Maximiliano Silva
The Electronic Account module allows issuance and settlement for travel agencies outside BSP circuit and for corporate clients.
This funcitionality allows that once reached the Credit Limit allowed, the system will inhibit ticket issuance until credit is loaded.
There are two types of Electronic Accounts:
- No BSP Travel Agencies
- Corporate Clients
In order to manage the Electronic Accounts the applicable permissions must be present in the user. The options are the following:
- List of Accounts: Allows visualization of Electronic Accounts list created in Host or allowed for an specific agency
- Queries: Allows searching for an specific account
- New Account: Allows creation of a new Electronic Account
- Credit and Debit: Allows manually loading a credit or debit amount to a Electronic Account.
- Account Management: Allows loading and modifying data for Electronic Accounts already created
- Mass Management: Allows setting commussions in all active Electronic Accounts.
List of Accounts
In order to view the List of Electronic Accounts filters can be applied to refine the search.
By default the list of ACTIVE Travel Agency accounts will be shown. However, the following filters can be selected:
Type | It is the type of account: Agency or Corporate. |
Country | Country where the account is located. |
City | City where the account is located. |
Credit limit | Allows to filter by credit limit equal or higher than 0. |
Suspended | Displays suspended accounts and for Travel Agencies Accounts also the inhibited. |
The screen contains a Quick Edit section to expedite the search. The result will vary according the type of account selected:
Travel Agencies Electronic Accounts
City | IATA city code where the account is located. |
Office | Agency Office ID. It can be clicked to view the account. |
Name | Travel Agency name |
Currency | Currency used in the account. (Only one Checkin Account can be created by Office ID and Currency) |
Credit Limit | Credit limit assigned to the Agency. |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Credit Card | It can be ON or OFF and indicates if at the moment of issuance with credit card the ticket commission is added to the account. Only applies to issuance with credit cards with online validation. |
Dom. Com. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage Free: Will show a blank space to be completed by the applicable commission if applicable. Fixed: Will show a fixed amount commission. Max: Will show the maximum commission amount. At the moment of issuance it can be modified as long as the amount specified does not exceed the maximum amount. |
Com. Int. (%) | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
CC Dom. Com. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
CC Int. Com. (%) | International Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Issue ID | Agency identifier. |
Corporate Accounts
City | IATA city code where the account is located. |
Customer | Corporate Client code. It can be clicked to view the account. |
Name | Name of Corporate Customer |
Currency | Currency used in the account. (Only one Checkin Account can be created by Office ID and Currency) |
Credit Limit | Credit limit assigned to the customer |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Dom. Com. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage Free: Will show a blank space to be completed by the applicable commission if applicable. Fixed: Will show a fixed amount commission. Max: Will show the maximum commission amount. At the moment of issuance it can be modified as long as the amount specified does not exceed the maximum amount. |
International Commission | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Agency | The Travel Agency to which the Corporation is client. |
In both cases the action buttons are:
Clears the search. | |
Executes search | |
Downloads in Excel file | |
Pager. Allows to see more results. |
An specific account can be viewed from this section by selecting Type and Office or Client depending on if it is a Travel Agency Account or Corporate Client.
Once entered the desired search data the following information will display:
Travel Agency Electronic Account
Electronic Account | Travel Agency Office ID |
Carrier | Carrier code and name |
City | City and country code where the agency is located |
Agency name | Agency name |
Issue ID | Agency Issuing code |
Credit Card | Shows whether the agency has this option activated. (ON u OFF). |
Dom. Com. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Int. Com. (%) | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Com. TC Dom. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Com. TC Int. (%) | International Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Status | Options are: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED O INHIBITED. |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Credit Limit | Credit limit assigned to the Agency. |
Total to pay | Difference between Credit and Debit. |
Account movement section:
Item | Item number |
Date | Movement date |
Debit | Amount debited |
Credit | Amount credited |
Reference | Text entered at the moment of making any movement in the Electronic Account. The text entered can be manual or automated. |
The Total Section shows:
Total | Credit and Debit total |
Total to pay | Balance |
Corporate Electronic Account
Electronic Account | Corporate Client ID |
Carrier | Carrier code and name |
City | City and country code where the agency is located |
Customer Name | Corporate Client name |
Agency Involved | Involved Agency name. This field will only display if it contains information. |
Dom. Com. (%) | Domestic Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Int. Com. (%) | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Status | Options are: ACTIVE or SUSPENDED |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Credit Limit | Credit limit assigned to the Agency. |
Total to pay | Difference between Credit and Debit. |
Account movement section:
Item | Item number |
Date | Movement date |
Debit | Amount debited |
Credit | Amount credited |
Reference | Text entered at the moment of making any movement in the Electronic Account. The text entered can be manual or automated. |
The Total Section shows:
Total | Debit and Credit total |
Total to pay | Balance |
Action buttons
Downloads in Excel file | |
Allows to see the Account History | |
Allows to manually enter a credit or debit. By clicking this button the system creates a line for entering any of these values. | |
Pager. Allows to see more results (Up to 2000 account movements). | |
Returns to previous screen. | |
Allows to enable an inhibited agency. | |
Allows to generate a summary until a specific cut-off date. | |
Allows to access the Manage section. |
Movements and manually created actions can be checked in the Account History.
The header is repeated depending on the type of account as explained previously and adittionally historical movements are displayed:
Date/Time (ZULU) | Date/time zulu time |
Changed by | Agent ID who made the modification. |
Action | Action made |
Reference | Text entered at the moment of making any movement |
Summary and Cut-off
A summary with an specific cut-off date can be generated. By choosing this option a summary with the movements until the selected date will be sent by e-mail and simultaneously a movement in the account with the balance until the cut-off date is generated in the account. Summary execution is irreversible.
The following warning is displayed when this option is selected
Cut-off Date | Summary creation date. |
E-mail address to where the summary will be sent. | |
Confirm e-mail address | E-mail address must be confirmed. |
Reference | Mandatory free text reference |
Once generated, a success message will be displayed, the summary will be sent to the selected e-mail address and a new movement line is generated in the account with the balance up to the cut-off date:
New Account
New accounts can be created accessing this module section.
For both Agency and Corporative accounts only one account can be created by city and currency
Depending on the type of account different information must be provided:
Travel Agency Electronic Account
Type | By default Agency is selected. |
Office | KIU Travel Agency Office ID |
Currency | Electronic account currency |
Credit Limit | Amount established as credit for issuance. |
Credit Card | It can be ON or OFF and indicates if at the moment of issuance with credit card the ticket commission is added to the account. Only applies to issuance with credit cards with online validation. |
Reference | Free mandatory text for Account creation. |
Corporate Electronic Account.
Type | Corporate type is selected |
Client Code | Internal code assigned to the Corporation. |
Account Name | Corporation name |
City | City where corporation is located |
Currency | Electronic Account Currency. |
Credit Limit | Amount established as credit for issuance. |
Agency Involved | Agency to which the Corporation is customer. |
Referencia | Texto obligatorio para la creación de la cuenta (formato libre). |
Action Buttons
In both types of accounts, the following buttons are displayed:
Clears entered data | |
Executes creation and takes you to management screen in order to continue the account settings in case it is necessary. |
Account Management
In the Account Managment section, the account data can be edited and/or configured.
Once the search is executed the following screen with account information is shown. The edit icon will show those fields that can be edited.
Agency Electronic Account
Electronic Account | Travel Agency Office ID |
Status | Options are: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED O INHIBITED. |
Carrier | Carrier code and name |
Agency name | Agency name |
Issue ID | Agency Issuing code |
City | City and country code where the agency is located |
Credit Card | Shows whether the agency has this option activated. (ON u OFF). |
Currency | Electronic Account Currency. |
Credit Limit | Amount established as credit for issuance. |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Total to pay | Difference between Credit and Debit. |
Domestic Commission | Domestic Commission percentage: Free: Will show the empty field to be completed with the applicable commission. Fixed: Will show the fixed commission amount. Max: Will show a maximun amount. At the moment of issuing the commission amount can be modified as long as the amount specified does not exceed the maximum amount. |
International Commission | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Domestic CC Commission | Domestic Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
International CC Commission | International Commission percentage with Credit Card (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Corporate Electronic Account
Electronic Account | Corporation ID |
Status | Options are: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED O INHIBITED. |
Client Name | Corporation name |
City | City where corporation is located |
Currency | Electronic Account Currency. |
Agency Involved | Agency to which the Corporation is customer. |
Credit Limit | Amount established as credit for issuance. |
Balance | Account balance (The balance considers the Total to Pay and Credit Limit). |
Total to pay | Difference between Credit and Debit. |
Domestic Commission | Domestic Commission percentage: Free: Will show the empty field to be completed with the applicable commission. Fixed: Will show the fixed commission amount. Max: Will show a maximun amount. At the moment of issuing the commission amount can be modified as long as the amount specified does not exceed the maximum amount. |
International Commission | International Commission percentage (Free, Fixed o Max). |
Action Buttons
Action buttons will appear depending on the type of account and status.
In case of agencies, if the account is to be inhibited
Para el caso de Agencias, si se quiere INHABILITAR la Cuenta, primero hay que suspenderla para poder pasar a ese siguiente status.
Para activarla nuevamente, hay que realizar el camino inverso suspendiéndola primero.
Enables a disabled Account (Only for agencies). | |
Deletes an account as long as it hasn´t had any movement. | |
Activates a Suspended Account | |
Disables the account (Only for agencies) when is converted to BSP. | |
Suspends the account inhibiting issuance. Button is shown when account is ACTIVE or INHIBITED. (the latter only for agency). | |
Redirects to Credit and Debit section. Button is shown when account is ACTIVE or SUSPENDED. |
Credit and Debit
This section allows manually entering Credit and Debits. It is available for all Agency and Corporative accounts with status ACTIVE or SUSPENDED.
The header is similar to search screen and below there will be shown the mandatory fields to enter a manual credit or debit:
Mass Management
This section allows to massively set commission for issuing tickets. This impacts ALL Agency and Corporate accounts with status ACTIVE.
Types of commissions will vary depending on the type of account:
Agency: Commission Free, Fixed and Max for domestic, international and domestic and international with credit card.
Corporative: Commission Free, Fixed and Max for domestic and international