Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


The following method call offers different funcionalities related to booking management. Its content will be divided between two attributes:

  1.  Retrieve (Retrieve content)

    1. Booking retrieve: will return Returns the booking content in XML format.
    2. ETicket retrieve: Will return Returns an eticket in HTML format, embedded on XML.
    3. EMD retrieve: devuelve un EMD emitido en formato HTML, embebido dentro de XML.Returns an emd issued in HTML format embedded within XML

  2. Email (Sending Documentation via email)

    1. Sending an itinerary or booking receipt (IE) to an email or email list.

    2. Sending an eTicket / s (ITR) receipt to an email or email list. Each recipient can receive up to a maximum of ten (10) documents.

    3. Sending an EMD / s (EMDR) receipt to an email or email list. Each recipient can receive up to a maximum of ten (10) documents.


The method, will validate what structure it must contain according to the operation that is required,

Next,  are detailed the different options of Request, according to the operation and type of content.


Code Block
titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - completoComplete
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns=""
 xsi:schemaLocation=" file:/C:/Users/GNizetich/Documents/Projects/Web%20Services/OTA/2017B/KIU_Schemas2017B/KIU_TravelItineraryReadV3RQ.xsd" 
 EchoToken="GERTESTDV12231" TimeStamp="2018-09-28T12:00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.1" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="email">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
            <RequestorID Type="1"/>
            <BookingChannel Type="5"/>
            <SendList email="WEBSERVICES@KIUSYS.COM">
                <Document Type="30">1234567891236</Document>
                <Document Type="44">5464789466111</Document>
            <SendList email="WEBSERVICES@KIUSYS.COM">
<!-- OR -->
    <UniqueID Type="14">
            <RecordLocator ID="XXXXXX"/>
<!-- OR -->
    <UniqueID Type="30">
            <Document ID="1234567893214"/>
    <!-- OR -->
    <UniqueID Type="44">
            <Document ID="9963654478411"/>

Message components

    • KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ: Complex element that contains the necessary elements to identify the operation and the type of content obtained.
      • Operation: Attribute. List [retrieve|email]. Required. Determines the type of operation that the user will execute. Either retrieve or email sending.
      • EchoToken: Attribute. Recommended. Alphanumeric[22]. ID  of the call in order to have tracings, records,and logs.
      • TimeStamp: Attribute. TimeStamp. Required. Date of the request. 
      • Target: Attribute. List [Production|Testing]. Required. Enviroment where you wish to obtain content. 
      • Version: Attribute. Numeric Integer. Required. Webservices API version. 
      • SequenceNmbr: Attribute.  Numeric Integer. Sequence number. Must be always "1" since the webservices are asynchronous
      • PrimaryLangID: Attribute. ISO 639-3. Required. Language of the webservice response (en-US, es-ES). 
      • POS: Complex Element. Required. Common element on petitions (See KIU WebServices Users guide).
        • Source: Element. Required. Common element on petitions (See KIU WebServices Users guide).

      • UniqueID: Complex Element. xs:choice. Required when the attribute is Operation="retrieve". Contains information regarding the type of content to retrieve.
        • Type: Attribute. Lista [14: Booking; 30: Ticket, 44: EMD]. Required. Identifies the type of content to retrieve.
        • TPA_Extension: Complex Element. Required. OTA standard extension. Contains the different variant of the attribute Operation y Type to declare the retrieving or processing content.
          • RecordLocator. Complex Element. Optional. MaxOccurs="1". If Type="14",  contains the record locator to retrieve. It can only retrieve one PNR per request.  The format is XML body on KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS.
            • ID: Attribute. Alphanumeric [5-7]. Identifier code for the booking
          • Document: Complex Element. Optional. MaxOccurs="1". If Type="30" | "44", contains the eticket number or EMD number to retrieve.  The answer is on HTML format,  embedded on the XML body of KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS.
            • ID: Attribute.Integer [13]. Processing document number.  

      • TPA_Extension: Complex Element. xs:choice. Required when the attribute is Operation="email". Contains the sending instructions for the content via email.
        • VerificationList: Complex Element. Optional. MaxOccurs="1". If  Operation="email". Containst the list of email address to send the documents/bookings according to the value Type.
          • SendList: Complex Element. . MinOccurs="1" MaxOccurs="10". Contains the email of the recipient to send required content
            • email: Attribute. Email Type. Required. Email address to send the required content.
            • RecordLocator: SImple Element. Alphabetical [6]. Optional. Choice. MaxOccurs="1".  Booking indentifier. Booking whose receipt wished to be sent on HTML format.
            • Document: ESImple Element. Integer[13]. Optional. Choice. MaxOccurs="10". Number of documents to be send on a specific email address. 
              • Type: Attribute. List [30|44]. Determines the type of document to retrieve [30: eTicket; 44: EMD]

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Case of use

The possible use cases are listed below. They are divided into two groups that in turn contain the different variants. These groups are the possible values of the attribute Operation :


1. Retrieve Booking

Code Block
titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - Recupero de reservaRetrieve booking
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns="" xmlns:vc="" xmlns:sch=""
    xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:schemaLocation="" 
    EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp ="2018-06-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="retrieve">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
            <RequestorID Type="1"/>
            <BookingChannel Type="5"/>
    <UniqueID Type="14">
            <RecordLocator ID="ANLSFR"/>

Response: Booking not issued

Code Block
titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - ReservaBooking
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp="2018-10-01T18:09:49+00:00" Target="" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <ItineraryRef Type="14" Code="ANLSFR" LastModificationDate="2018-10-01T18:09:32.60"/>
            <OriginDestinationOption RPH="1">
              <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime=" 03NOV 1000" ArrivalDateTime=" 1400" ResBookDesigCode="Y" StopQuantity="" SegmentRPH="1" FlightNumber="060" Status="HK">
                <DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
                <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD"/>
                  <BaseFare CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="250.00"/>
                  <EquivFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="13755.00"/>
                    <Tax TaxCode="6F" CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="1513.05"/>
                  <TotalFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="15268.05"/>
                  <FareConstruction>LON XX MAD 250.00GBP250.00END</FareConstruction>
              <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT">4</PassengerTypeQuantity>
                <Priced ID="1" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="2" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="3" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="3">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="4" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="4">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>YUNESQUIATH CECILIA</GivenName>
                <Surname>GARCIA GALEZO</Surname>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 40402287" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="1"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 59035258" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="2"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 77668229" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="3"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 96301200" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="4"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1" SeatNumber="5A" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="2" SeatNumber="5B" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="3" SeatNumber="5C" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="4" SeatNumber="5D" Status="HK"/>
          <Ticketing TicketingStatus="1" TicketTimeLimit="2018-10-01T18:09:32.60"/>

Elements of the answer:

    • KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS : Complex Element. Contains the detail of the required process. 

      • Sucess: Simple Element. Process status 
      • ItineraryRef: Complex Element. Contains the detail of the identification of a booking
        • Type: Attribute. Integer.  Agreement identification code according to standard OTA (for bookings is "14")
        • Code: Attribute. Alphanumeric [5-7]. Booking ID of the system.
        • LastModificationDate: Attribute. TimeStamp. Date of the last modificacion registered. 
        • TPA_Extension: Complex Element. Accorded extension for the OTA Standar( In case of retrieving bookings originated in other systems).
          • HostID: Element. ComplexContent. Contains the information of the code of KIU System.
          • Host: Attribute. Contains the name of the responding system. In this case will always be KIU.

      • ItineraryInfo: Complex Element. Contains the booking detail.
        • ReservationItems: Complex Element. Contains the details of the booking items.
          • AIR: Complex Element. Contains the detail of the air booking.
            • OriginDestinationOptions: Complex Element. It contains the information of the origins and destinations that set up the air route. 
              • OriginDestinationOption: Complex Element. List of segments from an origin to a specific destination. It contains the list of segments.
                • FlightSegment: Complex Element. MinOccur="1" / MaxOccurs="3". Description of the flight segment
                  • DepartureDateTime: Attribute Attribute. String. Date and time of departure of the flight. Air Industry Format (10JUN 1000).
                  • ArrivalDateTime: Attribute. String. Date and time of arrival of the flight. Air Industry Format (10JUN 1000).
                  • FlightNumber: Attribute. Alphanumeric[4]. Flight number
                  • ResBookDesigCode: Attribute. Alphabetical [1]. Booking class code
                  • Status: Attribute. Code for the Air segment status.
                  • RPH; Attribute. Integer . Intrinsic reference ID of the method to the FlightSegment.
                  • DepartureAirport: Complex Element. Origin Airport.
                    • LocationCode: Attribute. Alphabetic  [3]. IATA airport code
                  • ArrivalAirport: Complex Element.Destination Airport
                    • LocationCode: Attribute.Alphabetic [3]. IATA airport code

            • PricingInfo: Complex Element. Optional. Groups  the information of the booking quotation by passenger type.
              • PTC_BreakDowns: Complex Element. Quotation list by passengers type within the booking.
                • PTC_BreakDown: Complex Element contains the quoting description for a type of passenger. 
                  • PassengerFare: Complex Element. Contains the detail of the quotation for said type of passenger.
                    • BaseFare: Complex Element. Individual applied base fare, currency and amount. 
                      • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO currency of the applied fare. 
                      • Amount: Attribute. Amount of the fare quoted without taxes (the singular value for the type of passenger).
                  • EquivFare: Complex Element. Contains the equivalent information quoted according to the display currency.
                      • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO display currency
                      • Monto: Attribute. Amount converted to pay (the singular value for the type of passenger).
                  • Taxes: Complex Element. List the detail of the taxes quoted
                    • Tax: Complex Element that describes individual tax / fare.
                      • TaxCode: Attribute. Alphanumeric code of the tax / fare applied. 
                      • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO Currency of application of the fare.
                      • Amount: Integer positive, 2 decimals. Tax amount / fare applied. (The singular value for the type of passenger).
                  • Fees: Complex Element. Optional.It contains the information of fees applied in the quotation.
                    • Fee: Complex Element. Contains the specific description of each fee applied.
                      • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO display currency 
                      • Monto: Attribute. Amount converted to pay (the singular value for the type of passenger).
                      • FeeCode: Attribute. Fee Code
                  • TotalFare: Element that reports the total fare includes fare and taxes per passenger.
                      • CurrencyCode: Attribute. ISO currency to collect
                      • Amount: Attribute Attribute. Integer, two decimals. Amount of the price per passenger according to the type. 
                  • FareConstruction: Element SimpleContent. Contains the fare construction
                  • PassengerTypeQuantity: Element that contains the passenger type information and the amount quoted.
                    • Code: Attribute. Type of passenger (ADT = Adult | CNN = child| INF = Infant... ).

                  • Offer: Complex Element. Optional. Contains the information of Ancillaries / Extras. 
                    • Priced: Complex Element. Contains the information of the quotation of one or a group of Ancillaries for the same family fare
                      • ID: Attribute. Integer. Quotation number
                      • PTC: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. Type of passenger code 
                      • Amount: Complex Element. It contains the description of the quotation values.
                        • BaseFare: Element. ComplexContent. It contains the value in the currency of publication of the service.
                          • Currency: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. ISO code of the currency.
                        • EquivalentPaid: Element. ComplexContent. It contains the amount in the quote currency of the booking.
                          • Currency: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. ISO currency code
                        • TotalFare: Element. ComplexContent. It contains the total amount of the service.
                          • Currency: Attribute. Alphabetic [3]. ISO currency code
                      • ServiceFamily: Complex Element. It contains the family detail of the services quoted.
                        • Group: Attribute. Alphabetic[1]. RFIC code of the service.
                        • Description: Attribute. Alphanumeric special [30]. Marketing name of the service group.
                        • Type: Attribute. Type of service. Type of document to be issued for the group of services. 
                        • PTC: Attribute. Alphabetical  [3]. Type of passenger corresponding to the reserved service.
                        • Quantity: Attribute. Integer. Amount of the service contracted for the group / passenger.
                        • ItemOffer: Complex element. Detail of the service within the family.
                          • Code: Attribute. Alphanumeric [4]. Service code (RFISC).
                          • Description: Attribute. Marketing name of the service.
                          • SegmentRPH: Attribute. Integer. IDREF. Association of the flight segment service that supports it and for which it was required.
                            • ItemPriced: Element. ComplexContent. It contains the value of the requested service. 
                              • CurrencyCode: Attribute. Alphabetical [3]. ISO currency code
                              • Amount: Element. SimpleContent. Amount of the service
                              • Taxes: Complex Element. Contains the list of taxes quoted to the service.
                                • Tax: Complex Element. Detail of each tax.
                                  • TaxCode: Element. SimpleContent. Tax code / rate.
                                  • TaxAmount: Element. SimpleContent. Tax amount / fee.

                            • IssueInfo: Complex Element. Contains the detail of the restrictions on the priced item. 
                              • Exchangeable: Element. Boolean. Indicates if the issued document can be exchanged.
                              • Refundable: Element. Boolean. Indicates if the document allows refund.
                              • ConsumeAtIssueance: Element. Boolean. Indicates if the service is consumed at the time of issuance.
                              • RequiredTicket: Element. Boolean. Indicates whether the EMD to issue requires association with an eticket.

Prices shown are individual by type of passenger. To calculate the TotalItinFare, the user must take the total price per PTC, divide it by the number of passengers per PTC and collect the totals.

          • TravelerInfo: Complex Element. List the passenger detail of the reservation.
            • AirTraveler: Complex Element. It contains the detail of each passenger. For the information of each passenger.
              • PassengerTypeCode: Attribute. Alphabetical  [3]. Code indicating the type of passenger: Infant does not occupies a seat (INF, from 0 to 2 years), Child (CNN, 2 to 12 years), Adulto (ADT, from 12 years and on), Group (GRP).
              • PersonName: Complex Element. Contains the information of the passengers name.
                • GivenName: Simple Element . Alphabetical . Name of the passenger
                • Surname: Simple Element. Alphabetical .Last name of the passenger.
              • Telephone: Complex Element. Information of the contact phone number.
                • PhoneNumber: Attribute Attribute. Integer. Passenger phone number.
              • Email: Simple Element. Passengers email address.
              • Address: SImple Element. Contains the information of the passengers address.
              • Document: Complex Element. Passenger identification document information.
                • DocID: Attribute Attribute. Integer. Passenger document number.
                • DocType: Attribute. Alphanumeric. Type of document, as listed (NI: National Identity Document, PP: Passport, DL: Drivers licence, ID: Locally defined ID number, TN: Ticket number, CN: Confirmation number or record locator, CC: Credit card number, FF: Frequent flyer number).
              • CustLoyalty: Complex Element. Frequent passenger program information.
                • ProgramID: Attribute Attribute. Alphanumeric. Frequent flyer ID number
              • TravelerRefNumber: Complex Element. Unique reference of the passenger assigned by the system that generates the order. Used as a reference between data segments.
                • RPH: Attribute. Integer.Unique reference number of the passenger within the reservation.

            • SpecialReqDetails: Element that provides information about special needs, requests or comments about the passenger 
              • Remarks: Contains the comments regarding the passengers.
                • Remark: Alphanumeric with special characters. Extra information about the passenger

              • SpecialServiceRequests: Special service requirements container (SSR, SpecialServiceRequest).
                • SpecialServiceRequest: Complex Element. Description of the SSR entered in booking.
                  • Number: Attribute Attribute. Integer. Order of the SSR in the reservation.
                  • ServiceQuantity: Attribute. Integer. Amount of services entered in the reservation.
                  • Code: Attribute. Alphabetical [4].SSR code requested.
                  • Status: Attribute. Alphabetical [2]. SSR status code.
                  • TravelerRefNumberRPH: Attribute. Integer. AirTraveler reference ID.
                  • Airline: Complex Element. Alphanumeric [2]. IATA code of the airline.
                    • Code: Attribute. Alphanumeric [2]. Airline code that supports the required service.
                  • Text: Simple Element. Optional. SSR text as it was entered in the reservation.

          • Ticketing: Complex Element. Contiene la información del estado de ticketing del la reservaContains the information of the ticketing status of the booking
            • TicketingStatus: Attribute. Lista List [1=Reserva activaActive booking, 5=Reserva canceladaCancelled booking], Estado de la reserva. Booking Status 
            • TicketTimeLimit: Attribute. TimeStamp. Tiempo límite de vencimiento de reserva sin Time limit for bookings without tickets. 

          • TPA_Extension: Complex Element. Extensión acordada por el estándar OTAExtension according to OTA standard
            • Ticketing: Element. Contiene la información de tickets en caso que la reserva este emitidaContains the ticket information in case the booking is issued
              • TicketingStatus: Attribute. Alphabetical  [2]. Estado del Ticketticket status
              • TicketDocumentNbr: Attribute. Integer [13]. Número de ticket .number
              • TravelerRefRPH: Attribute. Integer . IDREF. Asociación al de ticket con número de pasajeroAssociated to the ticket with the passenger number

          • EMD_INFO: Complex Element. Contiene la información de EMD emitidosContains the information of the issued EMD
            • TicketDocument: Complex Element. Contiene detalle del documento emitidoContains the detail of the issued ticket
              • EMD_Type: Attribute. Lista [EMD-S|EMD-A]. Tipo de documento emitidoTipe of issued document
              • DocumentNbr: Attribute. Integer [13]. Número de EMD number
              • TravelerRefRPH: Attribute. Integer . IDREF. Asociación al de ticket con número de pasajeroAssociated to the ticket with the passengers number


 Recupero de reserva emitida.

 Retrieving issued booking

Code Block
titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - reserva con Booking with tickets
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp="2018-10-01T15:45:06+00:00" Target="" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    <ItineraryRef Type="14" Code="RYWIVI" LastModificationDate="2018-10-01T14:29:26.82"/>
            <OriginDestinationOption RPH="1">
              <FlightSegment DepartureDateTime=" 02NOV 1000" ArrivalDateTime=" 1400" ResBookDesigCode="Y" StopQuantity="" SegmentRPH="1" FlightNumber="060" Status="HK">
                <DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
                <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD"/>
                  <BaseFare CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="250.00"/>
                  <EquivFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="13755.00"/>
                    <Tax TaxCode="6F" CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="1513.05"/>
                  <TotalFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="15268.05"/>
                  <FareConstruction>LON XX MAD 250.00GBP250.00END</FareConstruction>
              <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT">9</PassengerTypeQuantity>
                <Priced ID="1" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="10" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="7">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1375.50</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1375.50</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                          <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
                <Priced ID="2" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1375.50</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1375.50</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                          <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
                <Priced ID="3" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="4" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1375.50</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1375.50</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                          <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
                <Priced ID="5" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="3">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="6" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="4">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="7" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="5">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="8" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="6">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1925.70</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1925.70</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                <Priced ID="9" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="6">
                    <BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
                    <EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1375.50</EquivalentPaid>
                    <BaseFare Currency="ARS">1375.50</BaseFare>
                  <ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
                    <ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
                      <ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
                          <BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 38071690" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="1"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>MIROSLABA MRS</GivenName>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 56704661" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="2"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>JOSE FERNANDO</GivenName>
                <Surname>ROLDAN ARANGO</Surname>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 75337632" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="3"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>MICHAEL MR</GivenName>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 93970603" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="4"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>GLORIA LIZBETH</GivenName>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 12603575" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="5"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>PEDRO MR</GivenName>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 31236546" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="6"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 49869517" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="7"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
                <GivenName>HECTOR DE JESUS MR</GivenName>
                <Surname>SANCHEZ GIL</Surname>
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 68502489" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="8"/>
            <AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
              <Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
              <Document DocID=" 87135460" DocType="PP"/>
              <TravelerRefNumber RPH="9"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="1" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDLG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="2" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDLG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="3" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDLG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="4" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDLG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="5" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="6" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="7" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
            <SpecialServiceRequest Number="8" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
              <Airline Code="XX"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1" SeatNumber="5A" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="2" SeatNumber="5B" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="3" SeatNumber="5C" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="4" SeatNumber="5D" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="5" SeatNumber="5E" Status="HK"/>
              <SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="6" SeatNumber="5F" Status="HK"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003750" TravelerRefRPH="1"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003751" TravelerRefRPH="2"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003752" TravelerRefRPH="3"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003753" TravelerRefRPH="4"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003754" TravelerRefRPH="5"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003755" TravelerRefRPH="6"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003756" TravelerRefRPH="7"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003757" TravelerRefRPH="8"/>
        <Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003758" TravelerRefRPH="9"/>


 Recupero de reserva emitida con

Retrieve booking with EMDs

Code Block
titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - reserva con Booking with ticket y and EMD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-09-17T17:59:59+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
		<ItineraryRef Type="14" Code="PVJVYT" LastModificationDate="2018-09-17T18:00:17.66"/>
						<OriginDestinationOption RPH="1">
							<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime=" 20OCT 1000" ArrivalDateTime=" 1400" ResBookDesigCode="Y" StopQuantity="" SegmentRPH="1" FlightNumber="060" Status="HK">
								<DepartureAirport LocationCode="LHR"/>
								<ArrivalAirport LocationCode="MAD"/>
									<BaseFare CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="250.00"/>
									<EquivFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="13203.95"/>
									<TotalFare CurrencyCode="ARS" Amount="13218.95"/>
									<FareConstruction>LON XX MAD 323.35NUC323.35END ROE0.773147</FareConstruction>
							<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT">3</PassengerTypeQuantity>
								<Priced ID="1" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1848.55</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1848.55</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
								<Priced ID="2" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="1">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1320.40</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1320.40</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
													<BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
								<Priced ID="3" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1848.55</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1848.55</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
								<Priced ID="4" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="2">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1848.55</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1848.55</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
								<Priced ID="5" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="3">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">35.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1848.55</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1848.55</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="A" Description="AIR TRANSPORTATION" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="99E" Description="EXIT ROW SEAT" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
								<Priced ID="6" PTC="ADT" TravelerRefRPH="3">
										<BaseFare Currency="GBP">25.00</BaseFare>
										<EquivalentPaid Currency="ARS">1320.40</EquivalentPaid>
										<BaseFare Currency="ARS">1320.40</BaseFare>
									<ServiceFamily Group="C" Description="BAGGAGE" Type="A" PTC="ADT" Quantity="1">
										<ItemOffer Code="0AA" Description="PRE PAID BAGGAGE" SegmentRPH="1">
											<ItemPriced CurrencyCode="GBP">
													<BaggageInfo UnitOfMeasure="K" CurrencyCode="" RatePerUnit="0.00">
						<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
							<Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
							<Document DocID=" 99116542" DocType="PP"/>
							<TravelerRefNumber RPH="1"/>
						<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
								<GivenName>OSCAR JAVIER</GivenName>
								<Surname>GRISALES GAVIRIA</Surname>
							<Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
							<Document DocID=" 17749513" DocType="PP"/>
							<TravelerRefNumber RPH="2"/>
						<AirTraveler PassengerTypeCode="ADT">
							<Telephone PhoneNumber=" 999 AUTO PNR GEN V.1"/>
							<Document DocID=" 36382485" DocType="PP"/>
							<TravelerRefNumber RPH="3"/>
						<SpecialServiceRequest Number="1" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
							<Airline Code="XX"/>
						<SpecialServiceRequest Number="2" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="PDBG" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
							<Airline Code="XX"/>
						<SpecialServiceRequest Number="3" ServiceQuantity="1" Code="STEX" Status="HK" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1">
							<Airline Code="XX"/>
							<SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="1" SeatNumber="5A" Status="HK"/>
							<SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="2" SeatNumber="5B" Status="HK"/>
							<SeatRequest FlightRefNumberRPH="1" TravelerRefNumberRPH="3" SeatNumber="5C" Status="HK"/>
				<Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003370" TravelerRefRPH="1"/>
				<Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003371" TravelerRefRPH="2"/>
				<Ticketing TicketStatus="OK" TicketDocumentNbr="9990210003372" TravelerRefRPH="3"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005095" TravelerRefRPH="1"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005096" TravelerRefRPH="1"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005097" TravelerRefRPH="2"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005098" TravelerRefRPH="2"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005099" TravelerRefRPH="3"/>
				<Ticketing EMD_Type="EMDA" DocumentNbr="9995570005100" TravelerRefRPH="3"/>


 Recupero de Ticket:

 Retrieve ticket

Code Block
titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - Recupero de Retrieve ticket
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns:vc="" xmlns:ns=""
EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-05-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Testing" Version="1" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="Retrieve">
        <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
            <RequestorID Type="1" />
            <BookingChannel Type="5" />
    <UniqueID Type="30">
           <Document ID="9990210003370"/>


Code Block
titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Despliegue documento Display HTML document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-09-17T19:36:40+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
			<![CDATA[<HTML><HEAD><STYLE>.pnr-print-small {font-size: 8px;}.pnr-print-medium {font-size: 12px;}.pnr-print-big {font-size: 14px;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE class="pnr-print-medium"> ELECTRONIC TICKET <B> * ORIGINAL  *</B><br><IMG SRC="cid:imagen_15" ID_LOGO="15" ><br><br><br>     PASSENGER ITINERARY RECEIPT              TICKET NBR: <B>9990210003370</B><br>     RECIBO DE ITINERARIO DE PASAJEROS        BOLETO NRO: <br><br><B>CAPACITACION XX               </B> ISSUE DATE/FECHA DE EMISION: 17 SEP 2018<br> SAN MARTIN 320, PISO 4           ISSUE AGENT/AGENTE EMISOR: KIUHELPGN<br> CAPITAL FEDERAL                                NAME/NOMBRE:  <B>ORTELLADO/MELISA    </B><br> CAPITAL FEDERAL, ARGENTINA                FOID/D.IDENTIDAD: PP 99116542         <br> OFFICE ID: AR-08411-0                    <br> TELEPHONE/TELEFONO: 0054 11 4878 2222             <br> MAIL INFO/EMAIL: SOPORTE@KIUSYS.COM                                          <br><br>ISSUING AIRLINE/LINEA AEREA EMISORA   : LINEAS AERAS XX<br>VAT REG.                              : 111111                        <br>TICKET NUMBER/NRO DE BOLETO           : 999-0210003370<br><br>BOOKING REF./CODIGO DE RESERVA: C1/<B>PVJVYT</B><br><br>  FROM/TO           FLIGHT CL DATE  DEP   FARE BASIS      NVB    NVA    BAG  ST<br>DESDE/HACIA         VUELO  CL FECHA HORA  BASE TARIFARIA                EQP. ESTATUS<br><br><B>LONDON            </B>XX 060 Y  <B>20OCT 1000</B>  YOWGBP                        5K   OK <br><B>  MADRID            </B><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium">FOR CHECK IN AT THE AIRPORT YOU MUST PRESENT A VALID ID<br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium"><br><br>ENDORSEMENTS/ENDOSOS-RESTRICCIONES : NON END/NON REFUND<br>TOUR CODE                          : <br>FORM OF PAYMENT/FORMA DE PAGO      : CASH <br><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium">FARE CALC./CALCULO DE TARIFA: LON XX MAD 323.35NUC323.35END ROE0.773147   (ADT)<br><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium"><br><br>AIR FARE/TARIFA : ARS    13203.95<br>TAX/IMPUESTOS   : ARS<br>TOTAL           : ARS    13203.95<br><br>FEE             : ARS       15.00  OBT02 FEE VENTA WEB<br>FEE TOTAL       : ARS       15.00<br><br>GRAND TOTAL     : ARS    13218.95<br><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-small">CARRIAGE AND OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CARRIER ARE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS  OF CONTRACT,<br>WHICH ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. THESE CONDITIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ISSUING CARRIER.<br><br>THE ITINERARY/RECEIPT CONSTITUTES THE PASSENGER TICKET FOR THE PURPOSES OF ARTICLE 3 OF<br>THE WARSAW CONVENTION, EXCEPT WHERE THE CARRIER DELIVERS TO THE PASSENGER ANOTHER DOCUMENT<br>COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 3.<br><br>NOTICE<br>IF THE PASSENGERS JOURNEY INVOLVES AN ULTIMATE DESTINATION OR STOP IN A COUNTRY OTHER THAN<br>THE COUNTRY OF DEPARTURE THE WARSAW CONVENTION MAY BE APPLICABLE AND THE CONVENTION GOVERNS<br>AND IN MOST CASES LIMITS THE LIABILITY OF CARRIERS FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY AND IN<br>RESPECT OF LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO BAGGAGE.<br>(ESTO ES ENTRE PARENTESIS)<br>ESTO ES AND &<br>ESTO ES DIVISION %<br>ESTO ES BARRA BARRA //<br><br><HR>PRINTED BY AGENT AEP00XXSM / SEP 17 2018  4:35</PRE></BODY></HTML>]]>

Elementos del mensaje de respuesta con contenido HTML:

Al contener HTML embebido dentro de XML, cuando se solicita recuperar en el body del la respuesta un ticket o un EMD, el formato cambia (Choice) con los siguientes componentes:

ItineraryInfo: Elemento complejo. Contenedor del detalle de reserva.TicketAdvisory: Elemento complejo. Contiene el detalle de la reserva en lenguaje HTML. Dentro de este elemento se despliega el elemento CDATA. Dentro del mismo de acuerdo al estandar XML se despliega el texto en formato HTML correspondiente al comando ITR del sistema de reserva. El contenido del ticket emitido.

  • CDATA: Elemento estandar XML para contener otro lenguaje.
  • Processed: Contenido de respuesta cuando se procesa un envío a e-mail/s.
    4. Recupero de EMD

    Elements of the answer with HTML content:

    When containing an HTML embedded within the XML the format (choice) changes when retrieving the body in the answer of a ticket or EMD with the following components:

    • ItineraryInfo: Complex Element. Contains the detail of the booking.
      • TicketAdvisory: Complex Element . Contains the detail of the booking in HTML language. Within this element will display the element CDATA. In it, according to standard XML will display the text on HTML format which corresponds to the command ITR of the booking system. Its the issued ticket content
        • CDATA: Standard XML element to contain another language.
        • Processed:  Answer when the email sending is processed.

    4. Retrieving emd:

    Code Block
    titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - Recupero de Retrieving EMD
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        xmlns:vc="" xmlns:ns=""
    EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-05-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Testing" Version="1" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="Retrieve">
            <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
                <RequestorID Type="1" />
                <BookingChannel Type="5" />
        <UniqueID Type="44">
               <Document ID="9995570005095"/>


    Code Block
    titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Despliegue documento HTML Document display
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-09-17T19:33:38+00:00" Target="Testing" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">
    			<![CDATA[<HTML><HEAD><STYLE>.pnr-print-small {font-size: 8px;}.pnr-print-medium {font-size: 12px;}.pnr-print-big {font-size: 14px;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE class="pnr-print-medium"> EMD - ELECTRONIC MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT <B> * ORIGINAL  *</B><br><IMG SRC="cid:imagen_15" ID_LOGO="15" ><br><br><br>     NOMBRE DEL PASAJERO/GRUPO:  <B>ORTELLADO/MELISA    </B></B><br><br>                                             NUMERO DE EMD:  <B>9995570005095</B><br><B>CAPACITACION XX               </B>               TIPO DE EMD :  J (ASSOCIATED)<br> SAN MARTIN 320, PISO 4        <br> CAPITAL FEDERAL, ARGENTINA           FECHA DE EMISION: 17 SEP 2018<br>   TELEFONO: 0054 11 4878 2222           AGENTE EMISOR: KIUHELPGN<br> ID.OFICINA: AR-08411-0                    D.IDENTIDAD: PP 99116542         <br><br><br>LINEA AEREA EMISORA         : XX<br>DIRECCION                   : ALEM 1110<br>CUIT                        : NNNNN                         <br><br><br>CODIGO DE RESERVA: <br><br>C1/<B>PVJVYT</B><br><br>CODIGO DEL MOTIVO DE LA EMISION (RFIC): A - AIR TRANSPORTATION<br><br> CPN 1   EXIT ROW SEAT(99E)            FECHA DE SERVICIO: 20OCT1    OPEN FOR USE<br>  PRESENTAR A-LINEAS AEREAS XX<br> PRESENTAR EN-LHR LONDON<br><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium">AL MOMENTO DE REALIZAR SU CHECK-IN, DEBERA PRESENTAR SU DOCUMENTO DE IDENTIFICACION CON FOTOGRAFIA.<br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-medium"><br><br>ENDOSOS           : NON END/NON REF<br>TOUR CODE         : <br>NOTAS             : <br><br> FORMA DE PAGO:      1848.55  CASH<br><br><br>MONTO/CARGO/FEE   : GBP       35.00<br>MONTO EQUIV.      : ARS     1848.55<br>TASAS/IMMPUESTOS  : ARS<br>TOTAL             : <B>ARS     1848.55</B><br><br><br></PRE><PRE class="pnr-print-small">WHERE THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR TRANSPORTATION, OR SERVICES OTHER THAN PASSENGER AIR TRANSPORTATION, SPECIFIC TERMS AND<br>CONDITIONS MAY APPLY. THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY BE PROVIDED SEPARATELY OR MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ISSUING COMPANY OR AGENT.<br>(ESTO ES ENTRE PARENTESIS)<br>ESTO ES AND &<br>ESTO ES BARRA BARRA //<br>ESTO ES DIVISION %<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>SEND BY AGENT AEP00XXSM/SEP 17 2018  4:32</PRE></BODY></HTML>]]>

    Back to top


    Envío de contenido Sending contents vía e-mailsmail:


     Envío de reserva


    Code Block
    titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - Envío de reserva x e-mailBooking via email
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns="" xmlns:vc="" xmlns:sch=""
        xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:schemaLocation="" 
        EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp ="2018-06-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="email">
            <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
                <RequestorID Type="1"/>
                <BookingChannel Type="5"/>
                <SendList email="GNIZETICH@KIUSYS.COM">
                <SendList email="DALMEYRA@KIUSYS.COM">
                <SendList email="HVENEZIA@KIUSYS.COM">


    Code Block
    titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Detalle reserva por e-mailDetailed booking via email
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="GERTESTDV" TimeStamp="2018-09-17T18:50:09+00:00" Target="Production" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">

    Ejemplo de formatoExample:


     Envío de Ticket/s


    Code Block
    titleKIU_TravelItinerarReadV2RQ - Envió lista de TicketsList of tickets
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns="" xmlns:vc="" xmlns:sch=""
        xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:schemaLocation="" 
        EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp ="2018-06-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="email">
            <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003750</Document>
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003752</Document>
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003755</Document>
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003758</Document>
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003751</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003752</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003753</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003754</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003755</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003756</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003757</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003758</Document>


    Code Block
    titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Envío de contenido por e-mailEmail
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    Imagen de recibo de tickets:

    View file
    nameMail multi Documents.pdf


     Envío de


    Code Block
    titleKIU_TravelItinerarReadV2RQ - Envió lista de EMDsEMD via email
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns="" xmlns:vc="" 
        xmlns:sch="" xmlns="" 
        xsi:schemaLocation="" EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp="2018-06-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3.1" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="email">
            <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
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                <BookingChannel Type="5" />
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                    <Document Type="44">9995570005071</Document>
                    <Document Type="44">9995570005072</Document>
                    <Document Type="44">9995570005073</Document>


    Code Block
    titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Envío de contenido por e-mailEMD via email
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_ItineraryReadV2RS EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp="2018-10-03T14:05:41+00:00" Target="" Version="3.0" SequenceNmbr="1">

    Opcional envío Optional multiple sending:

    Code Block
    titleKIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ - Envio de documentos x Sending documents via email
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <KIU_TravelItineraryReadV2RQ xmlns:ns="" xmlns:vc="" xmlns:sch=""
        xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:schemaLocation="" 
        EchoToken="DEV12345GER" TimeStamp ="2018-06-04T18:13:51.0" Target="Production" Version="3" SequenceNmbr="1" PrimaryLangID="en-US" Operation="email">
            <Source AgentSine="AEP00XXSM" TerminalID="AEP00XX818" ISOCountry="AR" ISOCurrency="ARS">
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                    <Document Type="30">9990210003751</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003752</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003753</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003754</Document>
                    <Document Type="30">9990210003755</Document>
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                    <Document Type="44">9995570005078</Document>
                    <Document Type="44">9995570005079</Document>
                    <Document Type="44">9995570005080</Document>

    Se puede enviar a un mismo destinatario o diferentes destinatarios distintos tipos de comprobantes. En el caso de documento, cada elemento SendList, acepta como máximo 10 ítems documentos. Indistintamente de su tipo (30|44). Recomendamos para una mejor lectura y procesamiento concentrar los documentos en cada lista por su tipoDifferent types of vouchers can be sent to the same recipient or different recipients. In the case of a document, each SendList element accepts a maximum of 10 document items. Regardless of its type (30 | 44). We recommend for a better reading and processing to concentrate the documents in each list by their type:


    Code Block
    titleKIU_ItineraryReadV2RS - Envío de contenido por e-mailSending content via email
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