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The goal for this method is to retrieve, through a PNR and last name or acronym GPR and the group name, the passenger and the segments of the itinerary in order to analize each segment and verify if it is possible to perform a Web Check - In and what is the status of every passenger on every referenced flight.
Example of KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRQ
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2012-04-20T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us"> <!-- POS/Source: Mandatorio en todos sus componentes --> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX816" ISOCountry="AR"/> </POS> <!-- FlightInfo - Opcional --> <FlightInfo RPH="1"> <!-- CarrierInfo: Opcional --> <CarrierInfo> <CarrierCodeID>XX</CarrierCodeID> <CarrierShortName>KIU AIRLINE</CarrierShortName> <FlightNumber>9665</FlightNumber> </CarrierInfo> <!-- Departure information: Opcional --> <DepartureInformation BoardingOn="AEP" BoardingOff="COR"> <DepartureDate>2016-11-21</DepartureDate> <!-- DepartureTime: Opcional --> <DepartureTime>08:00</DepartureTime> </DepartureInformation> </FlightInfo> <PassengerFlightInfo> <!-- BookingInfo: Mandatorio --> <BookingInfo> <!-- BookingReferenceID: Mandatorio --> <BookingReferenceID> <ID>XXXXXX</ID> </BookingReferenceID> </BookingInfo> <AirTravelerInfo> <!-- PassengerInfo: Mandatorio / RPH: Opcional - El key por el caso de un PNR con multipassengers --> <PassengerInfo RPH="1"> <!-- PassengerName: Mandatorio --> <PassengerName> <!-- GivenName: Opcional --> <GivenName>TEST</GivenName> <!-- MiddleName: Opcional --> <MiddleName>J</MiddleName> <!-- Surname: Mandatorio --> <Surname>TESTE</Surname> </PassengerName> <!-- Document: Opcional --> <Document DocID="123456789" DocType="NI"/> <!-- E-mail: Opcional --> <Email EmailType="OTAEAT">MAIL@GMAIL.COM</E-mail> <!-- FrecuentTravellerInfo: Opcional --> <FrecuentTravellerInfo> <ProgramID>XX</ProgramID> <MembershipID>1234569877</MembershipID> </FrecuentTravellerInfo> </PassengerInfo> </AirTravelerInfo> </PassengerFlightInfo> </KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRQ>
Element of KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRQ:
- POS: Element that groups the information of the point of sale where the request is made.
- Source: Contains the information regarding the point of sale or POS
- AgentSine: Alphanumeric (9). Identifies the agent that makes the request.
- TerminalID: Alphanumeric(10). Identifies the device from where the request is made.
- ISOCountry: Alphabetic (2). ISO code of the country where the request is made.
- FlightInfo: Optional. List of the flight that belonging to a booking.
- FlightRPH: Optional. Integer. ID number for the segment on the itinerary.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the specific information for the carrier.
- CarrierCodeID: Alphanumeric(2). ISO code for the carrier.
- CarrierShortName: Alphanumeric(30). Airline name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric (4). Flight number
- PassengerFlightInfo: Element that groups the passenger information.
- BookingReference: Mandatory. Element that groups the information of the referenced booking including the passengers.
- ID: Alphanumeric(6). Mandatory. Booking code for the passenger on the sys.
- AirTravelerInfo: Mandatory. Element that groups the information for the passenger who takes action.
- PassengerInfo: Mandatory. Specific information for a passenger. It will repeat according to the amount of passengers within the booking.
- PassengerName: Mandatory. Element that groups the information of the passengers name.
- GivenName: Alphabetic (20). Optional. Passengers first name.
- MiddleName: Alphabetic (20). Optional. Passengers middle name.
- Surname: Alphabetic (20). Mandatory. Passengers last name.
- PassengerName: Mandatory. Element that groups the information of the passengers name.
- FOID: Element that groups the information of the passengers FOID.
- Type: Alphabetic (2). Code for the FOID.
- Number: Alphanumeric (10). ID number.
- Email: Especial (20). Optional. Contact email address for the passenger.
- Type: Alphanumeric. OTA standard code. Specified on the table EAT.
- FrecuentTravelerInfo: Optional. Groups the passengers information.
- ProgramID: Alphabetic (2). Carrier code for the loyalty program.
- MembershipID: Alphanumeric (12). Code for the loyalty membership.
- PassengerInfo: Mandatory. Specific information for a passenger. It will repeat according to the amount of passengers within the booking.
- BookingReference: Mandatory. Element that groups the information of the referenced booking including the passengers.
Ejemplo del Mensaje KIU_AirTravellerCheckInRS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRS EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2016-12-23T19:02:11+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1"> <Success /> <KIU_AirCheckInInfo> <IsGroupPNR>false</IsGroupPNR> <HasAdviceCode>false</HasAdviceCode> <FlightsInfo> <FlightSegment FlightRPH="001" InternalOrder="001"> <CarrierInfo> <CarrierCodeID>XX</CarrierCodeID> <CarrierName>LINEAS AEREAS XX</CarrierName> <FlightNumber>0206</FlightNumber> <OperatingAirline> <ID>XX</ID> <Name>LINEAS AEREAS XX</Name> <FlightNumber>0206</FlightNumber> </OperatingAirline> </CarrierInfo> <DepartureInformation> <BoardingPoint>AEP</BoardingPoint> <AirportName>AEROPARQUE JORGE NEWBERY</AirportName> <CityName>BUENOS AIRES</CityName> <DepartureDate>2016-12-23</DepartureDate> <DepartureTime>1400</DepartureTime> </DepartureInformation> <ArrivalInformation> <BoardinOff>COR</BoardinOff> <AirportName>PAJAS BLANCAS</AirportName> <CityName>CORDOBA</CityName> <ArrivalDate>2016-12-23</ArrivalDate> <ArrivalTime>1500</ArrivalTime> <ChangeOfDayInd>0</ChangeOfDayInd> </ArrivalInformation> <EquipmentInformation> <Registration>LV-SSS</Registration> <Code>SF3</Code> <Description>SAAB 340</Description> </EquipmentInformation> <FlightRemark /> <WebCheckInStatus> <Status>Open</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckInStatus> <API_Indicator>N</API_Indicator> <SeatRequired>true</SeatRequired> <DHSOutage>false</DHSOutage> </FlightSegment> <PassengerFlightInfo> <BookingInfo> <BookingReferenceID>YGLOME</BookingReferenceID> </BookingInfo> <AirTravellerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="001"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>PETER</GivenName> <Surname>DEBOIS</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>99024915</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="002"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>SILVIA</GivenName> <Surname>LLAMOSAS</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>17657886</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="003"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>EMILY</GivenName> <Surname>MARTINEZ</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>36290857</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="004"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>MARINELA</GivenName> <Surname>DIAZ</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>54923829</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="005"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>LOURDES BEATRIZ</GivenName> <Surname>ALBARRACIN VIUDA DE MOLINA</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>73556800</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> <PassengerInfo PsgrRPH="006"> <PTC>Adult</PTC> <PassengerName> <GivenName>JESUS</GivenName> <Surname>MARQUEZ</Surname> </PassengerName> <FOID> <Type>PP</Type> <Number>92189771</Number> </FOID> </PassengerInfo> </AirTravellerInfo> </PassengerFlightInfo> </FlightsInfo> <PsgrSegmentAssociations> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="001" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032133</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat>5C</Seat> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>true</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr>14</BoardingPassNbr> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="002" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032134</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat>3C</Seat> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>true</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr>15</BoardingPassNbr> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="003" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032135</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat>1D</Seat> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>true</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr>16</BoardingPassNbr> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="004" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032136</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat>4B</Seat> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>true</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr>17</BoardingPassNbr> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="005" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032137</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat>8A</Seat> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>true</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr>18</BoardingPassNbr> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PsgrSegmentAssociation> <PassengerID PsgrRPH="006" /> <Segment FlightRPH="001"> <MarketingBookingCode>Y</MarketingBookingCode> <OperatingBookingCode>Y</OperatingBookingCode> <OperatingCabin> <CabinCode>Y</CabinCode> <Description>Economy</Description> </OperatingCabin> <TicketInformation> <Issue>true</Issue> <Number>9990220032138</Number> <TicketCouponNbr>1</TicketCouponNbr> </TicketInformation> <WebCheckIn> <Status>true</Status> <Description /> </WebCheckIn> <Seat /> <PNRStatus>HK</PNRStatus> <CheckInInfo> <PaxChequed>false</PaxChequed> <BoardingPassNbr /> </CheckInInfo> </Segment> </PsgrSegmentAssociation> </PsgrSegmentAssociations> <SpecialServiceRequests /> </KIU_AirCheckInInfo> </KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRS>
Elements for KIU_AirTravelerCheckInRS:
- Success: Element that indicates the status of the answer.
- Document: Element that describes the document/method answered.
- Name: Alphabetic . Method name
- ReferenceVersion: Numeric. Number of the documents reference version.
- Document: Element that describes the document/method answered.
- Warnings: Optional. Element that groups one or a list of warnings or notifications for the user regarding the executed action.
- Warning: Element that describes the warning / notification for the user.
- Code: Numeric (6). Attribute that describes the code associated to the warning.
- Description: Alphanumeric special (50). Warning text associated to the action.
- Warning: Element that describes the warning / notification for the user.
- KIU_AirCheckInInfo: Mandatory. Element that list the specific check in information.
- POS: Point Of Sale. Element that enunciates the information of the point of sale used for the action.
- Source: Point of sale information.
- AgentSine: Alphanumeric (10). Attribute that informs the agent/user who make the request
- TerminalID: Alphanumeric (10). Attribute that informs the device use to make the request
- ISOCountry: Alphabetic (2). ISO code for the country
- AirportCode: Alphabetic (3). IATA code for the airport.
- IsGroupPNR: Boolean (true/false). Indicates if the informed PNR belongs to a group or not.
- HasAdviceCode: Boolean (true/false). Indicates if the booking contains any segment in a status other than HK.
- FlightsInfo: Element that groups the flight information.
- FlightSegment: Element that groups the information of the segments of the flight.
- FlightRPH: Alphanumeric (4). Segment ID within the system. It is use to reference exclusively to that segment (doesnt necessarily means that its the order number on the itinerary)
- InternalOrder: Numeric(3). Order ID of the segment within the PNR
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the information of the transporter/ vendor of the segment.
- CarrierCodeID: Alphanumeric (2). ISO code for the airline.
- CarrierName: Alphanumeric (30). Airline name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric (4). flight number.
- OperatingAirline: Element that groups the information if the operating airline is different that the vendor for the segment.
- ID: Alphanumeric (2). ISO code for airline
- Name: Alphanumeric (30). Operating airline´s name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric (4). Flights number.
- DepartureInformation: Element that groups the information of the origin point for the segment.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic (3). ISO code for the airport.
- AirportName: Alphanumeric (30). Origin airport name.
- CityName: Alphanumeric (30). Origin city name associated to the airport.
- DepartureDate: Date. Departure date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- DepartureTime: Departure time.
- Terminal: Optional. Element that groups the information of the departure terminal.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Departure gate.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Departure gate.
- ArrivalInformation: Element that groups the information of the destination point for the segment.
- BoardingOff: Alphabetic (3). ISO airport code for the arrival of the segment.
- AirportName: Alphanumeric (30). Name of the arrival airport.
- CityName: Alphanumeric (30). City name associated to the arrival airport.
- ArrivalDate: Departure date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- ArrivalTime: Departure time.
- Terminal: Optional. Element that groups the information regarding the arrival terminal.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Arrivals gate information.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Arrivals gate information.
- EquipmentInformation: Element that groups the information of the fligh equipment for the segment.
- Registration: Alphanumeric (8). Registration code for the airline.
- Code: Alphanumeric (3). Equipment IATA code.
- Description: Alphanumeric (30). Equipment name.
- WebCheckInStatus: Element that groups the segments web check in information.
- Status: (OPEN/CLOSE). Web check in Status for the segment flight.
- Description: Optional in case of status CLOSE. Will describe the reason for the status CLOSE.
- API_Indicator: Boolean (true/false): Indicates the status for API for the flight.
- SeatRequiered: Boolean (Y/N). Indicates FreeSeating or SeatMap.
- DHSOutage: Boolean (true/false). Indicates DHS on outage.
- Connections: Element that groups the flight connecting the segment.
- Connection: Connecting flight associated to the segment.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the information of the carrier/vendor for the connecting flight.
- CarrierCodeID: Alphanumeric (2). ISO code for the airline.
- CarrierName: Alphanumeric (30). Airline Name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric (4). Flight number.
- OperatingAirline: Element that groups the information in case there is a difference from the vendor for the connecting flight.
- ID: Alphanumeric (2). ISO code for the airline.
- Name: Alphanumeric (30). Airline name.
- FlightNumber: Numeric (4). Flight number.
- DepartureInformation: Element that groups the information of the origin point of the connecting segment.
- BoardingPoint: Alphabetic (3). ISO airport code.
- AirportName: Alphanumeric (30). Origint airport name for the connecting segment
- CityName: Alphanumeric (30). City name associated to the origin connecting airport.
- DepartureDate: Departure date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- DepartureTime: Departure time for the connecting flight.
- Terminal: Optional. Element that groups the information of the departure terminal on the connecting flight.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Departure gate
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Departure gate
- ArrivalInformation: Element that groups the information of the destination point of the conneting flight.
- BoardingOff: Alphabetic (3). ISO code for the arrival airport of the connecting flight.
- AirportName: Alphanumeric (30). Name of the arrival airport.
- CityName: Alphanumeric (30). Name of the city for the arrival airport.
- ArrivalDate: Arrival date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- ArrivalTime: Arrival time of the connecting flight.
- Terminal: Optional. Element that groups the information of the arrival terminal for the connecting flight.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Arrival gate.
- Gate: Alphanumeric (2). Arrival gate.
- EquipmentInformation: Element that groups the information of the equipment for the connecting segment.
- Code: Alphanumeric (3).IATA code for the equipment.
- Description: Alphanumeric (30). Equipment name.
- WebCheckInStatus: Element that groups the information of the webcheckin for the segment.
- Status: (OPEN/CLOSE). Web check in status for the segment.
- Description: Optional if status CLOSE. Informs the reason for the status CLOSE.
- API_Indicator: Boolean (true/false): Indicates the API status for the flight.
- SeatRequiered: Boolean (Y/N) . Indicates FreeSeating o SeatMap.
- DHSOutage: Boolean (true/false). Indicates if DHS is on outage.
- CarrierInfo: Element that groups the information of the carrier/vendor for the connecting flight.
- Connection: Connecting flight associated to the segment.
- FlightSegment: Element that groups the information of the segments of the flight.
- PassengerFlightInformation: Element that groups the information of the passengers.
- BookingInfo: Element that groups the information of the booking that contains the passengers.
- BookingReferenceID: Element that contains the booking reference.
- ID: Alphabetic (6). Contains the booking code of the passengers as a reference.
- ID: Alphabetic (6). Contains the booking code of the passengers as a reference.
- AirTravellerInfo: Element that contains the information of the passengers on the booking.
- PassengerInfo: Element that contains the specific information for each passenger.
- PsgrRPH: Integer (1,2,3... ). Belongs to the UniquePassengerID generated by KIU Res. Its different to the order number given in a booking, this is a unique id assigned to each passenger.
- PTC: Alphabetic (3). Type of passenger (ADT - Adult/ CNN - Minor or Child/ INF - Infant or baby).
- PassengerName: Element that groups the informaction of the passenger name.
- GivenName: Alphabetic (30). Passengers first name.
- MiddleName: Alphabetic (30). Passengers middle name.
- Surname: Alphabetic (30). Passenger last name.
- FOID: Passengers FOID information
- Type: Alphabetic (2). FOID code according to IATA standard (NI: national identity document, PP: passport, DL: drivers licence, ID: locally defined ID number, TN: ticket number, CN: confirmation number or record locator, CC: credit card number, FF: frequent flyer number). Last two types (CC y FF) must be followed by two extra characters: the code of the issuing authority for the credit card (example, CCVI:Visa credit card) or the airline where the frequent flyer used belongs to ( for example, FFXX: frequent number for XX airlines).
- Number: Alphanumeric (10). ID number.
- SpecialServiceRequests: Element that groups the list of SSRs associated to the passenger.
- SSRNumber: Numeric . Order number of the SSR on the PNR.
- SegmentAssociation: Segment Association for the SSR.
- ID: Alphanumeric. ID code for the associated segment.
- SSRCode: SSR Code.
- SSRText: SSR text
- SegmentAssociation: Segment Association for the SSR.
- SSRNumber: Numeric . Order number of the SSR on the PNR.
- SegmentReference: Element that list the segment associated to the passenger.
- Segment: Detail the specific segment associated to de passengers.
- FlightRPH: Alphanumeric (6). Reference ID for the object FlightSegment informed on FlightInfo.
- MarketingBookingCode: Alphabetic (1). Booking class of the segment.
- OperatingBookingCode: Alphabetic (1). Optional. Booking class for the flight operator.
- OperatingCabin: Element that groups the information of the cabin.
- Code: Alphabetic (1). Element that contains the code that identifies the cabin (Y: Economy; C: Bussiness; F: First class).
- Description: Alphabetic (20). Name that identifies the cabin.
- TicketInformation: Element that groups the information of ticket for the passengers and segment indicated.
- Issue: Boolean. Indicates the status for the ticket (true: Issued, false: No issued).
- Number: Numérico (13). Ticket number.
- TicketCouponNbr: Numeric (1). Coupon number that contains the referenced segment.
- WebCheckin: Element that describe the status for the webcheck in for the selected passenger and segment.
- Status: Boolean (true/false). Indicates if the passenger is cleared for web check in on that segment.
Description: Alphanumeric. Description of the status of the passenger when the status is "false".
- Status: Boolean (true/false). Indicates if the passenger is cleared for web check in on that segment.
- Segment: Detail the specific segment associated to de passengers.
- PassengerInfo: Element that contains the specific information for each passenger.
- BookingReferenceID: Element that contains the booking reference.
- BookingInfo: Element that groups the information of the booking that contains the passengers.
- FlightsInfo: Element that groups the flight information.
- CheckinInfo: Element that groups the status of the passenger for check in.
- PaxChequed: Boolean. Indicates the status of the passengers for Check In (false: Passenger not checked in, true: Passenger checked).
- BoardingPassNbr: Numeric (13). Boarding pass number (only if status of the passenger is "checked").
- CheckinInfo: Element that groups the status of the passenger for check in.
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