Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


The airline administrator can control and set the configuration parameters of the Web Check-in operation in  configuration parameters from the Web Check-in back-office. Modifications made and saved in the back-office will be reflected in the Web Check-in process immediately.


Access to the back-office address will be granted by KIU Helpdesk. 

Languages available for the Back-office are Spanish and English. It will be defined according to the browser language configured by default.


Browsers accepted to use be used for Web Check-in 2.0, are the following


  • Safari: 5.1
  • Chrome: 34


  • Chrome: 37
  • Internet Explorer: 9
  • Firefox: 9


  • Safari: 6


  • Chrome: 4.4 
  • Internet: 5.


Settings - 


General Preferences

In this section, you can control the following general options which must be always be saved with the Save button in order to have effect.

Web Check-in for Group PNRs Acceptance: it allows Allows or not the acceptance of those passengers in a reservation identified as a group. This option  must be checked in order to be activeactivated.

Display Boarding Gate in Boarding Pass:  Allows to indicate or not boarding gate in boarding pass issued for the passenger . Boarding gate information is extracted from the control panel (PC)configuration in KIU RES. This option must be checked in order to be activeactivated..


Seat Edition allowance: This options allows or not changing a previously chosen seat number. It must be checked in order to be activeactivated.


Accept Passengers with TK Status in Itinerary: Passengers who have an itinerary with status TK in their reservation can be accepted if this option is allowed. The option must be checked in order to be activated.

  • Message for Passengers with TK Status in Itinerary: In case segments with TK status in passengers itinerary are accepted, a generic message has to be configured.This message has to be configured in English and Spanish, adding the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).

In addition, the passenger must accept the itinerary changes in order to continue the web Check-in process, when accepting the modifications, the reservation updates the itineraries with TK status and deletes itineraries with UN status. In this version, these are the scenarios that will allow the passenger to web check-in:

    • Schedule change: Highlighted itinerary with the changes will have to be acknowledged in order to continue  with the process.
    • Change of class: Passenger will be prompted to confirm the changes, although the change of class will not highlighted.
    • Change of flight number, origin or destination: Passenger will see the changes highlighted  and will have to confirm them; However, as it is necessary to update the passenger  electronic ticket, it will not be possible to continue accepting the passenger through web check-in.  

Accept Passengers with KL Status in Itinerary:  Passengers who have an itinerary with KL status in  their reservation can be accepted if this option is allowed. The option must be checked to  be activated. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English). The passenger can confirm the itinerary but if it is necessary to update his electronic ticket it  will not be possible to continue with the acceptance by web check-in



Boarding Pass Sending Configuration:    Text configuration to be sent by email.

  • E-mail Subject: : Text that will be displayed in the email  subject line that will be received by sent to the passenger with the boarding pass. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English). If it is not configured, the web check-in process can not be completed. Email Body: Text that will be displayed in The subject contains the following data:
    • Name and Last Name: passenger's name and last name taken from the PNR
    • E-mail subject: subject chosen by the airline
    • Route: origin and destination of the flight taken from the PNR

Example: John Smith - Your Boarding Pass XX Airlines - EZE MIA



In this section, you
  • Email Body: Text that will be displayed in the email body that will be received by sent to the passenger with the boarding pass along with a .pdf format boarding pass. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English). If it is not configured, the web check-in process can not be completed


  • . In order to activate the use of Boarding Pass Web the following wildcard mus be entered: InsertBoardingPassWebLinkHere. This wildcard will displayed the legend "Boarding Pass Web" in the e-mail body with a link that gives access to the boarding on any web browser


 In this section, you can block booking classes that are not allowed to perform allowed  through Web Check-in. This means that for those passengers with itineraries  booked  in the classes set here, cannot be accepted on the flight through the web.

 If the passenger has an itinerary in connection and at least one of the flights involved is booked in a blocked class, the Web Check-in will not be allowed on any of the flights.

 If there is more than one open flight allowing the Web Check-in and those flights are not considered in connection, the passenger can only be accepted in those where the booking class is allowed.

 To configure a booking class, you must enter it together with the message that affected passengers will see. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English). To save the configuration, you must click on the Add button.

 Previously added classes will be displayed in the Blocked Classes Table, detailing each booking class and warning messages in each language. From this table, you can delete the classes by clicking on the delete button.


Seat Map

Seat Blocking

From this sub-menu, seats that will not be offered through Web Check-in can be configured by registration. For this reason  it is necessary to add the aircraft registration and the seats to be blocked separated by commas. Finally, you must click on the Add button.

 The previously blocked aircraft registrations and seats will be displayed in the Blocked Seats table. From this table, you can delete the blocking by clicking on the delete button.


Passenger type

In this section you can control different configurations for special passenger types.

Selectee passengers: those passengers identified as Selectee by DHS may or may not be accepted on the flight. In case of being accepted, a pre-boarding voucher will be issued instead of a boarding pass. In case this type of passengers are not accepted  on a flight, a message must be configured for the affected passengers so it can be visualizedvisualised. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English)

Inhibited Passengers: those passengers identified as Inhibited by DHS can not be accepted on the flight. A message must be configured for affected passengers so it can be visualized visualised . The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).

Passengers with SSR WCKN: those reservations that contain the non-standard SSR WCKN may or may not be accepted on the flight. In case of being accepted, In case of being accepted, a pre-boarding voucher will be issued instead of a boarding pass. In case this type of passengers are not accepted  on a flight, a message must be configured for the affected passengers so it can be visualizedvisualised. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English)


Declaration message

In this section you can configure the declaration message that the passengers will have to accept in order to continue with the web check-in process.The message must be configured in Spanish Child Passenger: For those bookings with adults and child passengers you may choose whether the child passenger can be accepted independently o not. In case that child is allowed, the can be accepted on the flight with no adult, if not they will have to be confirmed with and adult or a previously checked adult. A message has to be configured for the not allowed case. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).The maximum number of characters accepted is 500.


Frequent Traveler


When cancelling the web check-in there is no control for passenger type, any passenger may be cancelled and no extra control or logic applies. On the flight history all accepted or cancelled passengers will be recorded (PH command).

Declaration message

In this section , you can configure if the airline intends  to offer passengers the declaration message that the passengers will have to accept in order to continue with the web check-in process.The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).The maximum number of characters accepted is 500.

Frequent Traveler

In this section, you can configure if the airline intends  to offer passengers the possibility of entering their frequent traveler's number. The option must be checked in order to be activated. 

In case this option is offered, the airline code and name of the frequent flyer program must be added or the airline and then click on the Add button. Frequent flyer programs previously entered will be displayed in the Configured Airlines table, along with the code and name.  From this table, you can delete a program by clicking on the delete button.


Free Seating Message

En aquellos casos en los que la matricula asignada al el vuelo no asigne asientos se debe comunicar a los pasajeros a través de un mensaje que no existe la posibilidad de elección de sillas. El mensaje se debe configurar en español e inglés, ingresando el texto en cada pestaña (ES para Español y EN para inglés).

En caso que la matricula del vuelo no asigne asientos (SEAT:N en PC) los pasajeros podrán realizar web check-in e imprimir su boarding pass o tarjeta de pre-embarque con el indicado NS (No seat). En la pantalla de selección de asientos se desplegar el mensaje que la línea aérea desee desplegar



In those cases in which the aircraft  registration assigned to a flight does not assign seats,a warning message must be provided to the passengers- advising that there is no seat selection available In those cases in which the aircraft  registration assigned to a flight does not assign seats,a warning message must be provided to the passengers- advising that there is no seat selection available .The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES)for Spanish and (EN )for English.

Moreover passengers can check-in and print their boarding pass or pre-boarding card with the indicated NS (No seat)sign. On the seat selection screen, the message will be displayed.

Error messages

In this section, you can configure special error messages.

DHS Verification Error - Missing data for DHS: When DHS data verification fails or is not sufficient, passengers cannot continue with the Web Check-in procedure. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).

Message for UMNR Passengers: If a reservation only has a passenger type CHD (child), it will not allowed for web check-in, since the system assumes it as a minor that  may not be accompanied, so a warning message will be displayed . The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES ) for Spanish and ( EN ) for English).Moreover passengers can check-in and print their boarding pass or pre-boarding card with the indicated NS (No seat)sign. On the seat selection screen, the

Message for Closed Flights: when the flight control panel (PC) is configured to accept passengers via web (parameter WCHK) a warning message will be displayed .



Error messages

In this section, you can configure special error messages.


DHS Verification Error - Missing data for DHS: When DHS data verification fails or is not sufficient, the passenger cannot continue with the Web Check-in procedure. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the to the passenger. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En EN for English). 

Message for UMNR INFT Passengers: If a reservation only has a passenger type CHD (child) when an INFT passenger type is present in a reservation, it will not be allowed to accept it on the flight, since the system assumes it as a minor that  may not be accompanied, so a warning message will be displayed . The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text possible for web check-in , so it is necessary to display a warning message.

Error Message for  non-ticketed PNRs : if a passenger attempts to web check-in with a non-ticketed PNR , a warning message must be displayed that it will not be eligible for web check-in.

 Web Check-in Conditions

In this section you can configure the text that passengers can check before starting the flight conditions acceptance. A text with a link to the conditions must be included. This chosen text must be configured in English and Spanish in each tab(ES for Spanish and EN for English).


Message for Closed Flights: when the flight control panel (PC) is configured to accept passengers via the web (parameter WCHK) a warning message will be displayed to the passenger. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).


Message for INFT Passengers: when an INFT passenger type is present in a reservation, it will not be possible to accept any of the passengers, so it is necessary to display a warning message.


Error Message for  non-ticketed PNRs : if a passenger attempts to web check-in  with a non-ticketed PNR , a warning message must be displayed that it will not be possible.


 Web Check-in Conditions

In this section you can configure the text that passengers can check before starting the flight conditions acceptance.) A text with a link to the conditions must be included. This chosen text must be configured in English and Spanish in each tab(ES for Spanish and EN for English). The conditions must be loaded through a .pdf file. When the passenger wishes to verify the conditions of the airline to perform the web check-in, the previously loaded .pdf file will be displayed on the screen as a pop-up window of the browser used.

If you do not configure a text for the default link, the following information is displayed for the link: Information to complete your web Check-In .




In this section, it is possible to configure a tooltip that will be displayed when the user places the cursor in the PNR and / or last name fields on the search screen, showing a message configured by the airline on the search page. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).



Boarding Pass 

.In this section, you can configure and customize the boarding pass to be delivered to the passenger.


The first step is to set up a template or template in PDF format that will serve as a basis so that it is then completed with the passenger and flight information; click on the Web Check-in button .Image Removed The maximum size of the template file is 1mb.



Passenger and flight data will be completed through different elements, which can be located or moved to fit the previously loaded template design. The loaded template may contain referential titles, images, texts and indications that the airline considers necessary for the passenger's understanding. By clicking on the Preview button, you can check the last saved boarding pass. Keep in mind that some browsers can block the pop-up window that opens the preview, so the user must allow the browser to do so.


The elements that contain the passenger and flight data must be relocated to fit the loaded template, taking as reference an X axis (bottom edge of the template) and a Y axis (left edge of the template), always considering the units in pixels. In this way, each element is adjusted to the design that the airline wants to implement.

Image Removed

Then, an example of a template with reference titles and additional baggage information for the passenger is added. The airline can update the template as many times as needed. The loaded template application will be available from the moment the information is saved, by clicking on the Save button.

View file

You can verify the active boarding pass model by clicking on the button that will display a popup window with the template that is being used.

Boarding Pass Elements

There are mandatory elements that are part of the boarding pass and can not be deleted  but  they can be edited and seached. To modify, click on the Web Check-in button>Image Removedfrom the list of elements, this action will display a pop-up screen where the coordinates can be modified , size and type of source.

  • Ticket_Number
  • Flight
  • Passenger_Name
  • Departure_Time
  • Departure_Date
  • To
  • From
  • Boarding Time
  • Gate
  • Seat
  • Sequence Number
  • Barcode

Add Elements


You can add the following elements by clicking on the button Image Removed     The elements that can be added are the following:                                          



It is possible to add a  FOID to the boarding pass print of the passenger checked. The FOID element must be selected; . The conditions must be loaded through a .pdf file. When the passenger wishes to verify the conditions of the airline to perform the web check-in, the previously loaded .pdf file will be displayed on the screen as a pop-up window of the browser used.

If you do not configure a text for the default link, the following information is displayed for the link: Information to complete your web Check-In .


In this section, it is possible to configure a tooltip that will be displayed when the user places the cursor in the PNR and / or last name fields on the search screen, showing a message configured by the airline on the search page. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).

Boarding Pass 

In this section, you can configure and customize the boarding pass to be delivered to the passenger.

The first step is to set up a template or template in PDF format that will serve as a basis so that it is then completed with the passenger and flight information; click on the Web Check-in button ."Upload Boarding Pass" The maximum size of the template file is 1mb.

Passenger and flight data will be completed through different elements, which can be located or moved to fit the previously loaded template design. The loaded template may contain referential titles, images, texts and indications that the airline considers necessary for the passenger's understanding. By clicking on the Preview button, you can check the last saved boarding pass. Keep in mind that some browsers can block the pop-up window that opens the preview, so the user must allow the browser to do so.


The elements that contain the passenger and flight data must be relocated to fit the loaded template, taking as reference an X axis (bottom edge of the template) and a Y axis (left edge of the template), always considering the units in pixels. In this way, each element is adjusted to the design that the airline wants to implement.

Image Added

Then, an example of a template with reference titles and additional baggage information for the passenger is added. The airline can update the template as many times as needed. The loaded template application will be available from the moment the information is saved, by clicking on the Save button.

View file

You can verify the active boarding pass model by clicking on the button that will display a pop-up window with the template that is being used.

Boarding Pass Elements

There are mandatory elements that are part of the boarding pass and can not be deleted  but  they can be edited and searched. To modify, click on the Web Check-in button>Image Addedfrom the list of elements. This action will display a pop-up screen where the coordinates can be modified , size and type of source.

  • Ticket_Number
  • Flight
  • Passenger_Name
  • Departure_Time
  • Departure_Date
  • To
  • From
  • Boarding Time
  • Gate
  • Seat
  • Sequence Number
  • Barcode

Add Elements

You can add the following elements by clicking on the button Image Added     The elements that can be added are the following:                                          


You can add the  "Departure Airport Name" that will display the name of the departure airport. The DEPARTURE_AIRPORT_NAME element must be selected with the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so the element can be displayed.


You can add the  "Arrival Airport Name" that will display the name of the arrival airport. The Arrival_AirportName element must be selected with the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so the element  element can be displayed.



Any customizable element can be added  by the administrator to the boarding pass print . The CUSTOM item must be selected;


You can add the  "Departure City Name" that will display the name of the departure city. The Departure City Name element must be selected with the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to so the element can be displayed.


"Operated by" element can be  added to the boarding pass print. This is extracted from the OPTG configuration of the flight PC or control panel of the operating carrier.. The item OPERATED_BY must be selected;


You can add the  "Arrival City Name" that will display the name of the arrival city. The Arrival City Name element must be selected with the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to so the element can be displayed.


Boarding group and Boarding group identifier can be  added


It is possible to add a  FOID to the boarding pass print of the passenger checked. The item BOARDING_GROUP and BOARDING_GROUP_IDENTIFIER FOID element must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so that the element can  begin to can be displayed.



Pre-Departure Card 

In this section you can configure and customize a pre-departure card.

Pre-departure card

The pre-departure card contains almost all the same elements as the Boarding Pass, although the following are excluded:

  • 2D bar code
  • Order number

The purpose of this voucher is to force to  the passenger go through the check-in counters,instead of  showing up directly at the boarding gate.

The first step is to set up a template or template in PDF format that will serve as a basis so that it is then completed with the passenger and flight information; the button that  must be clicked

Image Removed.The file template maximum size is 1mb-


Passenger and flight data will be completed through different elements, which can be located or moved to fit the previously loaded template design. The loaded template may contain referential titles, images, texts and indications that the airline considers necessary for the passenger's understanding. By clicking on the Preview button, you can check the last saved boarding pass. Keep in mind that some browsers can block the pop-up window that opens the preview, so the user must allow the browser to do so.


The elements that contain the passenger and flight data must be relocated to fit the loaded template, taking as reference an X axis (bottom edge of the template) and a Y axis (left edge of the template), always considering the units in pixels. In this way, each element is adjusted to the design that the airline wants to implement.

Image Removed

Next , an example of a template with reference titles and additional baggage information for the passenger is added. The airline can update the template as many times as needed. The loaded template application will be available from the moment the information is saved, by clicking on the Save button.

View file

Boarding Pass Elements

 There are mandatory elements that are part of the boarding pass and can not be deleted but they can be  edited and located. To modify, click on the Web Check-in button>Image Removedfrom the element list. This action will display a pop-up window where you can modify coordinates ,size and font type.

  • Ticket_Number: 
  • Flight: 
  • Passenger_Name: 
  • Departure_Time: 
  • Departure_Date: 
  • To: 
  • From: 
  • Boarding Time: 
  • Gate: 
  • Seat: 

Add elements

You can add the following elements by clicking on the button Image Removed     The elements that can be added are the following:  


It is possible to add a  FOID to the boarding pass print of the passenger checked. The FOID element must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so the element  can be displayed.



Any customizable element can be added  by the administrator to the boarding pass print . The CUSTOM item must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to be displayed.


"Operated by" element can be  added to the boarding pass print. This is extracted from the OPTG configuration of the flight PC or control panel of the operating carrier.. The item OPERATED_BY must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to be displayed.


Boarding group and Boarding group identifier can be  added to the boarding pass print. The item BOARDING_GROUP and BOARDING_GROUP_IDENTIFIER must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font


Any customizable element can be added  by the administrator to the boarding pass print . The CUSTOM item must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to be displayed.


"Operated by" element can be  added to the boarding pass print. This is extracted from the OPTG configuration of the flight PC or control panel of the operating carrier.. The item OPERATED_BY must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass for which element begins to be displayed.


Boarding group and Boarding group identifier can be  added to the boarding pass print. The item BOARDING_GROUP and BOARDING_GROUP_IDENTIFIER must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so that the element can  begin to be displayed.

Web Boarding Pass

It is the format used to display the boarding pass in mobile devices, because it´s responsive, it adds QR code instead of 2D bar code. It is integrated with the header and footer of the web check-in flow and it also permits to configure information messages

  •  Web Boarding Pass Header: header displayes on top of the boarding highlighted in yellow
  • Important Information for Web Boarding Pass: important information to display at the end of the boarding pass.
  • Terms and conditions for Web Boarding Pass: terms and conditions to display at the end of the boarding pass.

Pre-Departure Card 

In this section you can configure and customize a pre-departure card.

Pre-departure card

The pre-departure card contains almost all the same elements as the Boarding Pass, although the following are excluded:

  • 2D bar code
  • Order number

The purpose of this voucher is to force to  the passenger go through the check-in counters,instead of  showing up directly at the boarding gate.

The first step is to set up a template or template in PDF format that will serve as a basis so that it is then completed with the passenger and flight information; the button that  must be clicked

Image Addedl.The file template maximum size is 1mb-


Passenger and flight data will be completed through different elements, which can be located or moved to fit the previously loaded template design. The loaded template may contain referential titles, images, texts and indications that the airline considers necessary for the passenger's understanding. By clicking on the Preview button, you can check the last saved boarding pass. Keep in mind that some browsers can block the pop-up window that opens the preview, so the user must allow the browser to do so.


The elements that contain the passenger and flight data must be relocated to fit the loaded template, taking as reference an X axis (bottom edge of the template) and a Y axis (left edge of the template), always considering the units in pixels. In this way, each element is adjusted to the design that the airline wants to implement.

Image Added

Next , an example of a template with reference titles and additional baggage information for the passenger is added. The airline can update the template as many times as needed. The loaded template application will be available from the moment the information is saved, by clicking on the Save button.

View file

Boarding Pass Elements

 There are mandatory elements that are part of the boarding pass and can not be deleted but they can be  edited and located. To modify, click on the Web Check-in button>Image Addedfrom the element list. This action will display a pop-up window where you can modify coordinates ,size and font type.

  • Ticket_Number: 
  • Flight: 
  • Passenger_Name: 
  • Departure_Time: 
  • Departure_Date: 
  • To: 
  • From: 
  • Boarding Time: 
  • Gate: 
  • Seat: 

Add elements

You can add the following elements by clicking on the button Image Added     The elements that can be added are the following:  


It is possible to add a  FOID to the boarding pass print of the passenger checked. The FOID element must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the font size and type. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so that the element can  begin to the element  can be displayed.




In this section, you can enter those destinations that generate a pre-departure card instead of  a boarding pass. You must enter the airport code and then click on the Create button.

 The previously loaded destinations will be displayed in the Destinations table, detailing the IATA airport code; the name of the airport and city to which it belongs.You can delete destinations by clicking on the delete button..

Pre-boarding message


In this section, you can configure a message that will be displayed on all pre-boarding documents. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).



Web Check-in conditions

In this section you can configure the conditions or instructions that the airline wishes to present to the passenger before starting a reservation search.

From here you can enter the text to be displayed by the end user. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).

Upload conditions pdf.

From here you must upload the pdf file that will be opened when using the link. Click on Select File and then Save. In the lower part the last saved file will be displayed.



Pre-reserved seats


Web Check-in will only be able to process those seats that have been pre-assigned , this means that there are seats for all the passengers of the reservation; these seats can also be modified.

In case not all the seats are pre-assigned the acceptance process on the flight can not be completed.


KIU RES configuration


A specific equipment  registration must be associated with the table used in the flight loading module (KASAT)  so that, when a flight check-in containing such equipment is initialized, that aircraft registration is automatically assigned to the control panel and set the corresponding seat map. This action will allow the seat map to be used both for check-in and in the Web Check-in. To associate the aircraft registration with the equipment table, the command is as follows:



Code Block


Any customizable element can be added  by the administrator to the boarding pass print . The CUSTOM item must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add it; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so it can be displayed.


"Operated by" element can be  added to the boarding pass print. This is extracted from the OPTG configuration of the flight PC or control panel of the operating carrier.. The item OPERATED_BY must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so it can be displayed.


Boarding group and Boarding group identifier can be  added to the boarding pass print. The item BOARDING_GROUP and BOARDING_GROUP_IDENTIFIER must be selected; the coordinates where you want to add; the size and type of font. Finally, you must save the element and the changes on the boarding pass so it can be displayed.

Pre-departure Card Web

It is the format used to display the boarding pass in mobile devices. It is integrated with the header and footer of the web check-in flow and it also permits to configure information messages

  • Web Pre-departure Card Header: header displayed on top of the web pre-departure card highlighted in yellow.
  • Important Information for Web Pre-departure Card: important information to display at the end of the web pre-departure card.
  • Terms and conditions for Web Pre-departure Card: terms and conditions to display at the end of the web pre-departure card.


 In this section, you can enter those destinations that generate a pre-departure card instead of  a boarding pass. You must enter the airport code and then click on the Create button.

The previously loaded destinations will be displayed in the Destinations table, detailing the IATA airport code; the name of the airport and city to which it belongs.You can delete destinations by clicking on the delete button..

Pre-boarding Message


In this section, you can configure a message that will be displayed on all pre-boarding documents. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and En for English).

Web Check-in conditions

In this section you can configure the conditions or instructions that the airline wishes to present to the passenger before starting a reservation search.

From here you can enter the text to be displayed by the end user. The message must be configured in Spanish and English, entering the text in each tab (ES for Spanish and EN for English).

Upload conditions pdf.

From here you must upload the pdf file that will be opened when using the link. Click on Select File and then Save. In the lower part the last saved file will be displayed.

Pre-reserved seats

Web Check-in will only be able to process those seats that have been pre-assigned , this means that there are seats for all the passengers of the reservation; these seats can also be modified.

In case not all the seats are pre-assigned the acceptance process on the flight can not be completed.

KIU RES configuration


A specific equipment  registration must be associated with the table used in the flight loading module (KASAT)  so that, when a flight check-in containing such equipment is initialized, that aircraft registration is automatically assigned to the control panel and set the corresponding seat map. This action will allow the seat map to be used both for check-in and in the Web Check-in. To associate the aircraft registration with the equipment table, the command is as follows:

Code Block


No Format



KASAT Fixed command

Modifier indicator

231Equipment Item number to which the registration will be associated
OAR   Registration indicator
LV-WSHRegistration to assign (as it is entered in the OAR)
Una vez asociada la matrícula, la misma se visualizará al consultar el comando KASAT* en la columna OAR Default, tal como se muestra a continuación:

Once the registration is associated, it will be displayed when checking  the KASAT * command in the OAR Default column, as shown below:


Code Block
ITEM  EQP  (CAB/AU) CLASSES                                  ##   (OAR Default)
   1  SF3  (Y/34)YBHKMZGXNOEDRTVSQ                            17    LV-SMF
 231  DC9  (Y/110)YBKLMSOHEW                                  10    LV-WSH
 339  DC9  (F/5)FP(C/15)CJ(Y/90)YBKLMSOHEW                    14
 757  757  (J/12)JCD(Y/158)YBHKMNOS                           11    LV-MPD
Para eliminar una matrícula asociada a un equipo, se debe ingresar el siguiente comando:

To delete an aircraft registration associated  with an aircraft, the following command must be entered:


Code Block


No Format

When performing this command, the system will leave no associated registration with  the system will remove any registration linked to the equipment located in item 231 of the KASAT *.

Inhibir Inicialización Automática

Esta es una tabla de excepción para que los vuelos que allí se indiquen no se inicialicen automáticamente para el check-in. Es necesario tener el keyword CHKLV2 para actualizar esta tabla. Los comandos para la administración de esta tabla son los siguientes:

Despliegue de tabla:


Inhibit Automatic Initialization

This is an exception table so that the flights indicated here are not automatically initialized for check-in. It is necessary to have the CHKLV2 keyword  to update this table. The commands for the administration of this table are the following:

Table display

Code Block


Code Block
4421    8800    8000    5111    4500   

Agregar vuelo:

Este comando permite agregar un vuelo a la tabla de bloqueo de inicialización de vuelos

Add flight:

This command allows you to add a flight from the automatic initialization block table:

Code Block
PIB/A-{númeroflight de vuelonumber}


No Format


Comando fijo
Fixed command(Initialization Blocked)
Indicador de agregar
Add indicator (ADD)
Número de vuelo

Eliminar vuelo:

Este comando permite eliminar un vuelo de la tabla de bloqueo de inicialización automática:


Flight number

Delete Flight:

 This command allows you to delete a flight from the automatic initialization block table:

Code Block
PIB/D-{númerofligh denumber vuelo}


No Format


Excepción de Vuelos y Segmentos No Aceptados

Esta tabla permite seleccionar los segmentos de vuelos que no deberán ser aceptados en el Web Check-in, es decir aquellos segmentos que no permitirán al pasajero realizar el check-in a través de la web. Los comandos para la administración de esta tabla son los siguientes:

Despliegue de tabla:

Comando fijo
Fixed command (Initialization Blocked)
Indicador de eliminar (
Número de vuelo
Cuando las respuestas son correctas el sistema responderá OK.
Flight number

When the responses are correct the system will reply OK

Flights Exceptions and Segments Not Accepted

This table allows you to select the flight segments that should not be accepted through the Web Check-in, that is, those segments that will are not eligible  through web check-in. The commands for the administration of this table are the following:

Table Display:

Code Block


No Format


  • No se permite combinar la opción ALL con números de vuelos específicos para un mismo segmento, como así tampoco se puede cargar vuelos y luego la opción de ALL para un mismo segmento, debiendo optar por una lógica o la otra.
  • Si bien los vuelos no aceptarán pasajeros vía web, el indicador WCHK permanecerá en Y (Yes) en el PC del vuelo.

Agregar vuelo y segmento:

El siguiente comando permite agregar un vuelo y su correspondiente segmento a la tabla PXS:


  • ALL option cannot be combined with specific flight numbers for the same segment,as well as flight loads and then ALL option for the same segment. Only one logic can be selected.
  • Although flights will not accept passengers via web, the WCHK indicator will remain in Y (Yes) on the flight PC.

Add flight and segment:

The following command allows to add a flight and its corresponding  segment to the PXS table:

Code Block


No Format


Este comando permite agregar un segmento para todos los vuelos de la empresa a la tabla:

Comando fijo
Fixed command (Exception Segment)
Indicador de Agregar
Add indicator
Número de vuelo seguido del segmento a inhibir
Agregar segmento para todos los vuelos:
Flight number followed by the segment to inhibit

Add segment for all flights:

This command allows to add a segment for all  airline flights to the table.

Code Block


No Format

Comando fijo
Fixed format (Exception Segment)
Indicador de agregar
Add indicator
ALLAEPMDQTodos los vuelos (ALL) seguido del segmento a inhibir
ALLAEPMDZAll flights followed by the segment to inhibit(AEPMDZ)
Eliminar vuelo y segmento

Delete flight and segment

No Format
Eliminar segmento (todos los vuelos

Delete segment ( All flights)

No Format


Comando fijo
Fixed command (Exception Segment)
Indicador de eliminar
Delete indicator
Número de vuelo seguido del segmento
Las respuestas correctas son OK.


Flight number followed by the segment

Correct system response are OK

 JJCHK Table

La tabla JJCHK contiene las configuraciones de comportamiento del JJCHK table contains the Web Check-in bajo la sección behavior configurations under the WEB CHECK-IN . Para solicitar modificaciones, enviar un correo al section. To request modifications, send an email to the Helpdesk o a su ejecutivo de cuentas. or your account executive

  • [WTO]WEB CHECK-IN TIME OPEN: indica cantidad de horas antes de la salida de vuelo en las se habilita a los pasajeros a ser aceptados por Indicates number of hours before flight departure in which passengers are allowed to be accepted by Web Check-in.
  • [WTM]WEB CHECK-IN TIME CLOSE:indica la cantidad de horas antes de la salida del vuelo en las que se inhabilita a los pasajeros a ser aceptados por   Indicates the number of hours before flight departure  in which passengers are not allowed to be accepted by Web Check-in.
  • [WGO]WEB CHECK-IN TIME OPEN (GROUPS): indica cantidad de horas antes de la salida de vuelo en las se habilita a los pasajeros en reservas de grupos a ser aceptados por   Indicates the number of hours before flight departure in which passengers are allowed in group bookings to be accepted by Web Check-in.
  • [WGM]WEB CHECK-IN TIME CLOSE (GROUPS): indica la cantidad de horas antes de la salida del vuelo en las que se inhabilita a los pasajeros en reservas de grupos a ser aceptados por Indicates the number of hours before flight departure  in which passengers are not allowed in group bookings to be accepted by Web Check-in.

  • [WSR]WEB CHECK-IN * SSR CHKD/SEAT GENERATION: Permite la inclusión del elemento SSR CHKD en los listados PNL para indicar los pasajeros ya chequeados por Web Check-Inelement is allowed to be added in PNL to indicate that passengers are already check through Web check-in.
  • [WER]WEB CHECK-IN EXTERNAL RECORD LOCATOR SEARCH: indica si el pasajero puede realizar Web Check-in con código de reserva de otros GDS Indicates if passenger is able to check in through the web with another GDS PNR.
  • [WPS]WEB CHECK-IN ALLOW PSGR SELECTEE: indica si los pasajeros de tipo Selectee son aceptados en el vuelo desde el Web Check-in.
Además, debe estar configurado el siguiente parámetro en la seccion
  • :  Indicates if Selectee passengers are accepted through web check-in 

In addition, the following parameter must be configured in the DEFAULT CHECK-IN INITIALIZATION :section.

  • [DBP]DEFAULT BOARDING PRINT: indica si la impresión del boarding pass se encuentra habilitada o no. En el caso de Web Check-in, dicho indicador debe estar configurado en "YES".



Proceso de Web Check-In

A continuación, se describirán los pasos que el pasajero final deberá realizar para ser aceptado en un vuelo. Tener en cuenta que para que el proceso sea exitoso, se deberán cumplir todos los requerimientos configurados en el Panel del Control del Vuelo (PC), por ejemplo el ingreso de información para completar APIS, tener ticket emitido, matricula de vuelo asignada, etc.

Vuelos en Conexión

Para que un pasajero pueda hacer web check-in de su itinerario en conexión todos los vuelos deben estar inicializados, con matricula y cumplir los horarios de aceptación de pasajeros desde la web según la configuración del JJCHK. El comportamiento es el mismo que se aplica en KIU RES

Vuelos en Conexión con Otras Aerolíneas

En caso que el pasajero tenga conexiones en su itinerario con otras aerolíneas con los que no se tiene acuerdo, se permitirá al pasajero hacer web check-in solo en los vuelos propios de la aerolínea.


Pasos para hacer Web Check-in

Sección en construccion


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  •  Indicates whether the boarding pass printing is enabled or not. In case it is enabled the indicator must be set to "YES

 Web Check-In process

Next, the final steps that the passenger must perform to be accepted on a flight will be described. Keep in mind that for the process to be successful, all the requirements configured in the Flight Control Panel (PC) must be met, for example the information entry  to complete APIS, holding a ticket , assigned flight registration, etc.

Connecting Flights

A passenger in order  to be able to check-in their itinerary online, all flights must be initialized, with registration and meet the passenger acceptance schedules from the web according to the JJCHK configuration. The behavior is the same as that applied in KIU RES.

Interline connecting flights.

In case of interline connecting flights  with no mutual agreement the passenger will be allowed to check-in only on the airline's own flights

Steps for web check-in

Under construction

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