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Table of Contents

Once results from the “LIST“ view are returned , and the desired user profile is located it can be modified by clicking on the user number whose atributtes are to be changed.

After clicking on the user number a summary will be display showing the user keywords, email , duty and the rest of the user profile components

For those filed contaning multiple information a dropdown menu will be enabled to visualize full information


Once on the user´s summary view quick action buttons will be shown allowing to perform quick actions.


Once the desired user profile has been retrieved , and by the quick action button , it can be deleted. This operation only requieres a confirmation from the managing user .

Once this action is completed the user will no longer be available and to retreive it , in the user list view , the option “DELETED” will need to be selected.


This action can be only applied to an active user. Once the managing user clicks on the deactivation button , same as with deletion , a pop up box will be shown requesting reason for deactviation and confirmation for the action.

If the user about to be deactivated still has sales report opened , the system will prompt a pop up message.

In case the managing user has the capability to close third party sales reports , such action will be enabled directly from the above report.


This option will allow the modification of several user profile aspects.

The user modification process can be split in three different sections , user inormation , permissions and finally a review - confirmation section.

In order to access de modification flow , the user will click on MODIFICATION and after that the follwing screen will be shown .


As stated above , the modification flow will walk the managing user through several steps , being the “INFORMATION“ step the landing one.

In the above screen name , last name , access email , RES Email , inactive time , among others. In order to change any of the above fields just input new text and after that hit NEXT.


The second screen for a modification will be the permissions screen , this screen will contain three subsections that can be modified , those sections will be

  1. DUTIES : Duties are identified by numbers and they are in the range from 1 to 8. Duties determe the system modules in which the user will be able to work and in conjunction with the keywords will determine whether or not certain actions can be performed.

  2. KEYWORDS : Keywords control the set of actions that an agent will be able to perfome within a certain module , as explained above , they work in conjunction with duties.

  3. QUEUE ACESS : This section controlls the queues (other from the agent´s home city) that will be accesible.

In regards of the steps to be followed , as seen on the screenshot , KIU CLICK has an user friendly way to allow management for any of the abvoe categories.

If any duty , queue , or keyword is to be removed , it will be enough just clicking on the “X” next to the desired component.

If addition is needed , it is enough just to click on add, by doing so , the system will pop up a contextual menu in which will pre popule duties and keywords and a brief explanation for them and in the case of queues, a box for the home city for the queue and the queue number will be shown.

Below some screenshots

In the above image , you can see how the duty code 1 (electronic accounts) has been removed.

For the opposite operation , the user should click on the “ADD” button and a contextual menu with options will be shown :

Those shown in green are those already present in the user profile and those in grey are those that could be added by clicking on the applicable box

Once the operation has been completed, the managing user can either choose to advance in the process (and save the changes) , moving to the next subsection (in this case CONFIRMATION) or if “BACK” is selected it will be redirected to the PERMISSIONS subsection in which the other section of the profile can be modified.

Keywords .

This section behaves the same as duties , meaning that removal or addition are triggered by “X” or “ADD” button

Image RemovedImage Added

For addition and as seen in keywords the system will show a menu indicating those keywords that the user already has and also the missing ones , along with a brief description

Additionaly and due to the keywords variety , the system will enable some extra options that allow to search for a specific keyword by typing it or view only those selected or unselected keywords .

Access Queues

Queues work the same way as duties and keyword , meaning that they can be removed by clicking on the “X“ icon or added by clicking on ADD

In case of the addition action , the user will be prompted to input the home city for the new queue as well the queue number

After the city and queue have been added , the “+“ should be clicked storing the information and also allowing a new city - queue input if needed or else allwing the user to go BACK or NEXT as requiered.


This is the last subsection of the modification flow , in this screen the user will have the chance to review the user before submitting changes , the navigational keys allow to IGNORE , CONFIRM or go BACK to the previous subsection as requiered.