- lmauro@kiusys.com (Deactivated)
- Pablo Cappelletto (Deactivated)
Owned by lmauro@kiusys.com (Deactivated)
The Header is the first step to create a flight. The data for its creation will be detailed below:
KS Â Â Â | Fixed command |
HÂ Â Â | Header |
4380 | flight number |
25-feb-06 | Flight effective date (DDMMYY) |
OPEN | Flight discontinue date. To add a specific date use the same format as for flight effective date, otherwise fill it out as OPEN |
12345-- | Operating days or frequency. Days of the week are coded, Monday is 1 and so on, ending on Sunday as 7. Indicate days flight do not operate with a dash, entry request all 7 digits are completed. |
AEPÂ Â Â | Flight departing city code |
BHIÂ Â Â | Flight final destination city code |
2 | Total flight legs (between origin and destination) |
KSH 4380/25FEB06/OPEN/12345--/AEP/BHI/2 ----------- STEP 1 OF 3 CARRIER FLIGHT AEP.AEPXX-AA 1546/11JAN06 XX 4380 ITEM IDMASTERVL EFFECT DISCONT FREQUENCY NLG FRM END 1 NEW FLIGHT 25FEB2006 --OPEN-- 12345-- X-SA-SU 2 AEP BHI ______________________________________________________________________ OK. NEXT STEP: KSL1/
Flight header is created
CARRIER FLIGHT XX 4380 carrier code and flight number
ITEM 1 Item number
IDMASTERVL NEW FLIGHT Flight internal name, during flight creation it will be displayed as NEW FLIGHT
EFFECT 25FEB06 Flight effective date
DISCONT OPEN Flight discontinue date
FREQUENCY 12345--X-SA-SU Operating frequency (X-SA-SU X represents not operating these days)
NLG 2 flight total legs
FRM END AEP BHI Flight origin and last destination
STEP 1 OF 3 First step
AEP.AEPXX-AA 1546/11JAN06 Displays date, time and agent who is taking the action
OK. NEXT STEP: KSL1/ Informs next action can be taken
If effective or discontinue date do not match with the frequency indicated in the entry system will display the following message
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