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VIC Occupancy Rate  and Revenue Report


This report allows a thorough analysis of the flight revenue. It shows a certain information according to the status of the flight at the time of the inquiry.

The information displayed varies depending on whether it is requested:

1. Prior to the departure of a flight or,

2. After the flight closed at check-in.


Pre-Check-In Information

The command for getting this report is the following:





 FLTFlight number 
 DATEDeparture date 
ROUTING flight routing 
 TOTAL COLLECTTicket total amount collected
 FLT COSTTotal cost of the flight loaded in the table
 FLT BALANCE Flight balance, obtained from the difference between "Total Collect" and "Flt Cost"


LEGLeg order number
BRD/OFFBRD Origin OFF Destination
ACActual equipment capacity
KMDistance between origin/destination (in km)
A.K.OSeats per kilometer offered
BOOKNumber of passengers per leg
P.K.T.Passenger Kilometer Traveled
L.FLoad factor

Prorated cost by leg




BRD /OFFBRD Origin /OFF Destination
KMDistance between origin and destination
BOOKNumber of passengers
EFFECEffective Passengers Booked/Ticketed
E-TKNumber of etickets issued
AMOUNTTicketed total amount
FARE AVAverage fare

YIELD . This value is obtained by dividing the value of the Total Collect by the P.K.T (Passenger per Km Traveled)

«TICKETING ISSUE»Tickets issued
HOSTTickets issued in the host
AGENCYTickets issued by travel agents
WEBTickets issued from the web page


When  dealing with flights with intermediate stops in order to obtain the flight  balance ,the cost values must be charged for each of the legs, otherwise the total balance thereof can not be calculated.


Post Check-In Information

Example: VIC5200/13JUN


The command that must be entered to check this report is the following:



General flight information

FLTFlight number
ROUTEComplete routing
DATEFlight date
TOTAL COLLECTTotal amount collected
COEFLoad Factor
LEGOrder number of each section
BRD OFFBRD:Origin OFF: Destination|
SCHDScheduled departure time
DEPActual departure time
ACAircraft capacity
BSSpace Block
PAXBooked passengers by Leg
COEFLoad factor(percentage)



Information by marketing segments

BOAD/OFFBRD:Origin OFF: Destination|
AMOUNTTotal ticked amount by segment
FARE AVAverage fare
NO-SHOWNo-show passengers
GO-SHOWGo-Show passengers
INFOASInfant passengers


Booking Details


BOAD/OFFBRD:Origin OFF: Destination|
NO-SHOWNo-show passengers
AMOUNTTotal ticked amount by segment
GO-SHOWGo-Show passengers
HOSTTickets issued in the host
AGENCYTickets issued by travel agents
WEBTickets issued from the web page


Flight Post Check-in information with Upgrades / Downgrades


In case the flight checked contains upgrade and /or  downgrades, the VIC report will contain other columns that will optimize the analysis. The columns are:


BOOK Number of reservations in each class

UPG / DWG: Number  upgraded or downgraded passengers in each class:

FROM: Number of passengers with reservations in another class, and due to an upgrade or downgrade are  checked in that class.

TO: Number of passengers with reservations in that class, and due to an upgrade or downgrade are checked in another class.




Class C: I had 2 reservations (BOOK). 8 passengers flew in this class (PAX). 7 passengers had upgrade. 1 passenger had a downgrade.
Class J: I had 2 reservations (BOOK). 1 passenger flew in this class (PAX).
Class Y: I had 5 reservations (BOOK). 1 passenger flew in this class (PAX). 1 passenger had upgrade. 5 passengers had downgrade.
Class H: I had 4 reservations (BOOK). 2 passengers flew in this class (PAX). 2 passengers had downgrade


Cost table

This functionality allows the administration of the "Cost Table " in reference to the different sections of the airline. Values assigned to the  Cost Table  will be reflected, in the VIC statistical report, in a comparative way with the collection of the flight.

The user must have duty code  6 or 8 in order to perform  this command


Add items

To enter the costs for each leg and period, the following command should be entered:



TFC / A- {Origin} {Destination} {-} / {date from} - {date to} / {currency} {amount}




TFC / A- Fixed command to add a new item.
OriginOrigin airport code
DestinationDestination airport code
The middle dash in this position indicates that the value will not be loaded in the reverse direction. By default it charges the amount in both directions.
From DateFirst date to display
-Dash to split dates range
Up To DateLast date to display
CurrencyISO currency code





Add items indicating equipment 


You can enter the cost table by type of aircraft that operates the route. To indicate the type of aircraft, the equipment indicator should be inserted between the section and the date, as shown below:


TFC / A- (Destination Distance) / E (equipment id) / (date from) - (date to) / (currency) (amount)




TFC / A-EZELPB / E737 / 1NOV-30NOV / USD4500


Field E (equipment) is optional. If this field is not entered, the cost will apply to all equipments.
After the indicator E, the equipment indicator should be entered in the DNE field. For example: 733 for the 737-300 aircraft-


Delete Items

To delete  costs added for a section, the following command must be entered:


TFC / D-Fixed Command to eliminate items.
ItemsItem number (depending on the table display) that you wish to delete.


Several items can be indicated separated by comma or with hyphens (to indicate ranges).


Modify Items


TFC / M- Fixed command
MModify indicator
7Iten number to modify
30NOV15New effective date
USD4500New cost


The cost can also be modified for a period of time, provided that this period is within the time range of the item to be modified.


Check the cost table


The following command must be performed in order to check the cost table:


Table Display 




ITEMItem number
BRD / OFFSegment origin and destination
DATE FROM / TOEffective date
CURRENCY AMOUNT Currency amount added as cost.



In order to verify the history of the values added in the cost table you must enter the following command;






Cost table applied to VIC report

Once the Cost Table has been generated, the system will automatically calculate the pre-established values as expenses and calculate the amounts collected by flight and leg, cost of the flight, balance of the flight and each leg-


In order to obtain the calculations mentioned above, you must have the cost table with the values charged for each leg.






Total CollectTotal amount collected on the flight
Flt CostTotal amount of cost added to the table
Flt BalanceFlight balance. Difference between total collect and flight cost
Leg informationCost and balance information discriminated by leg
CostAmount of the flight leg cost added to the the table
RevenueAmount collected in the flight leg, obtained from the income prorated by legs
BalanceLeg Balance obtained from the difference between "Cost" and "Revenue"



Report by Origin / Destination

The report can be requested by origin and destination, or only origin or destination.

The commands are:


TBR7AEPSLA Origin / destination

TBR7AEPALL Only origin (from AEP to all destinations)

TBR7ALLAEP Only destination (from all airports to AEP))


TBR7 Total Booking Report

Este reporte permite visualizar la cantidad de bookings (pasajeros reservados por tramo) activos en el host actuando en avance hasta 330 días.


This report allows to display  the number of bookings (passengers booked per leg ) active in the host acting in advance up to 330 days.



To obtain a report of all booked  passengers including waiting lists, subject to space and requested  on all operated routes, the command is as follows:




The ALL ALL indicator emphasizes that all origins and all destinations are considered.


This report displays all the routes operated by the carrier during a period of  time from the current date  up to  330 days in advance. The number of reservations is described by day and month, totaling at the end of the month.

At the end of the display  you can see the signature, date and time stamp.


DEP: Origin. Airport / ALL (all)

ARR: Destination. Airport / ALL (all)

FLT: Flight

DATES RANGE: Dates Range included in the display (330 days)


Report by Origin / Destination

The report can be requested by origin and destination, or only origin or destination.

The commands are:

TBR7AEPSLA Origin / destination

TBR7AEPALL Only origin (from AEP to all destinations)

TBR7ALLAEP Only destination (from all airports to AEP))


Report by Flight 


A booking report can be obtained by specified flight with the following command:





TBR7Fixed command
ALLALLAll origins to all destinations


Report by reservation status

You can request a report by booking status with the following command:


TBR7Fixed command
ALLALLAll origins to all destinations
*Slash to split status
KConfirmed status indicator


Report by Host, Agency or other GDS


You can request a bookings report discriminated  by Host or travel agencies.

The command to obtain a booking report created in the agencies is the following:




This command only allows to display bookings generated only by travel agencies.


TBR7Fixed command
ALLALLAll origins to all destinations
#Slash to split vendor type
Atravel agency indicator


The command to obtain the booking report  created in the host is:



This command only allows to display bookings generated only by the host.


TBR7Fixed command
ALLALLAll origins to all destinations
#Slash to split vendor type
HHost indicator



The command to obtain a booking report created by another GDS:




This command allows you to display booking  generated from  office Subtype Z, which is the one that receives the PNRs from another GDS.




TBR7Fixed command
ALLALLAll origins to all destinations
#Slash to split vendor type
GGDS indicator



Both origin / destination report ,flight number or status can be combined, therefore, a route, origin or destination of a specific flight for confirmed passengers could be requested.
To generate the report, with the mentioned combinations, you must enter the following command






TBR7Fixed command
AEPSLA(Route)Origin and destination
/Slash to split vendor type
4104Flight number
*Status divider
KConfirmed status



Export Report to Excel

Any of the report options  can be sent to EXCEL spreadsheets.

The command to export the report is as follows:



You must enter the corresponding report request adding it  -EXCEL at the end. You can also apply this method with the TBR reports that follow.



TBR8 Load Factor Report by legs


This report allows to visualize load factors for future flights by legs in an auxiliary screen.

The command to generate this report is the following:








FLTFlight numbers that operate in the flight schedule. When ticking on a specific flight number, the system displays the flight plan information on the screen. This is the same information that displays the DO (flight) / date command.
ROUTEOrigin, flight destination and flight leg number
[]Number of days left for the departure of flights. Example: [1D] 1 da
DATEIn advance, up to 10 days from the day of the consultation of the report, date by date, the occupation percentage for each of them will be displayed.
TOTALTotal load factor considering all flights of each specific day.

When clicking on this link, the Statistics- Load Factor Configuration screen will open. The display will show the flight load factor identified in red, when they are below the value set by the airline, and in blue for those that are above set value. These load factor values, maximum and minimum are configured according to the company
Clicking on SEE CONFIGURATION will display a window with the configured data, as shown below:






Considering the data displayed on this screen as an example, the RED COLOR column indicates that legs with 0% to 20% occupancy will be identified in red; and in the BLUE COLOR column  legs with  load factors between 80% and 100% occupancy will be identified in blue.




Flight stops will be listed and indicated in square brackets following the detail of each stop.



The days that the flights do not operate instead of being blank are displayed with a dotted line to improve the overall interpretation of the report

When a flight does not operate in the requested date instead of playing it as black ,a dotted line will be displayed.


Along the weekly frequency a flight has different stops so a flight information line will be generated for each route, in this way the interpretation of the flight load factor can be interpreted individually.


Report by date display.


To display a report from a specific date, you must enter the following command:




10 days in advance from the requested date. will be displayed. By not entering a specific date, the system will default to the date of the day of the request and shows up to 10 days in advance.


Display  by flight range

The report can be generated to check a specific flight range .







You can enter the date filter explained above. This filter is optional and if it is indicated the system assumption applies for the current date.



Display by frequencies

A report  by  frequencies can be generated according to the days of the week .When this option is requested, the system will display the next 10 days that match the frequency.
The days of the week will be identified with the initials of the word in English: MO: Monday, TU: Tuesday, WE: Wednesday, TH: Thursday, FR: Friday, SA: Saturday, SU: Sunday. The days of the week can be combined




Sending reports by mail


You can send report information by mail using this command:





Filter combination


All previous filters can be combined





TBR9 Load Factor Report

This report displays a pop up with future flights load factor.


The command to generate this report is the following:









Scheduled flight numbers. When clicking on any specific flight the VIC report will be displayed with the load factor and revenue.

ROUTEOrigin, flight and destination
LEGNumber of legs
[]Number of days left for the departure of flights. Example: [1D] 1 da
DATEIn advance, up to 10 days from the day of the consultation of the report, date by date, the occupation percentage for each of them will be displayed.
TOTALTotal load factor considering all flights of each specific day.

When clicking on this link, the Statistics- Load Factor Configuration screen will open. The display will show the flight load factor identified in red, when they are below the value set by the airline, and in blue for those that are above set value. These load factor values, maximum and minimum are configured according to the company
Clicking on SEE CONFIGURATION will display a window with the configured data, as shown below:




Considering the data displayed on this screen as an example, the RED COLOR column indicates that legs with 0% to 20% occupancy will be identified in red; and in the BLUE COLOR column  legs with  load factors between 80% and 100% occupancy will be identified in blue.


The percentages to be shown for each color are configured according to carrier´s requirement.



Display by date

To display a for a specific date, you must enter the following command:




This entry  will  display 10 days in advance from the requested date.

By not entering a specific date, the system will default to the current date of the request and up to 10 days in advance.


Display flight  parameters

The report can be generated to check a specific range of flights.

To generate the report only for a range of flights, you must enter the following command:



TBR9/flight range






You can enter the date filter explained above. This filter is optional and if it is not enter they system assumption is the current date.



  • When the TBR9 command is executed and the system response is "TOO LONG", a range of flights must be specified to narrow the search and  decrease the number of responses.
  • A link in the flight number  executes the DO command and allows you to see the full route of the flight.


Send the report by email

The report can be sent to an email address with the following command;




TBR1 Created PNRs Report


This report allows retrieving the new created PNRs, from the current date backwards, without including changes

The command displays up to 45 days back from the date of execution.


The options to generate the report are the following:




This report displays you the number of bookings (record locator)created in each of the cities that belong to the airline host.

This report displays the number of bookings created in each of the cities in the airline host.

The command to check this report is the following:





Below the first column each of the cities will be displayed and in the next column the number of amount of PNRS created in each one of them will be displayed.

iIf no date is indicated the command default is the current day.





  • Date
    The same report can be requested indicating a specific date. The options are the following:



TBR1 / 10AUG By specific date
TBR1 / 1JUL-20JUL Per period of dates (covers up to 31 days)
TBR1 / AUG Per month


A pie chart and ordered information are obtained. Keep in mind that you can not overlap the days, for example you can not enter a parameter that is 01JUN - 01JUL for more than 31 days between them. You can also clarifying the year in this display.


Example: 01AUG17


  • City

This report displays the number of reservations (record locator) created in a specific city by discriminating each of the offices that belong to that city and that create those bookings.

The command is the following:




Example:  TBR1BUE

This command defaults to the date of request. It can be requested by specific date using the same format as in the GENERAL item.


  • Office

This report displays the number of reservations (record locator) created in a specific city by discriminating each of the user that created them.

The command to generate the report is the following:







This command  defaults to the date of request. In response you obtain the signature, last and and  first name of each agent and the number of bookings created by each of them.


It can be requested by date using the same format as the GENERAL item.


The command to visualize the report with these characteristics is the following:








This command defaults to the date of the  request. In response, the amount of bookings created  by the agent and a bar graph are obtained and discriminated per day.

It can be requested by date using the same format as the GENERAL item.

You can also view the detail of the PNRS made by each user.

The command to visualize the report with these characteristics is the following:









TBR1Fixed command
COR8RUser from specific office
*indicates that an active PNR from the user
01FEBCheck date



It must be taken into account that there may be a discrepancy between the number of PNRs listed in the TOTAL column, when using the CITY filter and the number of PNRs listed using the USER filter.

This discrepancy is due to the fact that the system is  taking into account the GMT time and when requesting PNRs details made by each user, the system lists the PNRs made on the requested date considering  the Local Time of the office to which the user belongs.

For example, if in the application the 2FEB day, per office, PNRs are listed, and when the information is broken down by user, there is no data or there is a discrepancy due to the fact that the PNRs were made on 01FEB day from 9:00 p.m.





TSR1 R E-Tickets issued in Host Report


This report allows retrieving the E-TICKETS issued with the total amounts from the current date backward.

The command allows you to view up to 7 days back from the current date.

Note: Voided documents (VOID) are not included in this report.


The options to generate the report are the following:



General by country

This report  displays the number of electronic tickets issued in general differentiated by country belonging to the host of the company.


The command to generate the report is the following:





A pop up is displayed with a pie chart with the information, as shown in the following image:




At the bottom the chart displays the total. This command defaults to the request date.


You can request the same report by specific dates.


The date options are valid for all reports of the same style (TSR) and are the following:



TSR1 / 10AUG By specific date (one day only)
TSR1 / 10JUL-15JUL Per period of dates



In all options,a pop up with a graphic is displayed.


By City

To visualize the report detailed by cities breakdown the following command should be entered:



Example: TSR1AR




By office


To visualize the report  detailed by office breakdown in a city, the following command should be entered:















TSR2 Ticket issuance by Travel Agencies Report:


This report allows retrieving the E-TICKETS issued by travel agents  with the total amounts from the current date backward.

The command allows you to view up to 7 days back from the current date.

Note: Voided documents (VOID) are not included in this report.


The options to generate the report are the following:


General by country

This report  displays the number of electronic tickets issued by travel agencies by country breakdown.


The command to generate the report is the following:







In all options,a pop up with a pie chart with data is displayed.

You can request the same report by specific dates. The date options are valid for all reports  and are the following:



TSR2 / 10AUG By specific date (single day only)
TSR2 / 1JUL-7JUL Dates range

For all options a pop up is displayed.



By City

To visualize the report detailed by cities breakdown the following command should be entered:



Example: TSR2AR


By Agency

To visualize the report  detailed by office breakdown in a city, the following command should be entered:




Ejemplo: TSR2BUE





By City

To visualize the report detailed by cities breakdown the following command should be entered:





























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