Cancel Flight Frequency

Cancel Flight Frequency

Flight  cancellation is a process in which there are several steps to follow as described below:

  1. Flight to be canceled, operating frequency ,dates of effectiveness. It may be just a date specific flight or a date range. In that case the item must be divided first, considering the dates range and / or frequencies that will be processed (see DIVISION OF FLIGHTS).

  2. Flight cancellation process begins according to the following steps:

Step 1:

KA*4580 Flight items to be modified are displayed

Step 2:

KS.1 Item parameter to modify is selected


INM(Inventory) requested item is displayed

Step 3:


System responds the number of affected flights,passengers and PNRs. By the time the flight is canceled the process is not finished yet. This can be verified by doing  the KS entry which will display the item with the  *** CANCEL ** warning. If after executing KSGCANCEL command should be necessary to ignore or restore the selected item the entry is: KSGCANCEL / UNDO

This command ignores the flight cancellation and restores it.


Then the response is the number of flights,passengers and restored PNRs.

Once the command KSGCANCEL is done ,it is not possible to do the KA*ALL entry in the same window. If you attempt to do so the response will be :

KA* entry can be done by changing areas.

Before processing definitively you must perform passenger re-accommodation.

Description as follows; 

Step 4:

Passenger Re-accommodation

After the flight cancellation process, points of origin, destination or modification , the command must be made to re-accommodate passengers.
The re-accommodation can be automatic or manual.

Automated re-accommodation

Command to execute the automatic re-accommodation is:

This action relocates passengers on other flights (in case of cancellation), following a pre-established parameter (tables previously configured according to the administrator convenience  or in  the same flight(in the case of modification).
To see the listings for automatic system re-accommodation  you can use the "resetting list" commands (explained below).
Once the reset command has been made, the system processes all the PNRs and automatically adapts them according to the configured tables. If you do not find any option, leave the PNR without re-accommodation (you can see the option of "Manual reset" below).

The system has two possible responses:

First response is when the re-accommodation has been completed and PNRs relocated.

Second response is when re-accommodation is not complete for any reason. (inexistent flight,route,class,or other item to relocate.  Number of passengers not relocated.

Duplicities in re-accommodation

If  the re-arrangement process results in PNRs duplication the system detects those PNRs and leaves them without re-accommodation to avoid duplication.

The message that  will be displayed  appear in the re-accommodation lists is:

Re-accommodations List

Maximum Analytic filter by booking code


It is the most analytical list that allows to view the passengers that are going to be re-accommodated by date, code, route, class ,booking status and also the flight in which the re-accommodation will take place or if there is no re-accommodation available also.




00001 23JUL2006 CMKJOH AEPMDQ Y HK1    

23JUL 4420 AEPMDQ 12:05 13:15   Y 

00002 23JUL2006 PJLZCA AEPMDQ B HK1    

23JUL 4420 AEPMDQ 12:05 13:15   B 

00003 23JUL2006 RZLWXG AEPBHI Y HK1    

23JUL 4350 AEPBHI 12:00 13:00   Y 

00004 23JUL2006 EFZDVW AEPVDM Y HK2    


00005 23JUL2006 TKMMSF AEPVDM Y HK1    


00006 23JUL2006 NONPTH MDQBHI Y HK2    


00007 23JUL2006 QTFWNS MDQBHI Y HK1    



  • Re-accommodated item on another flight

  • Re-accommodation level  0 flight number 4360 Filter : none 


It is the number with which it will be identified in the list


Booking code travel date


Booking code


Booking route




 Status and number of passengers 

  • Not re-accommodation item

Those items that are NOT REAC are those that could not be automatically re-accommodated.

  • Re-accommodated item on the same flight

Those items in which « (left commas)  is observed at the end  will indicate that the flight will be re-accommodated in itself.

00003 01OCT2005 FHUVJV AEPBRC Y HK1   «  

00004 01OCT2005 HVZEJF AEPBRC B HK1   «  

00005 01OCT2005 PHKAQT AEPBRC N HK1   « 

  • Re-accommodated item  on the same flight replacing the modified route

    • In these cases, when one airport is replaced by another and the goal is that passengers are re-accommodated within the same flight. (See CHANGE OF ORIGIN OR DESTINATION)


In this case RGL has been replaced by CRD and passengers have been re-accommodated within the same flight , but replacing  RGL by CRD

Maximum Analytical filter by class 

This filter displays in a more discriminated way the number of passengers that are going to be re-accommodated differentiated by class, date or route.

Unlike the previous one, this list does not discriminate by code, but groups the number of passengers by date of flight, route and booking class.

Those items that are NOT REAC are those that have found automatic re-accommodation.

Like the previous one, it can be done before or after  KSREAC command and it can also be used for a manual re-accommodation

Maximum Analytical filter by route

This filter displays in a more discriminated way the number of passengers that are going to be re-accommodated, differentiated by class, by date and by route.

Unlike the previous one, this list does not discriminate by code, but groups the number of passengers by date of flight, route and booking class.

Those items that are NOT REAC are those that have found automatic re-accommodation.

Like the previous one, it can be done before or after the KSREAC command and it can also be used for a manual re-accommodation.

Those items that are NOT REAC are those that have ben processed by the automated re-accommodation

Re-accommodation list filter

There are filters that can be applied in these list to further specify the options.
These indicators are added to the command list. These filters are:

N          Not Re-accommodated Passengers

R          Re-accommodated passengers

X          Passengers without re-accommodation but manually forced to do so.

M         Passengers with manual re-accommodation

A         Automated re-accommodation passengers 


Manual re-accommodation

When no chance for automatic re-accommodation was found within the tables nor it is not the desired one, it is possible to change to manual re-accommodation. It must be executed from a re-accommodation list.

The steps are the following:

  • List is retrieved.


  • From this list the items that must be re-accommodated are taken and alternate flights must be chosen in order to have the items relocated.

  • Example:



 List of passengers to re-accommodate




Items to re-accommodate from the list




Flight number




Flight date

  • When retrieving this list,the modified items will be displayed in the following way:

  • Another option is when the flight  where re-accommodation will take place does not have the same classes, you  will  have to force the system to replace nonexistent classes with others that are loaded on the new flight.

Example 1:

  • -Y  Replaces  actual class by Y  

  • If only -Y is set, all classes of the selected items will be replaced by class Y

  • If -YA is set, the first class (in this case Y) will be the replacement of the second class (in this case A). You can load the number of necessary classes always separated by a hyphen.

  • System response in all cases will be OK.

  • When retrieving  the list again, the re-accommodated segments will be seen with the flight data where they were accommodated preceded by an asterisk (star) and the classes that were replaced (A / Y) and (R / B)
    This procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary until all the items are re-accommodated.

  • In case the intent is to leave some items without re-accommodation, the system must be forced to execute such procedure in the following way:

System response must be OK, and, when retrieving the list, the selected item should read:


Manual re-accommodation can also be done from lists such as KSRL3 and KSRL5.

It is important to keep in mind that each time a re-accommodation command of 2 or more items is executed at the same time to request the last list again (KSRL), since the items may be grouped with different numbers when the re-accommodations takes place.

  • This may occur with the KSRL3 and KSRL5 lists, since these lists are ready to be regrouped.

  • The KSRL0 list, being more analytical and displaying by PNR, is not regrouped , but continues to display PNRs one by one.


After displaying this list a re-accommodation will be requested

When requesting the list again, you can see that items 1 and 2 were grouped into one and the order of the rest was changed.

Clear Manual re-accommodation

A command to clear manual re-accommodation is available which allows to return to the original automated re-accommodation:

The objective is to restore the original re-accommodation:

System response:


Step 5: Validation

Once the corresponding re-accommodations have been made, you must proceed to validate and record the cancellation of the flight by executing the following command:


Passenger re-accommodation (No flight cancellation)

The command to re-accommodate passengers without cancelling the flight is as follows:

Steps to re-accommodate passengers (without cancelling the flight where they are):



  • All or some of the passengers who are on the flight can be re-accommodated

  • Passengers who will not be re-accommodated after doing KSGREAC transaction, must be identified as NOT REAC

  • Enter KSGREAC/UNDO to undo the re-accommodation process

  • Enter KSREAC/CLEAR to remove flights where passengers have been re-accommodated (Valid before KSAVE command)

  • Re-accommodated PNRs are placed in Queue 30 (Schedule Change)

  • The original itinerary remains with status UN, and the new one with status TK

  • The KSGREAC process is integrated with the KNS module (Kiu Notification Service)

  • Same validations apply as when passengers are re-accommodated from the flight cancellation process (See Re-accommodation of Passengers in Cancel Flight Frequency)

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