The method allows to issue EMD of type A and S associated with a booking. Requires a pre-existing quotation of ancillaries (PQ).
Request example:
KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ - Full
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2006-05-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="50" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="XXXXXX" LastModificationType="2017-09-01T09:00:00Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="5" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1"> <CreditCardInfo CardCode="VI" ApprovalCode="0898787" ExpirationDate="2017-11"> <CardNumber> <Number>4509000000001237</Number> <CVS>123</CVS> </CardNumber> </CreditCardInfo> </PaymentInfo> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="6" PaymentRPH="2" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1"> <DebitCardInfo CardCode="MA" ApprovalCode="6754456"> <CardNumber> <Number mask="true" Token="[TOKENBB]">4509000000001237</Number> <CVS>4455</CVS> </CardNumber> </DebitCardInfo> </PaymentInfo> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="100.00" TotalTax="0.00" /> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="2" Amount="50.00" TotalTax="110.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="3" Amount="1500.00" TotalTax="143.75" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
Message elements:
BookingReferenceID: Mandatory. Alphanumeric (6). It contains the information of the reservation code where the items to be processed are located.
ID: Attribute. Required. Alphanumeric (6). Reservation code.
LastModificationType: Attribute. Optional. ISO DateTime. Information that comes in the answer of KIU_AirPriceRS where the ancillaries are included. It corresponds to the last date / time that the reservation was modified. This attribute will be implemented in the future to control the issuing will be done on the last version of the referenced booking.
Orders: Element. Mandatory List the issuing orders of the documents to be processed.
Order: Element. Mandatory Individual order of processing. Corresponds to each quote done.
OrderID: Attribute. Mandatory. IDREF corresponding to the quote number (<Priced>) obtained from the response of KIU_AirPriceRS. This data corresponds to the PQ number of the reservation.
PaymentInformation: Element. Mandatory. Group the payment methods to be used during documents processing.
PaymentInfo: Element. Mandatory Contains the description of single payment method.
PaymentType: Positive integer. Mandatory. OTA code of the payment method, listed in the OpenTravel Code List Payment Type (1: Cash, 5: Credit Card, 6: Debit Card, 7: Check, 34: Invoice, 37: Miscellaneous).
PayCode: Alphanumeric. Optional. It is included when the payment method is 37.
InvoiceCode: Alphanumeric. Code of the client's corporate account used as a form of payment (this attribute must be present in the PaymentInformation element when the form of payment is 34).
Text: Alphanumeric. 30. Optional. Information associated with payment method. Eg PaymentType 7 - Include text.
PaymentRPH: Positive integer. Required. Reference ID for internal associations of the method.
TravelerRefNumberRPH. Integer Positive. Reference associated to a passenger.
Check: Element. Contains the information of the check number.
CheckNumber: Attribute. Required. Integer. Check number.
Number: Numeric (10). Check number when the payment method is 7.
CreditCardInfo: Optional. Element to include credit card information..
CardCode: Attribute. Required. Credit card code
ApprovalCode: Attribute. Optional. Payment approval number through external validation process.
ExpirationDate: Attribute. Required. Date, format DDYY - Expiration date of the credit card..
CardNumber: Element that groups the credit card number data..
Number: Element. Required. It contains the credit card number.
CVS: Element. Positive integer. Required. Credit card security code.
DebitCardInfo: Optional. Element to include credit card information.
CardCode: Required. Credit card code.
ApprovalCode: Optional. Payment approval number through external validation process.
ExpirationDate: Attribute. Required. ISO valid date of credit card.
CardNumber: Element. Required. Contains the debit card number data.
Number: Element. Required. Contains the credit card number.
CVS: Positive integer. Credit card security code.
PaymentAssociations: Required element. List the payment instructions of the item for each Order.
PaymentAssociation: Required element Payment instruction for each order. There must be as many elements as orders are declared in the Orders element
OrderID: Attribute. Required. Positive integer IDREF corresponds to the reference number to the Order element.
PaymentReference: Element that contains the form of payment instruction to be used to process the reference order. Minimum 1 item or maximum 2 is required for a double payment.
PaymentRPH: Attribute. Required. Positive integer. IDREF payment method reference number (PaymentInfo).
Amount: Attribute. Required. Positive. Decimal figure. Amount to be included in the form of payment.
TaxAmount: Attribute. Required. Decimal figure. Total amount of taxes to be included in the form of payment. .
Sample Request by payment method:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="1" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" /> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
Credit card:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="5" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1"> <CreditCardInfo CardCode="TN" ApprovalCode="0898787" ExpirationDate="1218"> <CardNumber> <Number>4509000000001237</Number> <CVS>123</CVS> </CardNumber> </CreditCardInfo> </PaymentInfo> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
Debit card:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="6" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1"> <DebitCardInfo CardCode="MA" ApprovalCode="6754456"> <CardNumber> <Number>4509000000001237</Number> <CVS>4455</CVS> </CardNumber> </DebitCardInfo> </PaymentInfo> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="7" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1"> <Check CheckNumber="12312312" /> </PaymentInfo> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-12-18T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="37" PayCode="DO" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" /> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
Invoice (Prepaid account):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ EchoToken="1" TimeStamp="2017-09-01T17:16:13" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX817" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS" /> </POS> <BookingReference ID="VKPNPW " LastModificationType="2017-12-18T14:07:08.657Z"> <Orders> <Order OrderID="1" /> <Order OrderID="2" /> </Orders> <PaymentInformation> <PaymentInfo PaymentType="34" InvoiceCode="ACME NEW" PaymentRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPHList="1" /> </PaymentInformation> <PaymentAssociations> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="1"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> <PaymentAssociation OrderID="2"> <PaymentReference PaymentRPH="1" Amount="594.23" TotalTax="0.00" /> </PaymentAssociation> </PaymentAssociations> </BookingReference> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRQ>
Message example:
<KIU_DemandEMDDocRS Version="1" EchoToken="123123123" PrimaryLangID="EN-us" Target="Testing" TimeStamp="2017-11-11T20:00:08"> <Errors> <Error ErrorCode="3040">NO RATE</Error> </Errors> <Success/ <Warnings> <Warning Type="1" >TEXTO</Warning> </Warnings> <BookingReferenceID Type="1" ID="XXXXXX"> <DocumentItemInformation Type="EMDA" Number="9952458785821" TravelerReferenceRPH="1" Status="true"/> <DocumentItemInformation Type="EMDA" Number="9952458785822" TravelerReferenceRPH="2" Status="true"/> <DocumentItemInformation Type="EMDS" Number="9952458785824" TravelerReferenceRPH="1" Status="false"> <IssueInfo> <Error Code="3040">PQ PRICE DISCREPANCY</Error> </IssueInfo> </DocumentItemInformation> </BookingReferenceID> </KIU_DemandEMDDocRS>
Message elements:
Errors: Element that contains the errors that determine the non-processing of the transaction.
Error: Element. Error description.
ErrorCode: Numeric. Positive integer. Error number.
Success: Element that informs that the message was executed correctly.
Warnings: Optional element. List of warnings associated with the process.
Warning: Description of the warning.
Type: Positive integer. Warning code.
BookingReferenceID: Element that groups the documents processed for a reservation.
ID: Alphanumeric (6). Reservation code.
DocumentItemInformation: Element that contains the information of the issued document
Type: Alphabetical. (EMDA / EMDS). Type of document processed.
Number: Positive integer. (13) Document number issued.
TravelerReferenceRPH: Positive integer. Passenger order number in the reservation associated with the document issued.
Status: Boolean (true|false). Indicator if the EMD is processed or not. In case of a false value, the IssueInfo element is added to the description.
IssueInfo: Element that contains the information referring to the non-processing of an issuing order.
Error: Element that contains the individual description of each cause of non-processing.
Code: integer. Error identification number.