 
            • DepartureDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Departure date time of segment. 
            • ArrivalDateTime: Attribute. Required. Type ISO Date. Arrival date time of segment.
            • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[4]. Number that identifies the flight.
            • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. Letter that indicate the class of segment booked. 
            • RPH:  Attribute. Required. IntegerNonNegative[2]. [1.2.3... ] . Represent the order number of the segment into the itinerary. Also is used for internal references in the method.
            • Status: Attribute. Optional. Alphabetical. [2] . Code of the segment status Ex.(HK, HL, KL, TK).
            • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Origin Airport information. 
              • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. [3]. ISO IATA airport code.
              • ArrivalAirport: Element. Mandatory. Destination airport information.
                • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA Airport code. 
                • MarketingAirline: Element. Mandatory. Sale airline information. 
                  • Code: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2]. Airline designation code. 

    • TravelerInfo: Element. Optional. Contains the information of the passengers included on reservation.
      • AirTraveler: Element. Mandatory. Hold the information each passenger.
        • PassengerTypeCode: Attribute. Optional. Alphabetical [3]. Code to identify the passenger type  (INF: Infant passenger from  0 to 1 years old /CNN: Child passenger from 2 to 11 years old/ ADT: Adult from 12 and older.).
          • PersonName: Element. Mandatory. Contains the identification names information of a passenger. 
            • NamePrefix: Element. Optional. Ex: [MR|MRS|MSS|JR]. Honorific prefix. It is used to difference between passengers that have the same names.
            • GivenName: Element. Mandatory. Alphabetical [63]. First name. 
            • MiddleName: Element. Optional. Alphabetical  [63]. Second name/s.
            • Surname: Element. Mandatory. Alphabetical [63]. Last name/s

        • Document: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information of identification type of passenger.
          • DocID: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [46]. Identification ID.
          • DocType: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric [2|4]. Type of identification base on list:  (NI: National Identity Document, PP: Passport, DL: Drivers Licence, ID: Locally Defined ID Number, TN: Ticket Number, CN: Confirmation Number o Record Locator, CC: Credit Card Number, FF: Frequent Flyer Number). The last two types (CC y FF) must be followed mandatory by the credit card entity for CC (Credit Card ex: for VISA CCVI) or the Airline designated code for Frequent Flyer (FXX Frequent Flyer ID).
        • TravelerRefNumber: Element. Mandatory. IDREF unique ID to refer the object into the XML request given by system. It represent the order number of the passenger on the passenger list on reservation. 
          • RPH: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative. Unique reference order number for the passenger into the reservation.

          • SpecialReqDetails: Element. Optional. Provide information related the needs of special services, request or comments for passengers of reservation.
            • SeatRequests: Element. Optional. Hold the information related seats assign for each passenger by segment.
              • SeatRequest: Element. Display the information of each seat assigned per each passenger and segment. 
                • FlightRefNumberRPHLists: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. Reference number of segment associated to the seat. represent the order number of the segment into the itinerary.
                • TravelerRefNyumberRPHLIst: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. IDREF. Order of passenger on reservation.
                • SeatNumber: Attribute. Alphanumeric [4]. Seat assigned or to assign.

            • SpecialServiceRequests: Element that hold the information related of SSR  (SpecialServiceRequest) booked.
              • SpecialServiceRequest: Element that contain each SSR requested details. On this method this should be declare in case of Delete any item. (Review the data of ModificationType).
                • Number: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative[2]. Order number of the SSR of SSR list of the reservation. IDREF for refer the object and process on system.
                • ServiceQuantity: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative Numérico [1... 1000]. Quantity of service.
                • SSRCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [4]. SSR code. 
                • Status: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [2]. Status of the Special Service entered on reservation.
                • TravelerRefNumberRPHList: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative [2]. IDREF to the Passenger RPH. Association of Special Service requested to a participant passenger of the reservation.
                • FlightRefNumberRPHList: Attribute. Optional. NumericIntegerNonNegative [2]. IDREF to a segment RPH. Association of Special Service requested to air segmento of the air itinerary.
                • Text: Element. Optional. Alphanumeric special [127]. Information text or SSR body message.
                • Airline: Element. Optional. Hold the information of the marketing that process the special service requested. 
                  • Code: Alphanumeric [2]. Identifier code of airline.

                • FlightLeg: Element. Optional. Hold the information of the Air segment portion that contain the SSR declared when the item is associated to a segment. 
                  • Date: Attribute. Required. ISO Date. Date of flight departure. 
                  • FlightNumber: Attribute. Required. NumericIntegerNonNegative [1|4]. Number of the flight.
                  • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical [1]. Letter that design the booking class. 
                  • DepartureAirport: Element. Mandatory. Origin airport information. 
                    • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA airport code. 
                  • ArrivalAirport: Element. Mandatory. Arrival airport information. 
                    • LocationCode: Attribute. Required. Alphabetical[3]. ISO IATA airport code.

            • Remarks: Element that contain a list of remarks.
              • Remark: Element. Alphanumeric special[127]. Remark or comments.
                • RPH: Attribute. Optional. NumericIntegerNonNegative. IDREF. Order number of the remark into the reservation.

Volver al indice

Response KIU_AirBookModifyV2

The response of the method is KIU_AirBookV2RS - please refer to the guide manual of the method for further details and examples. 

Volver al indice

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