Shopping: Service that offers in a single method the possibility of obtaining fare and their corresponding availability in the flights offered for a route and date.
Functionality of the Method
- The method supports the possibility of requesting One Way and Round Trip itineraries.
- It is required to have Family Fares configured in order to apply for it.
- The options returned are the most affordable or lowest available for each Family Fare.
- In case no Family Fare rate has availability, it returns <Posting> zero in the lowest fare of the group.
- It is the KIU RES quoting agent that creates and quotes itinerary options. Therefore, the price / rate effectiveness is 100% with respect to the cryptic device.
This method is validated by a schema, which controls the format of the XML message.
The mentioned schema is based on OTA concepts and has components (sub-schemas) created for KIU's logic.
Schema | Source |
KIU_AirShoppingRQ |
Based on the schema definitions, the following possible XML messages are released:
KIU_AirShoppingRQ - One Way
<KIU_AirShoppingRQ xmlns:vc="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" EchoToken="GERSHTSQTY" TimeStamp="2018-04-05T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" /> </POS> <Parameters> <CurrCode>ARS</CurrCode> </Parameters> <JourneyInformation> <AirItinerary> <OriginDestinationInfo OriginDestRPH="1"> <OriginLocation>EZE</OriginLocation> <DestinationLocation>GRU</DestinationLocation> <DepartureDate>2018-06-22</DepartureDate> </OriginDestinationInfo> </AirItinerary> <TravelerInfo> <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" /> </TravelerInfo> </JourneyInformation> </KIU_AirShoppingRQ>
KIU_AirShoppingRQ - Round Trip - Through fare
<KIU_AirShoppingRQ xmlns:vc="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" EchoToken="GERSHTSQTY" TimeStamp="2018-04-05T15:45:07-03:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-us" NoCache="1" Debug="1"> <POS> <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" /> </POS> <Parameters> <CurrCode>ARS</CurrCode> </Parameters> <JourneyInformation> <AirItinerary> <OriginDestinationInfo OriginDestRPH="1"> <OriginLocation>EZE</OriginLocation> <DestinationLocation>GRU</DestinationLocation> <DepartureDate>2018-06-08</DepartureDate> <ReturnDate>2018-06-09</ReturnDate> </OriginDestinationInfo> </AirItinerary> <TravelerInfo> <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1" /> </TravelerInfo> </JourneyInformation> </KIU_AirShoppingRQ>
XML message components:
- KIU_AirShoppingRQ: Complex element that holds the details of the qouting requirement and the setting to consider.
- EchoToken: Attribute. Required. Upper Case Alpha Numeric. Lenght 8 to 10. Request ID. Recommended to implement to track payloads per session.
- Target: Attribute. Required. xs:boolean [Production|Testing]. Enviroment where the quotation is required.
- PrimaryLanguage: Attribute. Required. xs:language. Only EN-us is supported.
- SequenceNmbr: Attribute. Required. xs:nonNegativeInteger. Sequence number for the request.
- TimeStamp: Attribute. Required. xs:timestamp. Date and time for the request. I cannot be inferior to the server's actual time.
- Version: Attribute. Required. xs:decimal. Version number of the Web Services API (it must be 3.0).
Debug: Attribute. Optional. List (0|1). KIU INTERNAL USE (1 - Activates the element debug on the answer). - NoCache: Attribute. Optional. List (0|1). KIU INTERNAL USE (1 - Does not utilize information from the cache).
- POS: Element that contains the information of the point of sale.
- Source: Element that contains the details for the access credentiales used by Web Services.
- AgentSine: Attribute. Required. xs:string limited. ID of the authorized agent using Web Services. It is granted and informed by
- TerminalID: Attribute. Required. xs:string limited. ID of the associated device for the designated office of the Agent, in order to use Web Services. Granted and informed by
- ISOCountry: Attribute. Required. ISO3166. ISO country associated to the TerminalID.
- ISOCurrency: Attribute. Optional. ISO4217. ISO code for the currency (has no involvement on the current method).
- RequestorID: Element. Optional. Identifier element for the entity that makes the request .
- Type: Attribute.OTA_CodesType. OTA code for the type of entity, listed on OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT).
- BookingChannel: Specific booking channel.
- Type: Attribute. OTA_CodesTypes. OTA code for the booking channel, listed on OpenTravel Code List Booking Channel Type (BCT).
- Type: Attribute. OTA_CodesTypes. OTA code for the booking channel, listed on OpenTravel Code List Booking Channel Type (BCT).
- Source: Element that contains the details for the access credentiales used by Web Services.
- Parameters: Element. Mandatory. Contains the search values that will have effect on the answers.
- CurrCodes: Element. Mandatory. ISO4217. ISO code for the currency.
- CurrCodes: Element. Mandatory. ISO4217. ISO code for the currency.
- JourneyInformation: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information for the itinerary that will be quoted.
- AirItinerary: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information for the itinerary to be searched.
- OriginDestinationInformation: Element. Mandatory. Contains the segment and date to search the availability options.
- OriginDestRPH: Attribute. Required. xs:nonNegativeInteger. Reference ID for the segment and date to internally associate the method.
- OriginLocation: Element. Mandatory. AlphaLength3. ISO IATA code for origin and destination airport.
- DestinationLocation: Element. Mandatory. AlphaLength3. ISO IATA code for the arrival airport.
- DepartureDate: Element. Mandatory. xs:date. ISO date of departure
- ReturnDate: Element. Optional. xs:date. ISO Returning date in case the option is a round trip
- OriginDestRPH: Attribute. Required. xs:nonNegativeInteger. Reference ID for the segment and date to internally associate the method.
- OriginDestinationInformation: Element. Mandatory. Contains the segment and date to search the availability options.
- TravelerInfo: Element. Required. Element Contains the amount of passenger to book and their information to apply on the search and quoting.
- PassengerTypeQuantity: Element. MinOccur 1. Contains specific information of each type of passenger.
- Code: Attribute. Required. AlphaLenght3. Code Type of passenger
- Quantity: Attribute. Required. Numeric1to9. Amount of passengers.
- Age: Attribute. Optional. Numeric1to99. Age of the passenger.
- DateOfBirth: Attribute. Optional. xs:date. Date of birth. Mandatory if the passanger is INF (Infant).
- PassengerTypeQuantity: Element. MinOccur 1. Contains specific information of each type of passenger.
- AirItinerary: Element. Mandatory. Contains the information for the itinerary to be searched.
The answer comes from KIU RES internal processing. It is organize from lowest to highest, associating with each price of the family fare that applies, the fares that form that family used to quote, the breakdown for the type of passenger quoted, the segment included with their correspondent RBD and the availability of places
In this case, the answer is not validated against a Schema in this version, because the answer comes from the Host itself. This is to hold as a reference for developers and it can be the base of the validation on the customers side.
Schema | Source |
KIU_AirShoppingRQ |
According to this we will extract the following XML messages possibles. Since there is limit on the amount of characters, we will attach the examples:
KIU_AirShoppingRS - One Way:
KIU_AirShoppingRS Example OneWay.xml
KIU_AirShoppingRS - Round Trip:
KIU_AirShoppingRS Example RoundTrip.xml
XML message components:
- Success: Element. Choice. It indicates the status of response from the API.
- Errors: Element. Choice. Contains processing errors.
- Error: Element. Contains the description of processing errors.
- Code: Atributo. xs:NonNegativeInteger. Contains the error code.
- Code: Atributo. xs:NonNegativeInteger. Contains the error code.
- Error: Element. Contains the description of processing errors.
- Parameters: Element.Contains common parameters applied to the response.
- CurrCode: Element. ISO4217. ISO currency displayed for the listed options.
- DecimalPlaces: Element. Numeric0to2.Amount of decimals expressed in the quoted amounts.
- TotalPricedCount: Element. Numeric1to999.Amount of options quoted that are included on the answer.
- ShoppingCarrier: Element. Contains the options quoted for the route required for a specific carrier.
- Code: Atributo. xs:string (4). Carrier host code that responds to listed options.
- Count: Atributo. xs:Integer.Amount of options quoted returned for the declared carrier.
- FareFamilyGroup:
- FamilyName: Element.
- FamilyName: Element.
- AirPricedItineraries: Element. Container list of options for listed airline itineraries.
- AirItineraryPriced: Element. Description of listed option.
- OptionID: Atributo. RPH_Type. Reference ID of the option quoted for associations / internal references of the method.
- JourneyInformation: Element. Contains details of the quoted itinerary.
- AirItinerary: Element. Contains details of the air itinerary.
- TripID: Atributo. RPH_type. Reference ID of the air itinerary for associations / internal references of the method.
- OriginLocation: Element. It contains the location information of the origin point of the air itinerary.
- LocationCode: Atributo. AlphaLenght3. IATA ISO code of departure airport.
- DestinationLocation: Element. It contains the location information of the final destination point of the air itinerary.
- LocationCode: Atributo. AlphaLenght3. IATA ISO code of the final destination airport.
- DepartureDate: Element. xs:date. ISO departure date. Start of the trip
- ReturnDate: Element. Opcional. xs:date. ISO date of return from the point of destination to the origin in case of round trip, from one point to the other
- TripID: Atributo. RPH_type. Reference ID of the air itinerary for associations / internal references of the method.
- AirItinerary: Element. Contains details of the air itinerary.
- FareInfo: Element. Container of the quote information for the quoted option.
- FareFamily: Element. Repetitive. Contains the description of the fare family applied
- OriginDestRPH: Attribute. RPH_Type. Reference ID for association / internal reference to a origin-destination / FlightSegment.
- Name: Attribute. AlphaNumericStringLength1to30. Description of the marketing name of the fare family.
- FareBasisCodes: Element. Contains information of the fare basis applied for the corresponding fare family.
- FareBasisCode: Element. xs:string. Repetitive. Code of the fare basis.
- Cabin: Attribute. xs:string. Name of the cabin corresponding to the public fare (Economy, Business, First, etc.).
- IDFare: Attribute. xs:integer.Rate reference ID for associations / references with other methods (KIU_AirRulesRQ).
- RBD: Attribute. AlphaLenght1. Class of reservation assigned to the fare
- FareBaseID: Attribute. RPH_Type. Fare reference ID for associations / internal references of the method (FlightSegment Instance).
- FareBasisCode: Element. xs:string. Repetitive. Code of the fare basis.
- FareFamily: Element. Repetitive. Contains the description of the fare family applied
- AirItinTotalFare: Element.Contains the total information quoted for the itinerary, taking into account the total number of passengers.
- BaseFare: Element. xs:decimal. Total fare expressed in the currency of publication.
- CurrCode: Attribute. ISO4217. ISO currency code for the publication of the fare
- EquivFare: Element. xs:decimal. Total rate expressed in the currency required.
- CurrCode: Attribute. ISO4217.ISO currency code of the rate according to the quote currency.
- BSR: Attribute. xs:decimal. Applied exchange rate between publication currency and quote currency.
- TotalTax: Element. xs:decimal. Total amount of taxes / fees, applied in the quotation (the amount is expressed in the quotation currency).
- TotalFees: Element. xs:decimal. Opcional. Total amount of fees applied to the quotation (the amount is expressed in quotation currency).
- TotalFare: Element. xs:decimal. Total amount of the quotation of the itinerary (the amount is expressed in quotation currency).
- BaseFare: Element. xs:decimal. Total fare expressed in the currency of publication.
- PTC_BreakDowns: Element. Contains the quotation detail for each type of passenger.
- PTC_BreakDown: Element. It contains the quotation detail by type of passenger.
- PTC: Element. xs:String-Restricted to UPPERCASEALPHA3. Passenger type code.
- Quantity: Element. Numeric1to9. Amount of passenger.
- FareInfo: Element. It contains the information of the applied fare basis. The amounts expressed are unique and they are shown by type of passenger.
- BaseFare: Element. xs:decimal. Fare amount expressed in the currency of publication.
- CurrCode: Attribute. ISO4217. ISO code of the fare publication currency.
- EquivFare: Element. xs:decimal. Amount of the fare shown in the required quotation currency.
- CurrCode: Attribute. ISO4217. ISO currency code for the fare according to the quote currency.
- BSR: Attribute. xs:decimal.Applied exchange rate between publication currency and quotation currency.
- Surcharges: Element. Repetitive. Contains the surcharges applied to the fare.
- Surcharge: Element. Contains the detail for surcharge.
- Code: Element. AlphaNumericStringLength1to3. Surcharge code
- Amount: Element. xs:decimal. Surcharge amount, indicated in the same BaseFare rate.
- CurrCode: Atributo. ISO4217. ISO currency code for the surcharge
- Surcharge: Element. Contains the detail for surcharge.
- Taxes: Element. Contains the details of the taxes / fees applied.
- Tax: Element. Description of each tax / rate.
- Code: Element. AlphaNumericStringLength1to3. Tax / rate code.
- Amount: Element. xs:decimal.Amount of the tax / rate, indicated in the quote currency.
- Tax: Element. Description of each tax / rate.
- Fees: Element. Contiene el detalle del/de los fee/s aplicados.
- Fee: Element. Descripción de cada fee.
- Code: Element. AlphaNumericStringLength1to3. Código de fee.
- Amount: Element. xs:decimal. Fee amount. Expressed in the quotation currency
- Fee: Element. Descripción de cada fee.
- TotalFare: Element. xs:decimal. Total amount of the fare for the type of passenger.
- FareConstruction: Element. xs:string. Opcional. Description of the fare construction for the type of passenger.
- FareConstructionDetail: Complex Element . Optional. It contains the detail of the fare construction by fare component.
- FareComponent: Complex Element which contains the singular description by component of the quote.
- FareComponentID: Attribute. Integer. Order number and IDREF of the component.
- ComponentPoint: Element. xs:string. Contains component routing.
- CurrencyCode: Element. ISO4127. Alphabetical code of the fare construction currency.
- ComponentAmount: Element. Decimal. Amount corresponding to the component.
- Surcharge: Element. String. Optional.Surcharge applied to the component.
- StopOver: Element. String. Optional. Stop over charge applied to the component.
- FareComponent: Complex Element which contains the singular description by component of the quote.
- BaseFare: Element. xs:decimal. Fare amount expressed in the currency of publication.
- PTC_BreakDown: Element. It contains the quotation detail by type of passenger.
- AirItinInformation: Element. Description of air segments of the route.
- OriginDestinationInfo: Element. Container of flight segments of the air itinerary from the origin to the destination. Component corresponding to the output from the origin to the destination.
- OriginDestRPH: Attribute. RPH_Type. (1 = Outbound flights 1001=Inbound flights ) Reference identifier for segments from an origin to a destination point.
- FlightID: Attribute. RPH_Type. ID for association / internal reference of the message of the flight segments included in the origin and destination
- FlightSegment: Element. Contains flight / segment detail of the air itinerary.
- FareBaseID: Attribute. RPH_Type. reference ID for association with Fare Basis Code.
- SegmentNbr: Element. Numeric1to99. Segment order number in the air itinerary.
- CarrierCode: Element. xs:string-restricted alphanumeric2. Airline code.
- FlightNumber: Element. xs:nonNegativeInteger1to4. Flight identification number.
- RBD: Element. AlphaLenght1. Booking class code for the segment according to the quote (FareBasisCode).
- Posting: Element. Numeric1to9. Number of places available in the booking class.
- DepartureDate: Element. xs:date.Departure date of the segment.
- DepartureDay: Element. DayOfWeek. Optional. Day of the week, according to the departure date.
- DepartureAirport: Element. AlphaLenght3. Code of the departure airport of the segment.
- ArrivalAirport: Element. AlphaLenght3. Code of the arrival airport of the segment.
- DepartureTime: Element. xs:string restricted. (HH:MM:SS). Estimated departure time for the segment..
- ArrivalTime: Element. xs:string restricted. (HH:MM:SS) Estimated arrival time for the segment.
- ChangeDayInd: Element. xs:integer. Indicator of change of day between the date of departure and arrival. Number of days
- EQP: Element. xs:string.Optional. Code of the equipment that provides the service in the segment.
- Stops: Element. Numeric0to4. Number of stops in the segment.
- ElapsedTime: Element. Optional. xs:string restricted. (HH:MM:SS). Flight Time.
- OperatingInfo: Element. Optional. xs:string. Description of flight operator.
- FltRemark: Element. Optional. xs:string. Comment associated with the flight.
- OriginDestinationInfo: Element. Container of flight segments of the air itinerary from the origin to the destination. Component corresponding to the output from the origin to the destination.
- AirItineraryPriced: Element. Description of listed option.
Possible error messages:
Code | Message | Description |
1001 | There is no combination option available | In one or more flights there is no possibility to combine rates according to availability. |
1100 | No fare combination option available | Can not find any combination of classes / families to quote. |
2000 | Impossible to process your request. Please contact | Generic processing error. Could not get currency, availability, rates, or all together. |
9999999 | INVALID - CHECK REQUEST INFO | Generic error, send e-mail. It is the equivalent to INVALID PARAMETER. |